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Carrie Carr - Faith's Crossing.doc
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Chapter 30

Amanda's family's house was nestled snugly in the hills surrounding Los Angeles, off of a tree-lined road. She pulled the car up to a large iron security gate, then pushed a code into the keypad next to an intercom. As the gate creaked open, Amanda looked over at her companion, who had a thoughtful look on her face.

"Seems kinda sad to live like that." Lex observed.

"Like what?" Amanda asked. Had she noticed the homeless people we passed on the street on the way out here? She didn't say anything at the time, she wondered to herself.

"Spending all that money for a big expensive house, then having to lock yourself away." Lex shook her dark head. "Why live like that?"

Navigating the rental car down the winding road that would eventually lead up to the house, Amanda sighed. Why indeed, she wondered to herself. "I guess that's why I spent so much time in Somerville," she said quietly. "This place has never felt like home, more like an expensive hotel."

Lex turned sideways in her seat, and took the smaller woman's hand in hers. "Oh, Amanda…" She had a sad look on her face.

"No…it's alright." Amanda reassured her, giving Lex a quiet smile. "I had a really great childhood with my grandparents…" here she really smiled, "And if I hadn't spent so much time with them, I may have never met you."

"Well, then…maybe I should thank your parents for letting you come to Texas." Lex drawled. Then she was struck speechless when the house came into view. Three stories, the light-colored brick gave it an almost marble-like quality - the six marble pillars in the front helped with the illusion. Huge trees covered the landscape, and a wide brick walkway completed the picture. "Damn." Lex murmured at last.

"Yeah…ostentatious, isn't it?" Amanda chuckled. "I still get lost in there sometimes." She pulled up into the circular drive, parking in front of the walk. "C'mon…let's get this started." She sighed, climbing out of the car.

"Oh, boy…" Lex walked up the brick steps next to Amanda, who stopped at the door and rang the bell. Before she could question the younger woman's actions, the massive oak doors opened inward, and a slender woman in a maid's uniform opened the doors.

"Miss Amanda! Welcome back!" she exclaimed, as the young blonde stepped forward and wrapped her arms around her in an exuberant hug.

"Beverly! You look fantastic!" Amanda gushed, taking a step back to study the woman. "Good grief! You must have lost fifty pounds!"

Beverly laughed at the young woman. "Fifty-four, to be exact…" she bragged. She then turned towards the open doorway, where a tall dark-haired woman stood, smirking. "Oh my." She's quite tall, isn't she?

"Oops! Sorry about that…" Amanda chuckled, then grabbed Lex by the arm and pulled her into the gleaming marble foyer. "Beverly, this is Lexington Walters…Lex, this is Beverly, who actually runs the house." She teased the older woman.

Lex stepped forward and held out her hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you, ma'am." She saw the maid look at her strangely before accepting her hand.

Nice girl…but I hope Mr. and Mrs. Cauble don't catch her being this friendly with the household staff - they'll just make her stay here miserable. "It's really nice to meet you, Ms. Walters." Beverly smiled sincerely.

"Call me Lex." The rancher requested, "Ms. Walters sounds like a school teacher." She grinned.

"Alright, Miss Lex," Beverly looked at Amanda, who gave her a resigned look. "Miss Amanda, your father is in the library…he's expecting you."

Amanda rolled her eyes. "Thanks, Beverly. What kind of mood is he in?"

The maid shook her head as she closed the front doors. "He's been upset all day…Mr. Cauble spoke to his father this morning, and has been in the library ever since."

I bet I have a pretty good idea what the argument was about, Lex thought silently. She looked up at both women, torn. "Maybe I should just bring your bags in, then go get a hotel room." Lex started for the door. "I don't want to cause any more trouble for you with your family."

Amanda grabbed the back of the rancher's belt. "Oh, no you don't!" she pulled hard. "You're not going anywhere!"

Beverly smiled, then took the opportunity to leave, stepping quietly into the next room.

Lex turned around slowly, her eyes pained. "Amanda…you know I'd do anything in the world for you. I just don't want you to be forced to choose between us and your family - that's not fair to you." She stepped closer to Amanda and gently cradled the younger woman's face in her hands, not really caring where they were standing.

"There would be no decision to make…I'd choose you every time." She looked down at the ground. "You'd make me face them alone?" Amanda whispered softly, putting her hands unconsciously on Lex's waist. "Are you ashamed of me…of us?" her green eyes brightened with tears.

"Oh god, no!" Lex shook her head emphatically. "Never!" She used her thumb to wipe a fallen tear from Amanda's cheek. "I just…I was trying to…umm…aw, hell." Lex leaned down and kissed Amanda gently. "I'll stand beside you for as long as you want me…" she pulled the smaller woman into a fierce embrace. "I'll never leave you, I swear." She waited until both their hearts stopped pounding, then pulled back slightly. "But would you rather see you father alone at first? I could wait outside the door for you."

Amanda inhaled, trying to pull her lover's soapy clean scent deeply into her lungs. "I don't want to see him alone…" she looked up lovingly into concerned blue eyes. "But I guess it would be the decent thing to do, huh?"

Lex could see the fear and sadness in the younger woman's face. God…she looks scared half to death…how can I ask… "Amanda? Are you…afraid…of him?" She felt Amanda pull herself closer. "Are you afraid he's going to hurt you?" If she says yes, I won't let her out of my sight for an instant!

"No…he's never hurt me…" Amanda looked up and saw the fierce look on her lover's face. "Hey…really. He just gets a little loud sometimes - makes my ears hurt." She joked faintly. Not seeing the look fade, she patted the rancher's stomach gently. "Lex? You okay?"

"Hmm?" Lex answered, somewhat distracted. "Yeah, I'm fine." Damn…to be that afraid of your own father. Dad and I didn't always get along, but I was never afraid…she grimaced inwardly, remembering, but I think he was, a time or two… "How about you? Is there anything I can do?" she smiled warmly down at Amanda.

The small blonde kissed Lex on the chin and stepped back. "You already have." She grabbed Lex's hand and began pulling her across the foyer, then into an elegant hallway. "C'mon… I want to introduce you to my father."

Lex allowed herself to be led down the well-furnished hallway. Their hall has more furniture than my entire house, she noticed to herself. Lex also saw the ease in which Amanda moved through the expensive home, and suddenly realized just how vastly different their lifestyles were. Stop it! Just because their house is fancier, that doesn't make them any better than you… Her mental chastising was halted when Amanda stopped in front of a pair of closed French doors.

"Well…here we are." Amanda exhaled. She turned and looked up at the rancher. "I've changed my mind…come in with me, please?" she practically whispered.

Running a hand lightly down the younger woman's face, Lex smiled. "Sure…just give me a sign if you want me to leave…otherwise, I'm your shadow."

Amanda leaned gratefully into the touch. "Thanks." Taking a deep breath, she knocked on the doors.

"Enter." The deep voice commanded from inside.

Pushing one of the doors partially open, Amanda poked her head tentatively inside. "Daddy?"

"Amanda!" the voice boomed. "It's about time you arrived. Get in here!"

Starting forward, Amanda snuck a hand behind her back and grabbed a handful of Lex's shirt, tugging hard. "Hi, Daddy." Amanda smiled at the man sitting behind the large cherry desk.

Michael Cauble was in his mid fifties, his light reddish brown hair showing very little gray. Light hazel eyes hidden behind expensive glasses studied the two young women carefully as they stepped into the room. Making no move to stand, he motioned towards two chairs that had been strategically placed in front of the desk. "Have a seat."

Lex was barely able to control her anger. The sorry bastard hasn't seen his daughter for over six months, and he treats her like a business appointment?She waited until Amanda sat down, then gave her a smile and then occupied the other chair.

Michael leaned back in his chair, steepling his fingers together in front of himself. "Good flight?" he asked, more as a matter of form than any real concern.

Amanda, sitting up stiffly in her chair with her hands clasped in her lap, nodded. "Yes sir…very smooth."

She looks like she's in the principal's office, waiting to be chewed out, Lex thought angrily. She was about to say something when Michael turned his cold gaze on her.

"You must be Lexington Walters." He gave her a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. "You're the one who pulled my daughter from the creek." A statement, not a question.

"That's right." Lex answered, her own smile somewhat forced. Standing up, she held her outstretched hand across the desk. "Nice to meet you, Mr. Cauble."

Michael stood and accepted her hand. Damn…she's got quite a grip. "Yes, well…" he released her hand quickly then sat back down. "I suppose you're here to collect some type of reward for your efforts?" He took in the way she was dressed - clean, slightly faded jeans, worn cowboy boots, and a denim shirt: her clothes, though pressed, gave Michael the impression of a poor, but proud woman. I'm not going to let her sink her money-hungry claws into my daughter's trust fund, he thought ruthlessly. "How much do you want?"

Amanda started to jump up, but Lex's hand on her arm stopped her. "Actually, Mr. Cauble, I've already gotten my reward." The tall woman grinned, then got up and stood behind Amanda's chair, resting her hands casually on the back. "I met your daughter."

Amanda saw her father redden, which was usually a sign of his explosive temper on the verge of erupting. She felt a warmth begin to flow through her, knowing that Lex was purposely diverting his attention to her instead. I shouldn't let her do this…but it feels so good to have someone stand up for me…

Michael stood up, his ire growing as he studied the smug look on the dark-haired woman's face. "What are you trying to say?" He wanted to reach across the desk and slap that look off of her face. "Amanda," he finally addressed his daughter, "leave us for a few minutes…your friend and I have some business to discuss."

Before the young blonde could say anything, Lex placed her hands gently on her shoulders. "Mr. Cauble, there's nothing that we have to discuss that Amanda can't hear, as far as I'm concerned."

Amanda's father stepped to the front of the desk, leaning casually against one edge. "Very well…I was just trying to save you some embarrassment, Ms. Walters." He matched stares with Lex, pointedly ignoring his daughter's sputtering. "Now…" he crossed his arms over his chest, "You look like you could use money." Michael held up his hand to forestall Amanda's argument. "Amanda, be quiet or I'll ask you to leave." Looking back at Lex, "I hear that you work on a ranch…and from what I've read lately, you certainly can't make any money doing that these days."

Lex could feel the waves of anger rolling off of Amanda through the hands she still had on the younger woman's shoulders. "Well, the recent rains haven't helped much, but we're doing okay." She smiled when she felt Amanda's hands gently covering her own.

Michael knew of his daughter's 'life's choice', but seeing her blatantly rub his nose in it, caused him to see red. "Look…let's cut the chase, Walters…we have money…quite a bit of it. How much do you want to leave my daughter alone?"

Lex stalked around the chair, stepping right up into Michael's face. "Do you think so little of you daughter that I have to be after her money?" She growled, looking him straight in the eye. "All the gold in Fort Knox couldn't replace Amanda in my heart - I love her, and no amount of money can run me off." She stepped back and quietly added, "Only her word could do that." She felt a calming touch on her back. "I know I don't look like much…but you gotta believe that I would do anything for Amanda…I'll sign any damn papers you want to disclaim any access to your precious money." Lex let out a tired breath and sat down.

"Ms. Walters," Michael began, somewhat shocked that someone would speak to him that way, "You must understand my position. I love my daughter. And I would do whatever it takes to protect her from people willing to hurt her for her money."

Amanda stood up, livid. "Hello? I'm sitting right here, Father." She used a more formal name for Michael, trying to get his attention. "I'm a grown woman, and I'm more than capable of making my own choices about my life…why can't you see that?" she stood in front of her father, laying a hand on his arm. "Do you really still think of me as this young girl with absolutely no clue as to what is going on?" More softly, "Daddy, I know we don't see eye-to-eye very much any more, but can't you trust my judgement on something this important?" Seeing his eyes soften, "Please?" she turned slightly, looking at Lex lovingly. "Lex?"

The rancher nodded, then wearily stood. "I'll just go get our bags out of the car." She held out her hand for the keys. "See you in a bit." Lex looked at Michael. "Mr. Cauble." She nodded, then left the room quietly.

Amanda watched as Lex left the room, noticing her slow movements. I don't think she's quite completely recovered from the past couple of weeks…better give her a thorough 'checkup' later tonight. She smiled at that thought.

Michael watched his daughter's face as her 'friend' left the room. Dear lord… "She's not just some fling you brought to toss in our faces, is she?" he asked Amanda quietly.

The small blonde turned to face her father. "No Daddy, she's not." She gave him a resigned smile. "And I can guarantee that she's not after your money…just ask Gramma or Grandpa Jake."

"That's what Dad told me this morning on the phone - they seem quite taken with your farmer."

"She's a rancher…" Amanda argued, "and she's not some dumb cowpuncher who doesn't have any feelings." Taking a deep breath, she turned and walked over to a side table, picking up a paperweight and studying it. "I know you don't approve of what I've done with my life…"

Michael walked towards her, unsure. "Amanda, it's not that. Your mother and I just think that you could do so much more than sell real estate in a backwards little town in Texas." He put a cautious hand on her shoulder. "You were always the smart one, and lord knows you are certainly headstrong enough to accomplish whatever you put your mind to…" he gently stroked her hair, "I just don't want you to waste your talents - you've got such a good head for business. I was hoping you'd come to work for me."

Amanda spun around, shocked. "What?!" she looked up into her father's face, trying to see if he was telling the truth or not. "Why the sudden change? You didn't want to have anything to do with me after I graduated from college."

And that had hurt, Amanda remembered. She had studied every waking moment during her college years, taking more than a full load to graduate over a year early. Amanda had majored in business, foolishly thinking that her father would finally take notice of her, and welcome his youngest daughter into his consulting firm. But when Amanda proudly showed him her diploma, Michael had patted her condescendingly on the shoulder and told her to take a year or two off to travel.

"Amanda…please." Her father guided her over to a chair to sit down. "To tell you the truth," he sat down on the chair next to her, "I really didn't expect you to want to work after you got out of school…your sister only used college as a dating service, I just assumed you were doing the same."

Amanda, fighting her anger, willed herself not to cry. "Is that why you thought I took such a full load of classes? So that I could meet more people to date?" she asked, incredulous.

Her father looked away, embarrassed. "Uh, well…I really didn't notice your class load. I just assumed you were doing a lot of extra curricular activities."

"Aaah!" Amanda growled, stood up and threw her hands in the air. She paced away from the desk, too angry too even look at her father. "I can't believe this!" she spun around angrily, finally looking her father in the eye. "And now you want me to come and work for you?" Walking back over and sitting down, she asked, "Why now?"

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