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Unit 1.doc
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31. Decide whether the following statements are true or false according to the text.

  1. Indoor air quality is always better than the air outdoors.

  2. The dust accumulated on the floor presents a threat of respiratory problems.

  3. Do take measures to get rid of radon if you find that you have a below-normal level of it in your home.

  4. The chemicals that make smoking hazardous get into the walls, floors, and furniture and cause harm even when no one is smoking.

  5. Molds and dust mites build up in areas where there is a low level of moisture.

  6. Chemicals contained in laundry products, dish soaps, and air fresheners can send lots of chemicals into the air.

32. Answer the following questions.

  1. Why can indoor air quality be worse than the air outdoors?

  2. Where can pollutants build up?

  3. What should be done to lessen the chance of tracking in dust?

  4. What is radon?

  5. Are there radon tests that you can purchase and perform at home?

  6. What is a common misconception about second-hand smoke?

  7. How can you accomplish keeping the humidity in your home around 30-50%?

  8. Why should natural products be used?


33. Combine the words from the column on the left with the suitable nouns from the column on the right. Translate them into Russian.

1) continuous

a) level

2) well-ventilated

b) flooring

3) respiratory

c) home

4) hardwood

d) ingredient

5) radon

e) fan

6) above-normal

f) breezes

7) common

g) smoke

8) second-hand

h) problem

9) exhaust

i) misconception

10) leaky

j) test

11) natural

k) plumbing

34. Form the verbs from the following nouns.

diffusion →…

performance →…

accumulation →…

measurement →…

purchase →…

dehumidification →…

accomplishment →…

consideration →…

35. Find in the text the synonyms of the following words.

to collect - …

danger - …

to moisten - …

to conduct - …

to perform - …

component - …

36. Find in the text the antonyms of the following words.

colorful - …

to dissipate - …

softwood - …

inside - …

to diminish - …

artificial - …

37. Fill in the correct prepositions, translate the phrases, then choose any three items and make up sentences of your own.

1) to breath ___ large quantities; 2) to get rid ___ air pollution; 3) to keep the floors ___ fresh ___ possible; 4) ___ either case; 5) chemicals get ___ the walls; 6) to keep the humidity ___ your home ___ 30-50%; 7) to send lots ___ chemicals ___ the air.

38. Translate the following words and phrases into English using the vocabulary of the text.

Рассеивать загрязнение, хорошо проветриваемый дом, иметь тенденцию скапливаться, проблемы дыхательных путей, в больших количествах, нанимать профессионала, уровень радона сверх нормы, принимать меры, высокий уровень влажности, пропускающее уплотнение.


39. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the functions of the verb “to do”.

1) Did you know that indoor air quality can be worse than the air outdoors? 2) Here are five things you can do to get rid of air pollution in the home. 3) Do keep a mat at the front door so that there’s less chance of tracking in dust. 4) You can hire a professional to do the test for you. 5) If you find that you have an above-normal level of radon in your home, do take measures to get rid of it. 6) Don’t give your houseplants too much water.


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