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Carrie Carr - Faith's Crossing.doc
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Chapter 16

Anna Leigh poked her head into the office. "Sorry to disturb you Mandy, but Elizabeth is on the phone asking for you." The older woman gave her granddaughter a somewhat disgusted look. "Sounds like your mother is in another one of her little 'moods'."

Amanda shook her head sadly. "I'm sorry, Gramma…might as well send her on through." She walked over and sat down behind the large desk as the older woman left the room again.

"I'll, uh…give you some privacy." Lex started towards the door.

"No!" The younger woman almost shouted. "Please stay? For moral support?" she begged, as the phone buzzed. Amanda waited until the tall woman sat down in the chair across from her before she picked up the handset. "This is Amanda…Hello, Mother."

"Amanda Lorraine Cauble! I've been calling all over town looking for you…" Elizabeth's pinched voice whined.

"I'm fine, thank you for asking." The young woman replied, annoyed. "Is there something I can do for you, Mother?"

"Don't take that tone with me, young lady. I'm still your mother - even though you never bother to call me anymore." Elizabeth berated. "When are you coming home? I fail to see how you can be happy in that horribly small town…they don't even have a proper museum."

Amanda rolled her eyes. Well, we do have the Texas Oak Tree Museum, but I guess she's probably not interested in that…"Mother, believe it or not, the world does not revolve around museums and the cultural arts."

Elizabeth gasped. "Dear Lord! Don't say things like that! I do believe living with your grandparents is ruining you! They never did appreciate the finer things - it's a wonder your father turned out the way he did."

"I've often wondered that myself." Amanda murmured. "Is there a reason you called, other than to belittle Gramma and Grandpa?"

"See? You made me so upset that I almost forgot the reason I was looking for you…" the older woman sighed. "You have to come home next week…we are having our annual Fall Dinner for your father's business associates, and he would like for you to be here."

"Mother, I have a job and responsibilities here…I can't just drop everything to fly halfway across the country for a dinner party!" Even though she was planning on going back next week, the younger woman did not want to give her mother the satisfaction. Seeing Lex smile, she crooked a finger at her, beckoning the rancher towards her.

Lex raised an eyebrow, but got up and walked behind the desk. Amanda stood up wordlessly, then pushed the lanky form of her lover into the chair, gently sliding into the taller woman's lap. Feeling strong arms pull her close, Amanda listened to her mother's ranting.

"I think we've been too lenient with you, Amanda. You didn't used to act this way with us." Her mother's tone was harsh. "I told your father that it was not a good idea for you to spend so much time down there…"

Amanda tensed. "Why? Because I'm actually thinking for myself?" Lex gave her a squeeze, and her anger dissipated, replaced by an aching sadness. "I'm sorry I'm such a disappointment to you, Mother."

Her mother sighed. "Amanda dear…it's not that you're a disappointment, you've just gotten so headstrong. What happened to my little girl?"

She's still in Los Angeles, working in the gallery, Amanda thought. Jeannie was always her little girl…I was always her disappointment. "I guess I grew up." The young woman sighed.

"Thank God!" Lex whispered in her ear, making Amanda chuckle.

"I'm sorry, what was that, Mother?"

"I said, it would mean a lot to your father and me if you could make it back for this dinner." She paused, then added, "You can even bring your new friend if you want to…we'd really like to see you, dear."

"Oooh…an invitation…guess I'd better starch my jeans." Lex whispered into the nearby ear.

Amanda slapped the large hands resting on her stomach. "Actually, Mother…that would work just fine…I need to come and pack up the rest of my stuff anyway." She leaned back as soft lips nibbled lightly on her neck. "What night is the dinner?"

Elizabeth breathed a sigh of relief. "Next Friday. Could you come a day or two early? Jeannie and Frank will be staying at the house next week, and I know she would love to see you."

Turning slightly, Amanda gave Lex a questioning glance. "Sure…whatever you want." The rancher murmured.

Amanda gave her lover a light peck on the lips. "Mother? We can fly out early Wednesday - but I have to be back here Sunday, alright?"

The older woman tsked. "Four days? Well, I guess it's better than nothing. Call us Tuesday with your itinerary, and we'll have the driver pick you up."

Frowning, the young woman shook her head. "No, Mother - that won't be necessary… we'll just rent a car." She hated the limousine.

"Fine. I won't bother to do anything for you." Elizabeth muttered. "Your father would feel better if you acted more to your upbringing. We worked very hard to get where we are, and I really don't want you to embarrass him by acting so…lower class. At least rent a decent car, not like that old junkard you drive now."

Oh yeah, they worked terribly hard, waiting until certain family members died to get at their inheritance. "Yes, Mother." It was hard to stay angry with her mother with Lex kissing the back of her neck. "I'll see you on Wednesday." She hung up the phone before the older woman could complain any more. "Aarrgh! She's so infuriating!"

Lex squeezed her tighter, and then kissed her on top of the head. "Mmm…think of it this way - you'll get your revenge when you show up with me." She chuckled.

"What do you mean?" The younger woman turned slightly, so she could look the rancher in the eye.

"Well, I don't think I'll fit in too well - but don't worry. I'll try not to spit on the floors or anything." She gave Amanda a wry smile.

Stroking the tan cheek, Amanda smiled gently. "Do you actually think that I would be ashamed or embarrassed of you?" she gave the older woman a sad look. "Why?"

"No…I don't think you would feel that way - but I can't help but feel a little 'common' around folks like that." Then she grinned. "I guess this means I have an occasion to wear my new boots."

Amanda wrapped her arms around the dark-haired woman's neck. "Honey, they probably could call you a lot of things, but common certainly isn't one of them…gorgeous, sweet, funny, wonderful…"

Lex covered her mouth with a large hand. "Hush! I get your point, but…I don't have anything to wear to something like that. I'd do anything for you, you know, but" she lowered her gaze, a slight blush on her face, "I hope I don't have to wear one of those slinky-looking numbers… I haven't worn a dress since I was four years old."

Lifting the older woman's chin, Amanda gazed into her eyes. "Sweetheart, I would never ask you to be something you're not - you can wear cutoffs and an old dirty tee shirt, and I'd still be proud to walk in with you."

Lex laughed. "Now that would be a picture!" She gave the younger woman a tender kiss. "But I think I should probably find something to wear - I really don't have anything but jeans." A shy smile. "You want to help me pick something out?"

"Oooh! Shopping! My favorite hobby!" Amanda looked at Lex with a sexy grin. "Well, it was my favorite hobby, until recently." She climbed off of the rancher's lap. "We'll pick something up when we get to LA…C'mon…let's go get something to eat, I'm starved."

"Newsflash." Lex grinned, getting to her feet as well.

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