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Завдання для перевірки знань з лексики

Для більш ґрунтовного вивчення НТ 5 необхідно опрацювати зміст текстів, а саме:

Текст №1:The Court System of Ukraine.EnglishforLawyers: навчальний посібник / Кафедра мовознавства. – Хмельницький: ХУУП, 2011. – С.92.

Текст №2: Systems of Government. EnglishforLawyers: навчальний посібник / Кафедра мовознавства. – Хмельницький: ХУУП, 2011. – С.93-94.

Завдання до тексту №1: The Court System of Ukraine.EnglishforLawyers: навчальний посібник / Кафедра мовознавства. – Хмельницький: ХУУП, 2011. – С.92.

  1. Прочитайте та перекладіть текст. Випишіть незнайомі слова з транскрипцією та перекладом.

  2. Ознайомтесь та вивчіть нову лексику.

  3. Поставити 10-15 питань до тексту.

  4. Скласти план до тексту.

Завдання до тексту №2: : Systems of Government. EnglishforLawyers: навчальний посібник / Кафедра мовознавства. – Хмельницький: ХУУП, 2011. – С.93-94.

Прочитайте та перекладіть текст.

  1. Випишіть незнайомі слова з транскрипцією та перекладом.

  2. Ознайомтесь та вивчіть нову лексику.

Завдання для перевірки знань граматики

1. Вставте відповідний прийменник

  1. George Washington was born … Virginia … 1732

  2. ... the American Revolutionary War (...1775 and 1783) he was the Commander-in-Chief … the American forces.

  3. Washington played an important role ... the founding ... the United States.

  4. He became the first President… the United States.

  5. He was President… 1789 ... 1797.

  6. George Washington died ... the age… 67,… the 14th… December 1799.

  7. The capital ... the United States and one federal state are named ... George Washington.

2. Вставте відповідний прийменник

  1. I was … the mall last night.

  2. I am going to go …the movies tonight.

  3. Yesterday, the teacher gave the class a pop quiz and told them they had … fifteen minutes to do it.

  4. Last weekend I went for a walk in the woods … my dogs.

  5. My parents are going to be out …the country for a whole week.

  6. I was waiting … the corner … Tim Horton’s for over an hour!

  7. My parents are cheering … the Maple Leafs this season.

  8. I am scheduled to work … 4:30 pm. every day … Friday when I finish at 3:00 pm.

  9. At the concert, I didn’t like the person who sat … me.

  10. In order to catch the train I must leave … five o’clock.

Завдання для перевірки розуміння прочитаного

Прочитайте уважно текст. Виберіть зі списку А – Н речення, яке найкраще передає зміст кожної частини тексту. Однереченнязайве. Зразокподанонапочаткутексту.

A People go back to work fresh and relaxed.

B The government will cover all the costs.

C Even employees with difficult jobs can be replaced.

D Temporary employment may sometimes lead to a permanent job.

E The plan has not had a great effect on unemployment.

F Tim employer can pay more than the fixed rate.

G Denmark will make a new plan a regular cart of working life.

H The programme is supported by government financing.

The government of Denmark has found a way to motivate

workers and non-workers.


An ambitious experiment was carried out in Denmark last year. The idea was to give employees a year off while unemployed people temporarily took their places at work. It worked so well that the government has decided to make this normal practice.


The point of the experiment was to help workers and non-workers alike. The workers are allowed time to relax, enjoy their children, or improve their skills while being sure of getting their job back when they return. It helps to reduce stress and allows them to learn something new so they return to work better and happier people. Non-workers or people who have been unemployed for a long time, get a chance to get back to work, at least for a while.


With high unemployment rates throughout Europe, many counries are studying this new pro­gramme with interest. The unem­ployed get a chance to re-enter the workforce, which gives them hope for the future. The temporary replacements aren't guaranteed jobs, but a company often finds room to keep them on.


Civil servant Ilse Hytting went yachting in the Mediterranean on her break. She wanted to learn something about different people in different countries. Her office found it difficult to replace someone with her qualifications, so a colleague took her job to make room for an unemployed person.


Another problem this programme deals with is parental or study leave in private businesses. Government employers can usually find replacements for their pregnant workers or workers who take time off to study, but private employers find this more difficult. This has been made easier as government funding helps companies find replacements.


People on leave receive the equivalent to the top rate of unemployment benefit (£300). Those on parental or study leave receive 70 percent of the benefit. The employer in all cases is free to pay more if he wishes.


The unemployment rate in Den­mark has fallen, but critics say this is deceptive. The people who take over jobs temporarily are not counted as unemployed for that year. However, if they don't find a permanent position, they will be­come unemployed the next year. Thus, the programme may seem more effective in fighting unem­ployment than it really is.