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Traditions Wars 10.18.07.doc
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I. The inception


In order to share how the committee started you need to understand the why.


When I got clean treatment centers were flooding the rooms of NA. "People did not recover in NA alone" was the message; you had to go to AA in order to have long-term recovery. Going to AA meetings I heard them defend their message. Neal H. took me to many different meetings in NA, in many different towns, and I meet many new people that were recovering in NA alone. We always made at least one H&I meeting during the week. 90 in 90 was the official creed. Early on he directed me to a member that was doing H&I in a local prison. That meeting became my regular Tuesday night meeting for 5 years.  Through active service, workshops and learning days I was able to meet BO S., Greg P. Motorcycle Ed, Bill B., Tully A., Susie S. Mike, Billy R., Rick A. These people helped to shape my understanding of service. I learned that people did recover in NA and that NA had a different message. I HEARD IT. WOW!!!!!!!!! What an awakening.... I heard Larry North share at a spiritual NA gathering at Cheeha State Park in Northeastern Alabama as the 3rd paragraph of We Do Recover was read. A love affair was born. A love affair with this fellowship, and our message began. I wanted to share that. Members brought back the 3rd paragraph as an opening reading to our group and we began to read it at every meeting.

In area service we understood that we did not know everything, so we asked some of the people mentioned above, and others to come share in workshops about our message and how to carry that message. We are not addicted to crosses, poly’s, anda's or anything else. I wondered how I would be received, if I said hello, I am Grover, and I am a welder.... We learned and grew, our area grew and so did our service committee meetings.

We heard about inclusive service, leading by example, how our book was written, and some of our pamphlets. We heard that addicts could somehow no longer write, the book was a fluke. Many other things were being done and said in that time period that threatened what we saw as a Spiritually based service structure and were in conflict with our Traditions. We took a stand. Anytime someone stands for something you will have opposition. We saw many members standing for Spiritually based service and our Traditions as a guide while others wanted to streamline the process and turn writing over to the professionals. To some of us the very thing that helped us to fell and be a part of, was sighted for dismantle and termination.



II. The Committee forms


If we are hurting what does our sponsor tell us? Write! History cannot be written from one person’s point of view, or it is distorted, and perverted... Orson Wells 1984 gave us an inside view of this. Only those that fear the light, cling to the darkness.... Our disease does not want us to recover. I believe it is the same with the fellowship at large. An addict went to Motorcycle Ed’s home and asked, “ what we could do to bring healing, if a Fourth Step heals, could we not do a Fourth Step in the form of history and heal?" Ed, and the member prayed in that room, and felt if addicts can recover through a historical look at their life then maybe the fellowship could find unity after a historical look at itself. After much prayer and thought, this was taken through the service structure and approved. Bill B. was given the intent and was asked if he would chair the committee for NA History. He accepted. I was voted in as Co-Chair. That trip to Ed’s house gave us our start. Bill saying yes sealed the deal. We were on.

 The intent of the committee was to gather facts. Interview people, gather documents and make it available for all members. We knew that many people see one wreck from many different points of view. So to be honest, fair, searching, and fearless all avenue's had to be researched. The Basic Text project gave us a perfect tried and proven method of how to do this. There were many facts to consider, we were an aging fellowship, and many had passed, I feared many more would before it is done. Time was important. Below is a picture of first History Committee. Left to right is, member, Richard and wife from Guntersville Al., member, member, Bill B. Decatur Al., Grover N. Athens Al. These members worked hard, worked together, raised money and hosted the first Conference in Madison Al.



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