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WORKBOOK Part 3.doc
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17 Complete these five sentences about yourself.

1 I sometimes ___ . 4 I usually ___ .

2 I never ___ . 5 I always ___ .

3 I often ___ .

Like, enjoy, love, be crazy about, be keen on,


1. After like, hate, love, enjoy, dislike, don’t mind, be keen on, be fond of etc we can use the –ing form of the verb

(gerund or verbal noun)

 Amy likes playing basketball.

 Jack doesn’t enjoy jogging in the mornings.

 I’m not very keen on watching football.

 She doesn’t mind doing aerobics.

 They are fond of doing tests.

2. Like, don’t like, be crazy about and other similar expressions can also be followed by a noun.

 He likes football.

 I don’t like basketball.

 She is crazy about windsurfing.

18 Put the verb in brackets into the ing form.

Sally and her parents love (1) _____________ (go) to the park in the summer. They like (2) ___________ (have) picnics and love (3) _____________ (sit) on the grass. Sally’s mother hates (4) ____________ (make) sandwiches so her father always makes them. Sally and her brother love (5) ____________ (play) with a ball in the park. Sally’s mother likes (6) __________ (lie) on the blanket and loves (7) ____________ (read) her favourite magazines. Sally loves (8) ___________ (listen) to the birds singing in the trees and her brother likes (9) ___________ (watch) the people in the park because they love (10) _________ (be) outdoors.

19 Match the sentences and the pictures.

20 Write what these people like (enjoy etc) or hate (dislike) doing. Use –ing form of the verbs in the list.

Read, watch, go, keep, do, listen to, take part in, surf, play

Example: Kitty likes theatre. Kitty likes going to the theatre.

  1. Sam hates Internet. ____________________________________

2 Peter likes hockey._____________________________________

3 Mandy is fond of ghost stories.____________________________

4 I dislike rock music._____________________________________

5 They are keen on sport competitions._______________________

6 She doesn’t mind videofilms.______________________________

7 Dan’s crazy about football._______________________________

8 They love pets.________________________________________

9 Jimmy hates written work.________________________________

10 We like computer games.________________________________

21 Change the sentence using the word in bold.

Example: He often takes fencing lessons in his free time. ENJOY

-He enjoys taking fencing lessons in his free time.

1 She never writes to her parents. HATE


2 They always listen to the radio in the evening. BE FOND OF


3 Kitty never works at weekends. DISLIKE


4 We usually play tennis on Fridays. ENJOY


5 My cousin often spends Christmas with us. LIKE


6 They usually keep pets at home. BE CRAZY ABOUT


7 He often takes swimming lessons in his free time. LOVE


8 She seldom watches soccer on TV. HATE


9 They rarely spend weekends together. NOT/LIKE


10 Every summer they go sailing on the lake. ENJOY


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