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Traditions Wars 10.18.07.doc
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The real na is the caring and the sharing. All else is stage setting. Were we to grow large in worldly terms and lose our simple message of hope, we would have to make another program.



from New Webster's Dictionary 1997 Edition:      1) political---adj---of or pertaining to politics      2) politic---adj---shrewdly judicious in support of an aim      3) correct---v.t.---to put right//to remove faults from//to admonish, reprove//to adjust ---adj---true//accurate//conventional


from Marriam-Webster Dictionary 1990 Edition      1) political correctness ---n--- conformity to a belief that language and practices which could offend political sensibilities should be eliminated.


  The case for breaking the bounds of political correctness has its roots in the study of the above definitions. We as a fellowship have fallen into the trap of allowing a select few in power to dictate how the vast majority are to conduct themselves. This began as an effort to expand and improve our World Service Office.  It is just human nature that people who feel they are at the center will try to dominate and control. It is part of our spiritual nature to resist control. Surrender is a different matter. The part of the definition that most applies to our case in recent NA history is from the practices that have been eliminated. The political sensibilities of the power structure are always offended when strong members voice their opinions and demand full participation rights for the Fellowship. The power structure that has evolved in NA has a strong incentive to push political correctness for they know that the less there is of a free and open exchange of ideas the more chances they have to remain in power. This may be due to poor hiring practices or the general influx of people drawn from a business community that thrives on such practices.  Our ‘special relationship’ as addicts seeking recovery is likely seen as a tactic or control ploy to outsiders. The power structure is able to manipulate the Fellowship by keeping it uninformed of its true desires. They will put out bulletins that are self-serving. They will control the agenda at the WSC. They will allow their CAR motions to have a full intent attached to it but not a motion from a region. They will have literature published that the entire fellowship has not seen much less heard about. They will conduct secret meetings that affect the Fellowship as a whole. They would deem those who will not stoop to such tactics as idealistic and inexperienced. They expect no one to question anything they do. To do so would be wrong since they know what is best. And of course, no one brings up a conflict of interests between “us and them” – it would be politically incorrect!

List of assertions


          Whatever happens, our common welfare comes first. The comings and goings of world service is small compared to the multitude of NA members staying clean, helping others and opening the meetings all over the world every night.

          Twelve Traditions make it clear that leaders should do so by power of example, not position of perceived power or unwarranted authority.

          The Will of a Loving God is expressed through group conscience, not a service board or committee.

          The NA name is never given to an outside organization. This is to make clear the special position of NA in the hearts of its members and to prevent certain disorders including attempts to ‘control’ what members say and think.



One member shares:


I remember the the 1st stirrings of hope coming from the experience strength and hope of addicts shared without regard to the judgments of others. To hear an addict speak passionately about the degradations of their disease, the miracle of recovery, and the day to day footwork of honesty, open-mindedness and the willingness to try that reached the last part of me that almost dared to believe in something again.  Some of those addicts were colorful, or difficult, or just plain strange, but their heartfelt, genuine sharing led me to believe that if I just didn’t use and kept it real, things might change. I was desperate enough to keep coming to meetings regardless of how i felt about myself or what i imagined people might think of me.


I remember hearing "your a member when you say you are" and thinking...the bastards cant throw me out, doesn’t matter if no one approves of me, I’m staying. I was allowed to recover by addicts who valued honesty over conformity. As I gained some clean time, the temptation to compromise that primitive honesty by imitating what I thought others would approve of became an issue. I told my sponsor that I wanted to get involved with regional service, we talked a bit about my motivations for wanting to go from no service to regional service. Ego, prestige and artificial belonging were the motivating factors.


Never one to mince words, he told me, "Son, if you think your a big shot in NA, you’ve missed the whole point." He suggested I reach out to the folks at my home group that looked the most desperate, the newcomer that made folks feel uncomfortable (people like me!!!) Later he suggested I make coffee so I would be in place for those newcomers before and after the meetings. I have that as my foundation for service, so when I’ve served as a GSR, or meeting secretary or subcommittee chair its still about honesty and the newcomer. Political correctness is about not believing in the personal truth of recovery, it’s a conformist action to protect oneself from the journey of self-discovery. It’s a ‘monkey see, monkey do’ charade of the true process of recovery where difficult truths are arrived at and shared with each other. That’s very uncomfortable stuff for corporate NA, it’s messy, and impossible to control, but its real, and the sterile group-speak message of the ‘me too’ crowd will never be sufficient to invite an addict to live. Political correctness is a hollow hope. It’s a message without spirit.

The question then is, “how do we take the political correctness out of the fellowship?”  We do this, by this work and the voice of its collective writers, being broadcast over as wide an area as possible. We shed light on the power structure by getting the word out that there is another view. We stress that there are loyal NA members who have a different opinion. These members must be heard. We continue to publish new and exciting literature for the newcomer. We continue to make the literature accessible to the fellowship at cost or only slightly above cost.


We never let someone’s political sensibilities be what defines how we share, what we share, where we share. As we grow to health through 12 Step recovery, we become free of defects that used to cloud our thinking and become capable of making good decisions. The true history of NA, which means all of the history of NA, good and bad, must be known throughout the Fellowship. This doesn’t mean we are insensitive to our members or try to use high impact language at every chance, we just don’t let business concerns enter into recovery concerns. This is most important in our written material. For the Fellowship to grow and prosper, all members are entitled to a Fellowship where all ideas are heard. All members must have a voice that is strong in the selection of our leaders. These leaders must allow all opinions to be heard and to matter. Political correctness and the damage it has done must be eliminated or the Fellowship will continue to suffer the consequences and addicts will continue to die needlessly.


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