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Carrie Carr - Faith's Crossing.doc
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Chapter 10

The early morning sun was shining brightly through the windows when Amanda opened her eyes, which caused her to groan and attempt to bury her face back into her pillow. Feeling the pillow move, she reopened one eye and realized the surface her head was propped up on was actually breathing. Amazing…I actually woke up first. Reaching up with one hand, Amanda touched Lex's forehead. No fever…that's a good sign. She thought about getting up, but the older woman had her arm wrapped possessively around Amanda's shoulder, and she really didn't want to disturb her. So I guess I'll just suffer here in bed, she smiled to herself. What a hardship. She wrapped her arms tightly around the strong body beneath her and drifted back to sleep.

Lex woke up sometime later, pleased to note that the fuzzy feeling from last night was gone, and the wound in her side didn't hurt at all. Amanda was still sprawled against her, tousled blonde head snuggled up under her chin. Looking towards the window, Lex could see the late morning sun streaming in. I can't believe I slept so late…peering down fondly at her companion, she smiled. She's not gonna let me live this down for a while, I'll bet. Pulling the younger woman close, she softly kissed the top of her head. "Amanda," she felt a small arm squeeze her tighter. "C'mon, sweetheart, time to get up. We can't lounge around in bed all day."

"Mmm…no." the smaller woman grumbled, "don't wanna." She buried her head deeper into Lex's shoulder.

Desperate times call for desperate measures, Lex grinned to herself, as she slowly edged a hand under Amanda's nightshirt, tickling her ribs.

"Hey!" The young blonde squealed, jumping back, "Not nice!" Sitting up, she rearranged her shirt. "You look like you're feeling better today," she observed.

Lex rolled over onto her left side, and propped her head up with her hand. "Yep…good as new."

Amanda mirrored her posture with a sweet smile. "I wouldn't go that far…you still need to take it easy for a few days - doctor's orders!" Seeing the decidedly evil grin that broke out across the rancher's face, Amanda quickly rolled out of bed and started towards the bathroom. I don't know what she's thinking, but I don't think I'll like it, she thought to herself. "Don't give me that look…" she warned, not turning around. Amanda was almost to the doorway when she was caught from behind. Strong hands reached under her shirt and began tracing a gentle pattern on her stomach.

"Want me to scrub your back?" a soft voice growled in her ear.

Amanda felt her legs start to weaken as Lex began a tender assault on her neck. "Uhmmm…" she lifted her arms back over her head to tangle her hands in the dark woman's hair. The large hands began to drift upwards, taking a firm grasp on responsive flesh. "Ohh…yeah… sharing is good…" she murmured, then allowed a chuckling Lex to guide her gently into the bathroom.

Chapter 11

By the time they made it downstairs, the kitchen was strangely quiet. Amanda steered Lex into a chair at the table and smiled. "Looks like I get to finally cook you some breakfast." She brought over a mug of coffee and placed it in front of the taller woman, "Here, you can start with this." She stepped over to the stove and turned the griddle on to heat.

Lex took a sip of the coffee gratefully. "Thanks…but you really don't have to wait on me hand and foot, or cook my breakfast…we can always stop and get some doughnuts, or something."

"Oh, no…those things will kill you! Besides, I like taking care of you… I've never had anyone to pamper before - so get used to it." Amanda shook a finger at her, indicating that no more arguments would be heard, then turned and started pulling items out of the refrigerator.

Anna Leigh walked into the kitchen to refill her coffee cup. "Good morning, girls." She gave Amanda a hug, then kissed Lex on top of the head as she joined her at the table. "What kind of trouble are you two planning on getting into today?"

Amanda turned away from the counter where she was stirring pancake batter. "Funny you should ask, Gramma. I was going to talk to you about that."

"Really?" the older woman winked at Lex. "Well, here I am, so ask away…Do you need me to do something for you?"

Pouring the batter onto the griddle, Amanda chuckled. "Actually, I was hoping it was something I could do for you." Keeping one eye on the griddle, she partially turned to look at her grandmother. "Since I've decided to live here in Somerville on a more permanent basis, I was wondering…" she didn't get the rest out before Anna Leigh leaped to her feet and wrapped the younger woman in an exuberant hug. "You're staying? That's wonderful, Mandy!" Pulling back to look her granddaughter in the eye, "Does this also mean I have a new office manager? Two people have called in the past week to give notice because of Rick." She felt bad that things had gotten this much out of hand - but her thoughts were on Jacob's health, and the real estate office had been on the bottom of her priorities list after her husband's accident.

Giving the older woman a squeeze, Amanda returned her attention to the pancakes. "If you still want me to, then yes." Flipping them over, she turned back to Anna Leigh. "But…" she pointed the spatula, "only if you think I'd be the best person for the job."

"Absolutely! When can you start?" Anna Leigh laughed, then sat back down at the table across from Lex. "Would you two mind meeting me at the office this afternoon? I can't wait to get rid of that sorry excuse for a human being."

Lex grinned. "I can't speak for Amanda, but I would love to be there when you give that worthless son of a …goat, the axe." Looking at the back of the small blonde, she smirked. "Did Amanda tell you she had a run-in with him yesterday? He probably has a nice little bruise to show for it, too."

"Really? What happened?" Anna Leigh smiled back at her granddaughter, who groaned.

"I couldn't help it…he started mouthing off, and I just lost my temper." Amanda placed the pancakes on plates and brought them to the table.

"Aaand?" the older woman drew out the word, expectantly.

"I slapped him." Amanda sat down next to the rancher, embarrassed.

Lex snorted. "More like knocked him silly! He nearly fell over!" she teased.

"Good Lord, Mandy! That man is huge! He could have seriously hurt you!" her grandmother scolded.

Looking over at Lex, the fair-haired woman smiled. "I wasn't worried - Lex got into his face and nearly made him wet his pants!" The all laughed. "But please, Gramma, wait until we get there before you do anything, okay? I really don't trust him."

"Certainly, sweetheart. That would work out better, anyway. Jacob was going stir crazy, so he's decided to work in his shop for a little while, and he's gone now to get supplies." She smiled. "He's just so glad to be able to drive himself around again."

Lex laughed again. "I can sympathize, since I nearly drove Martha crazy when I broke my leg a couple of years ago."

"How did…?" Amanda shook her head. "Nevermind. I don't think I want to know."

Anna Leigh gave Lex a sympathetic look. "Wasn't that when you rolled your truck during that nasty icestorm?"

"Yeah…that whole mess is the reason Martha insisted that I start carrying a cell phone with me…she gets pretty upset when I forget to take it." Like the night I went to check the fence in a thunderstorm…Well, at least that worked out. Seeing Amanda's questioning look, she shrugged. "It happened on a Friday afternoon, and they didn't find me until Saturday night."

"I remember…I swear, she nearly called out the National Guard!" Anna Leigh looked at Amanda, "Martha called everyone on the Historical Committee, and had nearly every able-bodied man in the county combing every inch of the roads between here and the ranch."

Amanda looked at Lex, horrified. "Dear God! That must have been horrible for you!"

"It really wasn't that bad…I don't remember much about it." Lex looked nonchalant.

Anna Leigh slapped her on the arm. "That's because you were unconscious for most of it, silly!"

The tall woman rolled her eyes. "See? I told you it wasn't that bad." She gave them both a smirk, then stood up and put her plate in the dishwasher. "You about ready?" she directed at the younger woman. "I'd like to get my business with the bank done as soon as possible."

"Yeah, I'm done." Amanda put her dishes away, then kissed her grandmother's cheek. "See you at the office around one o'clock, Gramma?"

That will be perfect, sweetheart. You two try and stay out of trouble until then, okay?" Twin sets of rolled eyes caused Anna Leigh to chuckle. "I know it's a lot to ask…" she said as they left, laughing.

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