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I. Active vocabulary. Use these words and word-combinations in situations from the text.

1. a duffle coat;

2. a dressing gown;

3. a plumber;

4. a hot-water bottle;

5. things are in a bit of a mess;

6. to scoop;

7. the leak.

II. Learn the vocabulary given on pp. 143-147 and use it in the sentences of your own on cards.

III. Look through the comments on p. 147, be ready to explain these word and give examples.

IV. Read and translate the extract p.1 33: ”Overnight a great... and evenly”.

V. Points and questions for discussion:

l. Describe the winter morning before the events. 2. Render the dialogue between Paddington and Mr. Curry. 3. What was Mr. James' answer to Mr. Curry's request and why? 4. What was Paddington's decision and what was its realization? 5. Render the talk between Mr. Brown and Mrs. Bird.

Portion XI, ch. 11, pp.148-162.

I. Active vocabulary. Use these words and word-combinations in situations from the text.

l. to want smb. out of the way;

2. a harricane;

3. a gleam;

4. to strain oneself;

5. a chimney sweep;

6. soot

7. the french window.

II. Learn the vocabulary given on pp. 157-162 and use it the sentences of your own on cards.

III. Look through the comments on p. 162, be ready to explain these words end give examples.

IV. Read and translate the extract p.150: "For some days...interest at last".

V. Points and questions for discussion:

l. What struck Paddington about Brown's house? 2 Why did the question of chimney arise? 3. What did Paddington decide to do? 4. Was he successful in doing the job? 5. What happened when the Browns return home? 6. Who helped them and how? 7. What was the end of the chimney affair?

Portion XII, ch. 12, pp.163-172

I. Active vocabulary. Use these words and word-combinations in situations from the text.

l. the house is in an uproar;

2. a grip;

3. the odds and ends;

4. to paddle;

5. a life belt;

6. sleepily;

7. to be worried to death over smb.;

II. Learn the vocabulary given on pp.171-172 and use it in sentences of your own on cards.

III. Look through comments on p.172, be ready to explain these words and give examples.

IV. Points and questions for discussion:

1. Where were the Browns going one morning? 2. Describe their preparations. 3. Describe their arrival and the incident with the photographer. 4. Give the gist of the events at the seashore. 5. What was the end of Paddington's last adventure?

Points to be Discussed at the Conference

1. Michael Bond and his tow books about Paddington.

2. Give the character sketch of Paddington.

3. Give the character sketch of Mr. Curry.

4. Why do Englishmen celebrate “Guy Fawkes Day”

5. Give the brief description of a household of an English family (take the Browns as an example).

6. What did you learn about the English way of life from this book (dentist\doctor, a trip to the seaside, etc.)?

7. What can you say about other traditional English\British holidays.