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3. Choose the necessary word and put it in the sentence.

Exercise 1. Choose the necessary word and put it in the sentence.

1. They use both direct and indirect...

of distribution. 1 wholesalers

2. Agent middlemen do not... to the

goods they deal in. 2 take title

3. Usually wholesaling ... stands

between the producer and the retailer. 3 retailer

4. A supermarket may ... thousands of

commissions items. 4 stock

5. Usually a wholesaler handles a large ...

of items of numerous manufacturers. 5 channels

6. Agent middlemen don't earn salaries,

they.... 6 assortment

7. A wholesaler doesn't deal with the

customers,... does. 7 to receive

8. .... simplify the problems of

manufacturers. 8 middleman

Придаточные предложения времени и условия

1. Change the sentences according to the model.

Model: When did they want to reimburse for our expenses? (I don't remember).

I don't remember when they wanted to reimburse for our expenses.

1. How will you get a raise? (They don't care).

2. When did they send you the purchase order? (I don't know).

3. Who are the purchasing agents? (I can't recall).

4. Why didn't they get verbal agreement? (I'll try to find out).

5. Did they staple and file the p.o.? (1 don't know).

6. How large is the sales region? (They don't care).

7. How much is the toll? (It doesn't matter).

8. When will she get commission? (She doesn't know).

2. Make up the conditional sentences.

Model: consult the middleman /he - smart

If he were smart, he would consult the middleman.

  1. be a wholesaling middleman /he - interested

  2. work for themselves / men - independent

  3. earn a good salary /he - happy

  4. use direct channels / business - successful

  5. have the secretary do it / she - there

  6. handle it well / he -fail

  7. order it next month /I - rich

3. Read the text. It has two parts:

1. Labour. 2. Capital. Think of the titles of smaller parts.

Labour is any work performed for an employer at a negotiated rate while profit is the surplus which accumulates as a result of productive work. The employer obtains this surplus after he pays the necessary expense of his business and the wages of his employees. He may be required to share the surplus with others who have provided the capital with which he started his business. Most businesses need capital in order to start productive work, and the capital pays for the accommodation, machinery and other items which the business need. There is always an elements of risk in providing capital and starting a business. The business may not be successful. The employees of the business do not bear this risk, but the employers and the providers of capital do bear it. If the business is successful, the risk has been justified and the invested capital earns part of the profits as a return on the investment.

The capital which people provide to help new business is an accumulation of previous surpluses on previous business activities. In this way the past is used to finance the future. Such capital is accumulated by a deliberate policy of saving surpluses. This policy may be personal and individual, or it may be public or collective. As such, it is common to both the capitalistic and communistic systems. In both systems, a certain part of the profits is "ploughed back" inlo the system in order to create capital. In general terms, capital can be defined as (1) a factor of production (for example, machinery or cash), (2) the assets possessed by a person, a company or a nation. Land, houses and shares in a business are capital. In terms of the state, all railways, docks, roads, airports and state funds of money are part of the nation's capital.