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Traditions Wars 10.18.07.doc
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Chapter Six History Movement Starts in Alabama Madison History Conference

Planners: Bill B. Ed C. and others from N. A. Area were main plannners. Mainly to start Bill B. Ed C and myself. made the first three and then formed committee.

I have stated from the start and before that the transcripts should be in. Or published as a separate piece. Bo you and I can to the thought for the book on my drive home from Decatur via cell phone. I thank we talked from Florence to Little Rock and beyond.

We were later gifted with the title, but the book was born through that conversation.

I have gotten a little frustrated with the work due to the fact that I feel I feel I am repeating myself and repeating again. So I have felt discouraged. I have to work while inspired, to force it is not working.

There is confusion between Madison and Montgomery. I think some tapes were mislabeled.

Madison Was first, Bo, Joseph, Greg, Grateful, Ed were all there and panel speakers with Tully giving a great opening.

Montgomery, was Father Dan, Betty K, Bill Beck, Cindy D.

Donnie J. Was the chair and I was the Regional History Chair. Donnie had a full committee of great spirited members. My camera was not working for this one. I think I have three pics. Others have some.

This all started with my trip to see Ed C. We met in his home and talked, prayed and Then a trip to see Bill B in Decatur. Upon Bill's yeah vote we started. We went to a Convention in Ga. where we share our vision with Billy A. and others. Billy went home and put together Allen Town and held it prior to Madison. I feel and have always felt this was to upstage the event. I took one member and went to Allentown it was held at a beautiful College. It was small. Greg P and Grateful were there as well as Fawn.

I felt some pain from the upstaging but wrote it off to a start at least. Madison was held and went over great. I have, and have posted pics of the event. People were walking the floors in tears of gratitude and no one I talked to wanted it to end. Bill was the Chair and I took the co chair seat. Wanting to keep my ego out of it.

Montgomery was set at the next committee meeting and we had a ton of willing members. The Committee went to Regional Committee just before Madison Bill Served his term with much shit coming from a chosen few at the region. I took up the gauntlet. Montgomery we allowed Billy A to tape and video tape the speakers. There were interviews behind closed doors and the committee was shut out. We passed it off to anonymity and accepted it besides we would see the tapes and glean the information from them. The whole purpose anyway. We never got a copy of the video tapes. We asked repeatedly for them. TO this day we have not seen the tapes. Father Dan is now gone and Betty is much older. Who knows what golden nuggets they shared. We don't!

Now you combine all this shit, the shit from the Region or I should say one member of the Region and a couple from Florida. Bill B becoming dishearten, The letter from WSO about the Blue books. The lies from all about our intent. It makes me want to scream still. Fuck surrender people just need to grow the fuck up. Ok that is my short serenity prayer, now I feel better.

Florida has now produced a History book, the WSO now has a history display in the lobby I am told. You hardly have a convention that there is not a history workshop, and we still don't have a fourth step as a fellowship done. It is easy to rewrite history. It is easy to dress it up and make it pretty. But people died behind the shit that went down and the fellowship of NA changed forever. So lets tell the truth backed up with the documentation. That was the intent from the beginning. Not to shade for political correctness, or to save someone's feelings. Searching and fearless. Black and white.

  • Grover N. June 28, 2004

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