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3. Telescopy, back-derivation, shortening & Abbreviation in Eng & Ukr.

(intro from #2)

Shortening –a comparatively new way of word-building, achieved high-degree of productivity. It is simply sortening of words and word-groups.There are two ways of shortenings:

I. Contraction(clipping)- an abbreviation formed by the loss of word element, usually syllabic- 1)final clipping-omission of the final part of word- doc<doctor,lab<laboratory;комп-компютер, унiвер-унiверситет; 2)initial cl.- phone<telephone, fense<difference, 3) medial cl.- maths<mathematics, hols<holidays,4)mixed cl.(fore&fin.parts)- flu<inluenza,Liz-Elizabeth, Ronnie<Veronica. (Accepted by the speakers of a language, clipping may aquire grammatical categories(used in plural forms))

II.Abbreviation –(initial shotrenings) are words produced by shortening the ICs of phrasal terms up to their initials.1)Acronyms(initial shortenings which are read in accordance with the rule of orthoepy as though they were ordinary words(common and equally productive type in both languages) -UNO (United Nations Organisation)- ООН -Орг.Обєд.нац.; UNESCO (United Nations Educ, Scient & Cult. Organ.), ЗМІ (зас.Мас.інф), ЧАЕС(Чорн.Ат.Ел.Стан.)+ (some borrowed acronyms are not deciphered in Ukr.)- НАТО, ЮНЕСКО, ЮНІСЕФ 2)Alphabetic Abb. (initial shortenings, in which letters get their full alphabetic pronunc. & full stress. Sometimes they are used for famous person’s names(FDR-Franklin Delano Roosevelt)USA,BBC(Britich Broadcasting Corporation),MP(Member of Parliament)FBI, СБУ,СНД,ДПА(Держ.Податк.Інсп). 3)Compo-und Abb. (first ICs-letter, second-complete word. Specifically English type of w-form, though is used in Ukr. One or bothof compound Abbs may be clipped: V-day, A-bomb>atomic bomb, ACD solution> acid dextrose solutin, hi-fi>high fidelity, sci-fi, Internet, нардеп, Мінфін, генпрокуратура, євроінтеграція. 4)Graphic abb- for space econ- Mr, m<mile, X-mas, govt<government, Ltd.,см, км, с.<сторінка 5) Latin Abb- sometimes are not read as Latin words but as separate letters or are substituted by Eng, equiv.: i.e.(idest-Lat.), a.m./p.m., Cf.-compare.

Back-derivation (the derivation of new words(mostly V) by means of substracting a suffix of other element resembling it). Rather productive in English, In Ukr- restricted to nouns: butle-butler, combust-combustion, lase-laser, sculp-sculptor, baby-sit- baby-sitter, to force-land – force-landing; біг-бігати, крик-кричати, говір-говорити.

Telescopy(Blending)- (merging fragments of words into one new word, or combining the elements of one word with the notional word). Rather productive in English, recently has become familiar for Ukr. Blends may be borrowed: смог, мотель.: smog=smoke+fog, drunch=drinks+lunch, motel=motor+hotel, банкомат=банк+автомат, сільрада=сільська+рада.

4.Metaphoric change of word-meaning in Eng&Ukr

Transpherence- the process of a new meaning development(or change). It is based on Resemblance(also called linguistic metaphor). New meaning appears as a result of associating 2 objects(phenomena,qualities) due to their outward similarity.

Change is based on similarity of thing. Ex: “broadcast”- originally ment “to cast seeds”, but with the invention of radio & TV, the word has extended to indicte the transmission of radio&video sinals. Outside of agricultural circles very few people use broadcast in the earlier sense.

Metaphorical extension is the extension of meaning in a new direction through popular adoption of an originally metaphorical meaning. The “crane” at a construction site was given its name by comparison to the long-necked bird of the same name.

Is almost a natural process undergone by every word. We don’t even think of it as of meaning change. In its obvious instances, we don’t even see it as extending the meaning of a word: illuminate originally ment to light up, but has broadened to mean to clarify, to edify.

As few specific metaphors are commen in many different languages, and words can be shown to have undergone similar, if independent developments. Wesh “haul” & Gaelic “suil”(sun) transformed to “eye”.

More often languages will differ in the precise correspondences between words, so that some languages have broad words with many meanings, which must be translated into multiple words in another languages.

Metaphors can be classified : According to pragmatic effect:Dead (are fixed in dictionaries. They sound banal and hackneyed like cliche): the apple of one’s eye, floods of tears, хмара запитань, братися за розум. Original (are not registered in dictionaries. They are created in speech by speaker’s imagination. They sound fresh & expressive): some books are to be tasted, others swallowed, and some few to be chewsd and digested. Між зелених лугів котиться хмарина з білими плечима. According to degree of their stylistic potential: Nominational (name new objects or phenomena of the objective world): the arm of the chair, ніжка столу, рукав річки Cognitive (when an object obtain a quality that is typical of another object) : Час ішов, сонце вставало і знов сідало за горизонт. One more day has died. Imaginative.: Her eyes were pools with still water. Чорне озеро ярмарку вливається струмком в каплицю. According to structure: Simple.: The leaves were falling sorrowfully. Час іде. Sustained. :Очей не тішив ні дитячий шепіт колосу, ні місячне марево

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