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UNIT_3_ARTcorrectedWith pictures.docx
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Answer the questions. Then talk about your answers.

  1. What is beauty? What do you find beautiful?

  2. What do you feel while looking at a beautiful painting, a sculpture, or a tiny flower?

  3. Do you enjoy going to museums and looking at paintings or sculptures?

  4. What art objects or art works do you like to have around you?

  5. What do you think our world would be like without art?

I. Listening and reading

L isten to the text

R ead and translate it


A rt is the most beautiful expression of the human mind! Its beginnings go far back in time. Our prehistoric ancestors expressed their beliefs, their feelings, described their way of life, and left that as inheritance for their followers, through art.

Clear proofs of this are cave paintings such as the ones at Alsace, France, and also the small statuettes or statuary groups (“the Thinker” from Harangue).

Art was always strongly linked to technology, both of them evolvings imultaneously. After the prehistoric period ended, the antique period flourishedincredibly and gave artists thumbs up to everything they set their minds on and desired to create.

These artists, as well as their predecessors didn't create out of obligation, on the contrary, pleasure and passion was what drove them!

Their enjoyment was always present in the tiresome process of turning a rough piece of marble into an angel, as they had the "whole picture" in mind from the very start.

The Arts play a large role in the expression of inner thoughts and beauty in our lives. The Arts play a valued role in creating cultures and developing and documenting civilizations. The Arts teach us how to communicate through creative expression, how to imagine, create, and reflect. Art shows people’s individualism.

Art is everywhere, look at the trees, at the immensity of the space, the stars and the little world of an ant, everything is such a masterpiece!

II. Vocabulary

  1. immensity[ɪˈmensəti]

With what immensity the sky stretched over the world!

  1. masterpiece[ˈmɑːstəˌpiːs]

"For that, I'll give you a masterpiece,' he promised.

  1. expression [ɪkˈspreʃən]

Laughter is one of the most infectious expressions of emotion.

  1. impress [ɪmˈpres]

I could not help being impressed by his ideas.

  1. inspire[ɪnˈspaɪə]

His passion for literature inspired him to begin writing.

  1. admire[ədˈmaɪə]

I admire your goodness of heart.

  1. ancestors[ˈænsestə ]

He was also impulsive

like his ancestor.

  1. inheritance[ɪnˈherɪtəns]

Preserving cultural inheritance of the past centuries is a primary task.

  1. evolve [ɪˈvɒlv]

The painter evolved his ideas about form and colour out of the work of an earlier artist.

  1. statuettes [ˌstætʃuˈet]

A few statuettesof the famous Giakomettiwere staged in the Museum.

  1. antique[ænˈtiːk]

She had that curious beauty of body, that made her somewhat like a figure on an antique vase.

  1. flourish[ˈflʌrɪʃ]

Art flourishes where there is a sense of adventure.

  1. incredibly [ɪnˈkredəbli]

“She's incredibly proud of you.”"

  1. tiresome [ˈtaɪə(r)s(ə)m]

The process of creating a piece of art can be a tiresome job.

  1. predecessors ['priːdɪˌsesə]

His nephewfollowed the glorious career of his predecessors.

  1. thumbup[θʌmʌp]

That idea was given the thumbs up.

  1. marble [ˈmɑːbəl]

Curving marble stepswith a rail of polished brass led from the hotel-lobby down to the barber shop.

  1. drive (drove, driven)

His pride drove him to complete the job.

  1. imagine

“It's all so hard to imagine,” she said after a while.

необъятность,безмерность, грандиозность, неизмеримость,


Как неизмеримо раскинулось небо над миром!


«За это я нарисую вам целый шедевр!»



Смех - это наиболее заразительное проявление эмоций.

производить впечатление, поражать

Я не мог не поразиться его мыслям.

внушать, побуждать, вдохновлять

Страсть к чтению вдохновила его заняться писательством.

любоваться, рассматривать с восхищением; восторгаться

Я восхищаюсь вашим добрым сердцем.

прародитель, предок

Он,как и его предок, отличался храбростью.

наследие, наследство

Сохранить культурное наследие прошлых веков – это одна из важнейших задач.


Этот художник развил свои представления о форме и цвете, изучая работы более старого мастера.

статуэтка, фигурка

В музее были выставлены несколько статуэток работы знаменитогоДжиакометти.


Она блистала той редкой красотой, которая делала ее похожей на на фигурку женщины на античной вазе.

процветать, преуспевать

Искусство процветает там,

где есть страсть к неизведанному.

невероятно, очень

«Она невероятно тобой гордится.»

утомительный, изнурительный

Процесс создания произведения искусство может быть утомительной работой.

предок, предшественник

Его племянник пошел по славным стопам своих предков.

одобрять, поддерживать

Идею горячо поддержали.


Изгибающаяся мраморная лестница с блестящими медными перилами вели из холла отеля вниз в парикмахерскую.

побуждать, заставлять

Гордость заставила его закончить работу.

воображать, представлять себе

Все это так трудно себе представить, - спустя некоторое время произнесла она.

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