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2.6 Answer the following questions:

  1. What is soil?

  2. What factors influence the soil development?

  3. Can we study a soil organism without taking into account its environment?

  4. Can we study a particle of soil without considering its neighbors in the same aggregate?

  5. What does Soil Physics study?

  6. What does Soil Chemistry study?

  7. What does Soil Biology study?

2.7 Read the text without a dictionary. Try to catch its main idea.

Soil!!! Some call it dirt. But it is..... Soil!!! The essence of our being. The medium in which crops are grown to feed humans, as well as animals. One of our natural resources (soil, water, air, plant, animal).

Soil by volume, on the average consists of 45% mineral, 25% water, 25% air and 5% organic matter (both living and dead organisms). There are thousands of different soils throughout the world.

Five important factors influence the specific soil that develops.

  • Parent Material. Minerals and organic materials present during its formation. Materials from volcanos, sediment transported by wind, water or glaciers or minerals left behind by drying lakes are good examples of parent materials.

  • Climate. Parent material is broken down into smaller pieces by a process called weathering. Cycles of freezing and thawing, wetting and drying, and the frequency of these occurrences coupled with average temperature and moisture levels of region play an important role in soil formation. These smaller pieces are known as (sand, silt and clay), clay being the smallest size.

  • Living Organisms. Both plants and animals help to create a soil. As they die, organic matter incorporates with the weathered parent material and becomes part of the soil. Living animals such as moles, earthworms, bacteria, fungi and nematodes are all busy moving through or digesting food found in the soil. All of these actions mix and enrich the soil.

  • Topography. Topography is the hilliness, flatness, or amount of slope of the land. Soils vary with topography primarily because of the influence of moisture and erosion. In many areas, moist, poorly drained soils are located in low areas, and depressions of the land. In contract, soils in sloping areas can be drier and well drained. These soils tend to be moderately and well developed. Erosion can remove all or part of the topsoil and subsoil, leaving weakly developed soil.

  • Time. It may take hundreds of years to form one inch of soil from parent material. Only the top few inches are productive in the sense of being able to sustain plant growth. This is why soil conservation is so important.

Text 3 Soil formation

3.1 Read the following international words and translate them: classify, process, physical, chemical, biological, factor, result, catastrophic, type, central, organisms, category, form, reaction, microfauna, microflora, humus, ecosystem, erosion, dynamic equilibrium, profile.

3.2 Say it in Russian: parent material, particles, surface, to move rocks, river valleys, central basin area, Rocky mountains, Baring sea, Asia, physical weathering, glacial erosion, major physical forces, major chemical actions, rock cracks, to dissolve nutrients, the soil ecosystem, a scoop of soil, mixing of soil compounds, prairies, glaciation.

3.3 Read the following geographical names: The Glaciers, Western Canada, the Rocky Mountains, Asia, the Baring Sea.