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8. The peculiar features of affixation in English and Ukrainian.

Word-formation – is the process of creating new words from the material available in the word-stock according to certain structural & semantic patterns specific for the given language. – is a branch of science of the language, which studies the patterns on which a lang.forms new lexical items. – is a process of forming words by combining root+affixal morphemes,according to certain patterns specific for the lang. or without any outward means(conversion).

2 major groups of word-formation: 1)words, formed as grammatical syntgmas, combinations of full linguistic signs(compounding, prefixation, suffixation, conversion, back-derivation;2) words, which are not made up of full linguistic signs(blending, clipping, rhyme&others). Common for both groups is that a new word is based on synchronic relationship between morphemes.

3 levels of word-formation in Eng: 1.Highly-productive,2.semi-prod., 3. Non-prod.

Affixation- h-prod.- word-formative process in which words are created by adding derivational affixes & stems. Falls int PREFIXATION- forming new words with the help of prefixes. !Eng.prefixes can form words of more parts of speech, than in Ukr. Be+dew=bedew(v), pre+war=prewar(a), in+side-inside(adv); в+низ=внизб перед+бачити=передбачити, не+здатний=нездатний. SUFFIXATION-with the help of suffixes-a)N-forming guid+ance/exist+ence, consult+ant/resid+ent, London+er,dictat+or, move+ment, dark+ness, feudal+ism, philology+ist; мисли+тель, вод+iй, лабор+ант, студ+ент; інжен+ер, акт+ор, брат+ство, американ+ізм, журнал+іст, арт+ист. b)ADJ-forming- reason+able, season+al, care+ful, attract+ive, life+less, child+ish; випадк+ов_ий, сум+н_ий, баг+ат_ий, актив+н_ий, студент+ськ_ий... с) V-forming hypern+ate, wid+en, intensi+fy, central_ize; суш+ити, прям+увати (in Eng.their number is limited); d) Adv-forming era+ly; давн+о.

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