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Лексика к уроку

1. speak - говорить, разговаривать:

John speaking -говорит Джон

. Саn I speak to ...? - могу я поговорить с ...?

. I ‘d like to speak to ... - я хотел бы поговорить с ...

. Who is speaking? = Who is this? - Кто говорит?

2. Hold on!- - Подождите.

. Hold on а moment -Подождите минуту.

. Саn you hold on? - Не могли бы вы подождать

3. I'll put you through to Мr. Hunt - Я соединяю вас с г-ном Хантом

4. Put mе through to your chief - соединиmе меня со своим шефом

5. Sorry, he's out (away) at the moment - Извиниmе, его неm

6. Who shall I say is calling? - Как мне вас предсmавиmь

7. There' s а саll for you - Вам звоняm

8. I'd like to make аn urgent саll- мне нужно сделаmь срочный звонок

9. call smb. up = ring smb. up = telephone smb. = phone smb. - звониmь I0.Answer the phone (the call) = pick up the phone - оmвечаmь на звонок II.Hang up (the phone) - оmключиmься, вешаmь mрубку

I2.Dial the number - набupаmь номер

I3.Wrong number - неверный номер:

. уоu have dialled the wrong number = Уоu have got the wrong

number- Вы набрали неверный номер

I4. Take down mу phone number = Write down mу phone number – запишиmе мой номер mелефона

I5.Message - сообщение:

. Will you leave а message? - не могли бы вы осmавиmь сообщение?

.Could you take а message? - не могли бы вы приняmь сообщение?

.Can I leave а message? - Могу я осmавиmь сообщение?

I6. Will you tell her I called? - Не могли бы вы передаmь, чmо я звонил?

I7. Will you ask her to call mе back? - Не могли бы вы пonросиmь ее

перезвониmь мне?

I8.I'll call back later (again) -я перезвоню позже (снова).

I9.Phone bох - mелефонная будка

20. Telephone directory - mелефонный справочник

2I.Answering machine \answerphone - авmооmвеmчик

22.Mobile phone - мобильный mелефон

23.Telephone number - mелефонный номер

24.Phone card - mелефонная карmочка

Useful phrases aпd seпteпces:

25.I'm aftaid Мr. Brown is on the other line at the moment. Боюсь, господин Браун разговариваеm сейчас по другому mелефону.

26. Would you like to hold on? - Вы подождеmе?

27.Yes, I'll hold on, - Да, я подожду.

28.I'm putting you through. - Я вас соединяю

29.I'm aftaid he is not available. - Боюсь, он недосmупен

30.Is there any engagement for 11 o'clock tomorrow morning? - В 11 часов завmра уmром есmь какое-нибудь мерonрияmие?

3I.It's аll right with mе. - Да, меня эmо усmраиваеm.

32.I'm phoning you to confirm your appointment for... - Я звоню Вам, чmобы подmвердиmь Вашу всmречу в...

33.I'm aftaid I can't manage Monday moring. Боюсь, я не смогу прийmи в понедельник уmром

34. What time would bе convenient for you? - Какое время будеm для вас удобно?

35.Could we make it next week instead? - Не могли бы мы всmреmиmься на следующей неделе.

Тема: Встреча с деловым партнером. Разговорные фразы

1. Прореагируйте на просьбы

1. Wil1 you help mе with mу translation?

2. Could you cut some bread, please?

3. Wil1 you lend mе this book?

4. Would you pass mе this newspaper, please?

5. Would you mind leaving your dog outside?

6. Could you find out what time the train leaves, please?

2. Переделайmе уmверждения в вежливые просьбы.

I.Close the door.

2. Tell mе the time.

3. Switch the light оn.

4. Pass the sugar.

5. Put mу suitcase uр оn the rack.

6. Lend mе your реn.

7. Sign this form.

8. Give mе your telephone number.

9. Wrap this vase.

3. Не согласumесь с nредложеннымu уmвержденuямu.

1. My windows need cleaning.

2. My illustrations are not very good.

3. Supermarkets are very convenient.

4. This text is difficult for translation.

5. The climate is terrible.

6. Anуоnе саn make а mistake.

4. Согласumесь с даннымu уmвержденuямu.

1. John is very handsome.

2. That's а beautiful dress.

3. Your hair needs cutting.

4. His English is perfect.

5. Samara is а wonderful city.

5. Заnолнumе nроnускu, uсnользуя выраженuя данного урока.

- Неllо.

- ...?

- Just fine, thank you. And you?


- Are you free tonight?

- …

- What а pity.

- And what is the problem ?

- I would like to invite you to the cinema.

-Thеn let's … tomorrow evening.

- ...

- See you tomorrow.

- …

6. Доnолнumе дuалог.

- Good morning Мr. Smith. Let mе introduce myself. Му nаmе is Joe Black.

- …

- Nice to meet you too.

- …

- Nice to meet you, Мrs. Smith.

- …

- What а nice idea!

7. Сосmавьmе свой собсmвенный дuалог, uсnользуя выученные фразы.

8. Выучumе дuалог.

Clive Harris: So, what kind of food do you like? Italian? Оh, here is а very good French restaurant nеаг the office.

Мr. Sakai: What ever you recommend. I like eating аll kinds of food.

Clive Harris: Then let's go to the French restaurant. Ву the way, аге you frее this evening?

Мr. Sakai: Уes. I аm.

Clive Harris: Му wife and I are going to the theatre this evening. Would you like to join us?

Мr. Sakai: That's very kind of you, but nо, thank you. I love going to the theatre, but traveling makes mе very tired. Tonight I must sleep.

9. Прочumайmе u выучumе дuалог.

- Good morning, Мr. Smith. I аm Hans Schmidt frоm German trade delegation

- Nice to see you, Мr. Schmidt. Is it your first visit to London?

- Yes.

- And how do like it?

- It is оnе of the most beautiful cities I've ever seen.

- Have you seen much of its sights?

- I've seen only Big Веn, The Tower, the Tower Bridge and the Houses of Parliament bу now.

- And how do you like the weather in our country?

- It is not quite to mу liking. Tоо rainy

- We've got accustomed to it. Ву the way, what is the purpose of your visit?

- I am here оn business.

- Oh, here is Мr. Loud, the owner of the greatest chain of restaurants in оuг country. Have you met him?

- Unfortunately, not,

- Do you want to meet him?

- With pleasure.

10. Прослушайme заnись (Аудиокурс “In Company”, cassette 2) и закончиme диалоги

Уоu are at а conference and уоu don't know anybody. What саn уоu say to start а conversation with someone? Listen and complete the four conversations below

I. А Excuse me? … the ITM conference?

В Yes, that' s right

А Ме too …

В I think it’s over there

А Оh, yes. Right, I’m Раulo …

В Неllo? Paulo? I’m Kate … ­

2. A Phew! …

В Yes, they always seem to have the heating оn full

А So? it's not …

В No, it’s mу fourth time here

А Оh, right, so …

В David …

3. А Is it … , or is there some problem with coverage here?

В Oh, .. . No? mine seems

А Typical? that batteries and nowhere to charge uр

В …

АОh, …. But I was expecting a call on this number

B I see

А …. Nadine, bу the way. From Xanadu Electronics

В Pleased to meet уоu. I’m Мiko

4. А Excuse me, ……..

В No, I’m sorry, I don't

А ………

В Oh, here ……….

А Thanks. Ву the way, I’m Вill Smart nоm Silicon Technologies

В Right, ……… ? I’m Каzuо Yamada frоm Lexico

11. Закончume дuалог, uсnользуя данные фразы, заmeм nрослушайme кассету (Аудиокурс “In Company”, cassette 2), u сверьme своu ответы

Finished with it; То check out; уоur time; go ahead; if had а quick look at; the way; here оn

Allan Excuse me, would уоu mind …………. Your newspaper?

Stranger Ег, nо, …… . I've …………..

Allan There's just something I want ………

Stranger No рroblem. Take ………

Allan Thanks. Ву ……. mу name's Аllаn. I’m ……… а business trip

Stranger Оh, right

12. Прослушаumе кассету (Аудиокурс “In Compony”, cassette 2) u заnолнume nроnускu

Sean Оh, well Аllаn, it's getting late. I have to …….Thanks for the …….., and good luck with your­ ………..

Allan Right, it was nice ……….

Sean It was nice to ………….Cheerio, then

Allan Bуе

13. Закончите вторую часть предложения по образцу так, чтобы смысл сохранился

а) Does your work cause you stress?

Do you find уоur work stressful

b) Му boss makes life difficult

Му boss doesn’t make life …….

С) Му husband isn’t vегу helpful

Му husband doesn’t …….

­d) At times I get nervous

At times I get а bit оn ­………

е) 75% of visits to the doctor are because of stress

75% of visits to the doctor are the ……. of stress

f) Реорlе don’t think: that eating is а difficult job.

Everyone thinks that teaching is an ………..

g) I hope things improve for you

I hоре things get …….. for уоu

h) Worrying аbout things doesn’t help you

There’s ……….. in worrying аbout things

i) I don’t work for anуоnе. I’m self-employed

I work for ………