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Verbs, used only in simple tenses

Ментальний та емоційний стан














look (=seem)























Exercise 3 Translate the following pairs of sentences defining the tense of the verb in each case.

1. She prepares her lessons in the evening every day. – She is still preparing her lessons. 2. He worked hard at his English last term. – He was working hard at his English when we came to see him. 3. I am tired, I will learn this rule tomorrow. – I will be learning this rule all the morning tomorrow. 4. The work is usually done in time. – The work is being done now, and soon it will be finished. 5. The safety system was installed two years ago. – The safety system was being installed all the day yesterday.

Exercise 4 Complete the following sentences putting the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or Present Continuous Tense.

1. Alec and Mary are Scottish. They (come) from Glasgow. 2. They’ll be here very soon. They (come) by car. 3. Liza can’t answer the phone. She (have) a bath. 4. She (have) two new pairs of jeans. 5. I (think) that all politicians tell lies. 6. I (think) about my girlfriend. She’s in New York at the moment. 7. Be quiet! I (watch) my favourite programme. I always (watch) it on Thursday evenings. 8. John’s not at home. He (see) the doctor about his sore throat. 9. I (see) the problem but I can’t help you. 10. This room (be used) usually for big meetings. But today it (be used) for a party.

Exercise 5 a) Role-play the dialogue.

A: What do you do?

B: I’m an interior designer. I decorate people’s houses, and give them ideas for furniture and lighting.

A: And what are you doing at the moment?

B: Well, now I’m working on a house. I’m working on a hotel. I’m designing a new dining room for the Hilton.

b) Work in pairs. Make up similar dialogues with some of the jobs below.

For ideas: a film director, a mechanic, a football manager, an artist, an architect, a ski instructor, a journalist, a travel agent, an actor, a farmer.

Exercise 6 Choose the Past Simple or Past Continuous Tense.

I met / was meeting a friend while I did / was doing the shopping. I paid / was paying for my things when I heard / was hearing someone call my name. I turned / was turning round and saw / was seeing Paula. She wore / was wearing a bright red coat. We decided / were deciding to have a cup of coffee. While we had / were having a drink, a waiter dropped / was dropping a pile of plates. We all got / were getting a terrible shock. While the waiter picked / was picking up broken plates, he cut / was cutting his finger. We left / were leaving the café and said / were saying goodbye. I finished / was finishing my shopping and went / was going home.

Exercise 7 Change the Infinitive in brackets into the respective Continuous Tense.

1. Now a new railway (be built) between two cities. 2. Last year in June they (construct) a tunnel through the mountain. 3. Now they (install) new equipment at their laboratory. 4. When I came the problem (be discussed). 5. When our group was in London a new deep-level tunnel (be completed) there. 6. The director (be reported) the news when I entered the room. 7. Yesterday at the meeting this man (sit) near me. 8. The day before yesterday from ten to half past eleven the students (work) in the chemical laboratory.

Exercise 8 Replace the Indefinite Tense by Continuous Tense adding the following time guides: now, still, at…o’clock, from…to, when he came, etc.

1. The car went along the street at high speed. 2. We had dinner at home. 3. She prepares her lessons in the library. 4. They will listen to the records tomorrow. 5. My father smokes a pipe. 6. Tomorrow we will have a practical hour on mathematics. 7. They worked in the diesel laboratory the day before yesterday. 8. They will show a very interesting football match.

Exercise 9 Tom wants you to visit him but you are very busy. Look at your diary for the next few days and explain to him why you can’t come. (Use the Present Continuous for arranged actions.)

Tom: Can you come on Monday evening?

You: Sorry, I’d love to but I’m playing volleyball

Tom: What about Tuesday evening then?

You: I can’t I’m afraid. …

Tom: Well, what are you doing on Wednesday evening?

You: …

Tom: I see.

Exercise 10 What are these people going to do? Write sentences using the words: vet, actress, pilot, interpreter, chief, teacher, lawyer, athlete.

Model: Frank and I are learning to fly. – We’re going to be pilots.

1. Lisa loves children. She ... . 2. Maria’s good at languages. 3. Mary’s at drama school. 4. Sue and Peter are studying law. 5. Anna loves animals. 6. Bill cooks very well. 7. Bob can run very fast.

Exercise 11 Translate the following sentences.

1. З ким розмовляє ваш товариш? – Він розмовляє з нашим вчителем. 2. Куди ви підете увечері? – Ми підемо до парку. 3. Коли задзвонив телефон, вони обговорювали це питання. 4. О десятій ранку він готувався до екзамену. 5. Я не робив записи, коли він читав лекцію. 6. Чи буде вона займатися англійською з 9 до 11? 7. Не телефонуй їй завтра, вона буде готуватися до екзамену. 8. Що будується на цьому березі річки? 9. Ми не знали своїх оцінок, тому що наші контрольні ще перевірялись, коли ми уходили з інституту. 10. Чи часто ви відвідуєте своїх друзів? 11. Що ви пишете? – Ми пишемо слова сьомого уроку. 12. Вони часто пишуть диктанти? 13. Хто стоїть біля вікна? – Моя сестра. 14. Під час уроку наш вчитель стоїть біля столу. 15. Зараз все більше та більше людей вивчають іноземні мови. 16. Ці студенти зараз вивчають нові слова.

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