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IV. Practice Drills:

1. Role-play "Having a job interview"

Characters: 1-а boss; 2 - candidate A; 3 - candidate B; 4 - candidate C; 5 - candidate D

Candidate A:

• You are 18 years old

• You speak English well but almost no French

• You are not married

• You are a student at the university

• You have never had a job before

• You live 1 hour from where the job is being offered

• You do not know how to use a computer Candidate B:

• You are 25 years old

• You can speak some English and are fluent in French

• You are married and have a child

• You used to be a biology teacher

• You live near where the job is being offered

• You do not know how to use a computer Candidate C:

• You speak fluent English, French and German

• You are 42 years old

• You have worked with many foreign companies

• You need a high salary because you live in an expensive part of the city

• You know how to use a computer very well

• You are divorced and have 2 children Candidate D:

• You are 30 years old

• You speak English fairly well and good French

• You are not married

• You have worked in many different jobs

• You live 1.5 hours away from the job

• You know a little about computers

Want Ad

Secretary needed

Must speak English well and some French

Work half days and Sundays

________________Knowledge of computers helpful________________

Sample job interview:

1. What is your name?

2. Where are you from?

3. How old are you?

4. What is your educational background?

5. What foreign languages do you know?

6. Can you use a computer? Can you type fast?

7. Are you married?

8. Do you have children?

9. Do you live far from our office?

10. Do you agree to work on Sundays?

11. Do you have any experience in this kind of job?

12. Why do you think you'd be good for this job?

13. Do you have any special skills?

14. Do you like being around people?

15. Do you have any questions to ask me?

Thank you very much for coming today. We'll be in touch


12. Do "Job Market Research", using the questions: 1. How many hours do you work per day/week? 2. What days of the week do you work? 3. How did you get interested in this field of work? 4. Is your company hiring now or will they be in the future?

5. What skills/abilities are needed for this job?

6. What kinds of jobs do you have in your company?

7. How much do you get paid? What is your salary?

8. What kinds of responsibilities do you have in your job?

9. Do you work with people, computer, etc.?

10. What is the turnover rate in your company?

11. What do you like/dislike about your job?

12. What are the advantages/disadvantages of your job?

13. How many applicants do you get every day, per week, per month, or per year?

14. How many people do you hire each day, week, month or year? What is the per­centage of people do you hire from all applicants?

15. Is your field expanding? Is the job market growing in your field?



(Лексичний мінімум найменувань установ, організацій, назв керівних

посадових осіб, назв предметів, процесів та операцій, фактів у різних сферах

ділового життя. Створення та презентація власної компанії)

Обсяг матеріалу: структурні підрозділи, персонал та робота компанії. Ство­рення та презентація власної компанії. Оформлення повідомлення про одну із всесвітньо відомих компаній з використанням інформаційних технологій та іншо­мовної інформації.

Студент повинен:

знати лексико-граматичний мінімум забезпечення презентацій;

уміти робити повідомлення про структурні підрозділи та роботу компанії, ро­зуміти монолог-повідомлення в певній ситуації спілкування, готувати доповідь-презентацію власної компанії.

І. Pre-reading stage:

1) What is the Managing Director responsible for?

2) What are Human Resources responsible for?

3) What does Finance Department take care of?

4) What do subsidiaries report to?