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Carrie Carr - Faith's Crossing.doc
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Chapter 38

Lex studied her companion's profile with concern, as Amanda drove them back towards her parent's house. "Oh, sweetheart," she said quietly, touching the side of Amanda's face, "That is going to be one hell of a bruise."

The side of Amanda's face was already turning purple, from her cheek down across her beautiful jaw. "I guess." She turned her head to peek into the rear view mirror, then grimaced. "Well, at least there's not much swelling - the ice really helped." She gave Lex a wry smile. "I can't believe you actually roped that guy…wish I had seen that!"

The rancher rolled her eyes. "Those cops exaggerated, I think…it looked a lot more impressive than it actually was." She smirked. "Thought we'd never get away from your fan club, though." The petite blonde had been surrounded by a throng of well wishers, which followed the two women all the way to their car, offering all types of assistance.

"Don't remind me." Amanda chuckled. "Although I think you had your own admiration society with those two policemen." She teased, then reached up and grabbed Lex's hand, giving it a firm squeeze. "The look on that one guy's face when you turned down his dinner offer was priceless."

When the taller of the two police officers had approached Lex for a date, she matter of factly stated, "Sorry…but I don't think my girlfriend here would approve." Which caused Amanda to giggle, and the other cop to burst out laughing. The embarrassed officer had apologized, then offered to take them both out, which they politely declined, using the excuse that they didn't have enough time before they had to leave for Texas.

"Yeah…sorry about that. I wasn't really thinking." Lex grinned. "But it was pretty funny, wasn't it?"

Amanda shook her head. "What am I going to do with you?"

Lex gave her a sexy grin. "Oh, I'm sure you can come up with something creative."

"We'll see about that, my little thief roper." The blonde giggled, as she pulled up to the familiar security box. Before she reached out to punch in the security code, Amanda leaned over and released Lex's hand, grabbing her by the back of the neck. "C'mere." She pulled the rancher's head towards her.

Lex obeyed willingly, allowing the younger woman to take control of the situation, as chills chased down her spine. "Damn, Amanda…" she wheezed as they broke off, "How in the hell do you do that?" she leaned her forehead into the blonde's bangs, her entire body trembling slightly.

Amanda took a deep, shaky breath as well. "Whoa…that sure got the old blood pumping, didn't it?" She gave Lex another, shorter kiss. "Oh yeah…whoo!" She grinned, then released Lex and punched the code into the patiently waiting gate.


"What in the hell did you do to my daughter?" Michael Cauble yelled, when he spotted Lex and Amanda walking across the main foyer, heading for the stairs. He stormed towards the women, fists clinched at his side.

"Daddy…wait!" Amanda stepped in front of Lex, holding her hand out to block her father's path.

Shoving his daughter aside, Michael pushed the tall woman up against the stairwell, his face red with rage. "You like hitting defenseless women, cow chaser?"

Amanda squeezed between the two of them, pushing her father back. "Stop it! Lex didn't do anything to me, Daddy…I was mugged at the beach."

"What?! You were mugged?" Michael backed off, but only a step, glaring at the rancher. "Where the hell were you while my daughter was being assaulted?"

Lex wisely kept her mouth shut, allowing Amanda to handle her father. The fuming rancher knew that if she said anything, it would only hurt the woman she loved - so she concentrated on controlling her breathing. Stay calm, Lexington…let Amanda take care of him… She took a deep breath and released it, feeling the younger woman's hand pat her gently on the arm.

"Lex was only a few steps away, and she caught the guy - then turned him over to the police." Amanda stated proudly, stepping back and putting a hand behind her to make contact with the silent woman, whose anger she could almost feel as Lex unconsciously put her hands on the small waist in front of her.

Michael prudently decided to let the matter drop. "Very well." He looked at their matching ragged shorts and frowned. "Is it too much to ask that you two change for dinner? We're not having a clambake."

Amanda felt Lex stiffen behind her, the hands on her hips tightening slightly. "Is it too much for me to ask that you and Mother act civil tonight? If not, Lex and I can go out for dinner, then fly out first thing in the morning." She asked in a calm voice, halfway hoping his answer would be negative. Please…give me a reason to get out of here…

Damn…she's really grown up in the past year, hasn't she? Michael mused to himself, vaguely proud. All right…I'll play her little game. "Of course, dear. We just got off on the wrong foot, didn't we, Lex?" He reached forward and offered his hand to the dark-haired woman. "No hard feelings?"

"Sure, Mr. Cauble." Lex took his hand in a firm grasp. "No hard feelings." But she couldn't help but feel that the man was up to something. Probably up to no good, but we'll just play it by ear for now.

"Thanks, Daddy." Amanda gave her father a hug. "We'll be cleaned up and changed in time for dinner." She wasn't fooled either by his sudden capitulation, but decided to accept the cease-fire for now. "C'mon, Lex…" she grasped the older woman by the arm and led her up the stairs.

Once they were safely ensconced in the guestroom, Amanda locked the door and studied her quiet companion. "Are you okay?" she ran her hands searchingly over the rancher's body. "My father didn't hurt you, did he?"

"I'm fine." Lex grabbed the wandering hands, pulling them behind her back. "He just pushed me, no damage done." She felt Amanda's hands sneak into her back pockets, and she raised an eyebrow in response.

"Just checking for bruises." Amanda grinned at her unrepentantly. "Maybe I should take off your clothes and double check? No sense in taking any chances."

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