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12. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Past Indefinite:

1. She said she (to know) English and French.

2. I wondered where he (to live).

3. She didn’t say that you (to be) friends.

4. I asked my friend if he (to be) angry with me.

5. It seemed to me that they (to be) upset about something, but it turned out that they not (to be).

6. She answered that she not (to know) anything about it.

7. I told her that I not (to like) the way she (to speak) to her brother.

8. I asked her how often they (to see) each other.

9. I saw at once that they not (to understand) the situation correctly.

10. It was strange that he (to behave) like a little baby.

11. I wondered what he (to think) about me.

12. He said he not (to want) to discuss that.

13. Переведите:

1. Я не знал, что ты сердишься на меня за это.

2. Он спросил, знаю ли я этого человека.

3. Я не думал, что ты так любишь путешествовать.

4. Ты говорил ей, что не веришь её словам?

5. Ему показалось, что на улице ещё темно.

6. Ей было интересно, часто ли мы видимся.

7. Было странно, что она не знает, где её брат.

8. Я был уверен, что он всё понимает, но не хочет говорить об этом.

9. Подруга спросила её, как она себя чувствует, и она ответила, что ей кажется, что она больна.

10. Я знал, где она работает, но не знал, где она живёт.

11. Она поинтересовалась, как мы проводим своё свободное время.

12. Кто сказал, что Земля круглая?

13. Он не знал, что Лондон – столица Англии.

14. Учитель сказал, что вода кипит при температуре 100° С.

14. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Past Indefinite; перескажите истории:

A. When I (to come) to the new school, our first lesson (to be) history. The teacher (to tell) us to open the books at page 100. I (to say) that I (to think) it (to be) better to begin with page one. This (to make) her angry and she (to tell) me to stop talking. I (to open) the book at page 100, and I (to see) pictures of some stones. The teacher (to tell) us that those stones (to be) two thousand years old. I (to wonder) how she (to know) that. It (to make) her so angry that she (to tell) me to get out of the classroom and to speak to the director. The director (to speak) to me very rudely. First he (to ask) me my name, and I (to say) ‘Sarroyan’. ‘And …?’, he (to continue) coldly. ‘And I (to want) to ask the history teacher some questions…’ I (to begin). But he (to interrupt) me: ‘I (to mean) to ask you about your nationality’. I (to tell) him proudly that I (to be) Armenian. He (to look) at me coldly and (to say): ‘So I (to think)’. ‘Why you (to think) so?’, I (to ask) in surprise. He (to explain) to me that American boys (not to ask) their teachers silly questions. I (to ask) him how he (to know) it. This (to make) him very angry, and I (to understand) that he (to be going) to punish me. I (to run) out of his room before he (to do) so. Soon I (to leave) that school, and in the new school I never (to try) to ask any questions.

(after Sarroyan)

B. When I (to feel) very tired of packing our things, Harris and George (to say) that they (can) to finish it quickly. I (to sit) down and (to prepare) to watch them; I (to know) that something interesting was going to happen. I (not to have) to wait long. George (to take) the cup in which we (to keep) butter, but suddenly he (to drop) the cup, and it (to fall) and (to break). After he (to gather) the butter, he (to put) it on the chair and (to sit) on it. When I (to remind) them about the butter, they (to begin) looking for it everywhere, and (can not) find it. At last, when Harris (to turn) his back to us, George (to see) the butter and (to say): ‘But here it is, all the time!’ Harris (to turn) round to look at the butter, and (not to see) anything. I (to laugh), and it (to make) them very angry. At last Harris (to understand) what he should do, and (to stand) still for a moment, and George (to get) the butter off Harris and (to put) it into the tea-pot.

(after Jerome)

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