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Лексика урока

Be impatient – быть нетерпеливым

Be indifferent – быть безразличным

Be pleasant company – быть приятной компанией

Be tired of the company – устать от компании

honour with attention – почтить вниманием

dull company – скучная компания

yawn – зевать

argue – спорить

polite social conversation – вежливая светская беседа

Personal opinion – личное мнение

force your opinion – навязывать свое мнение

Тhe best topics for а conversation – лучшие темы для разговора

Troubles – беды, проблемы

Diseases – болезни

Suitable occasion – подходящий случай

Withdraw – (зд.) удалиться, уйти

То whisper – шептать

То monopolize conversation – перевести беседу на себя

То talk overloudly – говорить слишком громко

Bad taste – плохой вкус

Тема: Поездка за границу.

Отправление и прибытие. Паспортный и таможенный контроль.

1. Прочитайте и переведите текст.



This is the usual sequence of activities when you get to the airport.

First you go to the check-in-desk where they weigh your luggage. Usually you are permitted 20 kilos, but if your bags weigh more, you may have to pay excess baggage (you pay extra). The airline representative checks your ticket and gives you a boarding card for the plane with your sit number on it. Then you go through passport control where an official checks your passport, and into the departure lounge. Here you can also buy things in the duty-free, e.g. perfume, alcohol and cigarettes. About half an hour or forty minutes before take-off, you are told to go to a gate number … , where you wait before you get on the plane. When you board (get on) the plane, you find your seat. If you have hand luggage, you can put it under your seat or in the overhead locker above your seat.


When the plane lands (arrive on the ground), you have to wait for it to stop.

When the doors are open, you get off the plane and walk through the terminal building and go to the baggage reclaim where you collect your luggage. Then you pass through customs (green – nothing to declare, red – goods to declare).

2. Ответьте на вопросы

  1. Where do you go first when you get to the airport?

  2. How many kilos are permitted?

  3. Where can you find the number of your seat?

  4. Where is your passport checked?

  5. Where can you buy perfume, alcohol and cigarettes?

  6. Where do you wait before you get on the plane?

  7. If you have something to declare where do you go?

3. Переведите

Отправление, регистрация багажа, багаж, посадочный талон, зал ожидания, магазин беспошлинной торговли, отлет, прибытие, верхнее отделение для багажа, приземляться, здание вокзала, получение багажа, проходить таможню.

4. Эти предложения описывают, что ты делаешь, когда путешествуешь самолетом. Расставь их по порядку

  1. You show your boarding pass to the steward and you board the plane

  2. You go through passport control, through customs and into the arrival hall

  3. It’s usual to book your flight

  4. The plane lands

  5. You leave your luggage at the check-in and they give you a boarding pass

  6. You wait in the departure lounge until they call your flight, and the go to the right gate

  7. The plane takes off

  8. It’s important to go to the right terminal if you want to be on time

  9. You go through passport control

5. Cоедините слова в левой колонке со словами в правой, чтобы образовать выражения.










Reclaim office








6. Переведите предложения

    1. We must fill in the declaration

    2. The officer cannot speak English

    3. They may get to the airport in time

    4. Mary can buy perfume in the duty-free

    5. You must pass through customs

    6. You must not smoke here

    7. Must they go to the baggage reclaim?

    8. May I close the suitcase?

    9. Must I pass through passport control?

7. Переведите

Вам следует взвесить ваш багаж. Вы заплатили за лишний багаж? Вы можете подождать в зале ожидания. Когда отбывает самолет? У вас есть ручной багаж? Пройдите таможню. Когда вы сходите с самолета, вы идете через здание вокзала. Где ваш посадочный талон?

8. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на употребление модальных глаголов

Где вы можете взвесить ваш багаж? Вам следует подождать, когда остановиться самолет. Могу я положить мой ручной багаж в верхнее отделения для багажа? Мне нужно купить духи в магазине беспошлинной торговли.

9. Заполните пропуски, используя слова под чертой

1. You should go to the ______________ where they weigh your luggage. 2. You can buy perfume and alcohol in the _________________ 3. I have nothing ______________ 4. Every tourist should ______________ 5. _______ the declaration! 6. Do you have to pay _____ on this? 7. Do you know the ________?


Duty; fill in; customs regulations; duty-free; check-in desk; declare; pass through the customs

10. Джон приехал в аэропорт на автобусе. Он должен лететь в Лондон на деловую встречу, но он не знает, как вести себя в аэропорту. Он торопился и совершил много ошибок. Исправьте его ошибки. К чему могло привести такое поведение?

John had only his suitcase with the necessary documents. That is why he ran to check his ticket, but the representative didn’t give him a boarding card and advised him to go to the check-in desk. There was row there. So first he went to the duty-free where he asked for some pills for headache. The help was refused and he went to the departure lounge to have a rest …

11. Переведите диалог

A. Will you show me your things, please

B. Yes, here they are. I have two pieces: this suitcase and some hand luggage

A. Do you have anything to declare? And what do you have in your suitcase?

B. Only things for my personal use. May I close the suitcase?

A. Yes, that’s all. Thank you

B. Where is the currency exchange desk?

A. This way please

B. Thank you

12. Расставьте фразы в правильном порядке

= None

- What is the purpose of your trip?

= I am a tourist. I am going to visit my Russian friends. Here is my declaration. Here are my things. And that is my invitation

- Fill in the declaration, Madam. Your name, permanent address, your family name, date of birth, place of birth, occupation. Any prohibited articles?

= I have nothing to declare. I have only my personal things

= I am the citizen of the USA. Here is my exit visa. The children are on my passport

  • Name and relationship of accompanying family members?

  • Do you have any currency?

13. Задания для контроля

Соедините слова в левом столбике со словами в правом

Departure Flight

Check-in Control

Boarding Pass

Overhead Lounge

Delayed Seat

Passport Locker

Metal Detector

Window Desk

Заполните пропуски, используя выражения предыдущего задания While I waited in the ____________, I did some shopping

The woman at the __________ asked where I wanted to sit

I prefer a ______________ so I can look at the view

They didn’t allow me to get on the plane, because I lost my ___________

When she went through the ____________, the alarm sounded

At ___________________ the official looked at my photograph for five minutes

If you are not careful, things can fall out of the __________ onto your head

I missed my connection because of the _________________