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14. Scan the text about Copper (Cu) carefully. Use the scattered Nouns – Verbs – Adjectives – Adverbial Modifiers to make as many correct sentences-statements as possible.

Copper is a highly malleable (i.e. easily worked), red-brown metal, which is ductile and has many uses. It occurs as native copper and in a variety of mineral forms. Copper is extracted by smelting and refining by electrolysis. Copper has been an important metal for thousands of years in its alloys, brass and bronze. It is used in coins as an alloy with nickel. Since copper is an excellent conductor of electricity, it is widely used in the electrical industry. It is also used as pipes for plumbing, in paints, pigments, printing and fungicides (chemical solutions, which destroy fungal growth.


Noun Verb Adjective Adverbial Modifier

metal have malleable by smelting

brass use red-brown in a variety of forms

alloy extract ductile by refining

conductor be excellent by electrolysis

bronze occur electrical in industry

form destroy mineral easily worked

15. Match the parts of the sentences.

1. the confined electrons generated a) the flux and energy

2. the sources offered higher b) can be increased

3. various magnetron configurations c) high-density pressure

4. the plasma generation area d) sputtering rates

5. the sputtering pressure determines e) were patented

6. the unbalanced magnetron may f) nano-composite coatings

7. at present scientists study g) create plasma in far regions

8. there is an artist’s impression of h) the TiALCN

16. Grammar Tutorials: Stone Wall Construction Translate the following noun + noun combinations.

a) Penning discharges; b) target surface; c) magnetron sources; d) magnetron configurations; e) gas pressure; f) magnetron arrangement; g) plasma area generation; h) growth morphology; i) deposition temperature; g) sputtering chamber; k) ionization level; l) mercury ions

Additional Activities: Miscellaneous

17. See the difference in the following words. Use a dictionary. Read all of them aloud. Make some sentences of your own. Some eight examples are given for you.

both – boss; house(n) – house(v); in order – in order to; mean – means – by means of – by all means; a (the) number of – a number of; North – nose; quality – quantity; right – write; some – the same; still – steel; set – seat – sit; since – science – silence; waste – waist; because – because of; physicist – physician – physics; as – us; clothes – cloth; knight – night; byte – bite; seem - seam; will – wheel

1. a) Since copper is an excellent conductor of electricity, it is widely used in the electrical industry; b) Science is knowledge arranged in an orderly manner; c) Silence means absence of sound.

2. a) In order to examine the growth morphology of the deposited coating scanning electron microscope was used; b) Put the data in a chronological order, please.

3. a) Because of the superior characteristics magnetron sputtering became the most widespread PVD coating technique; b) Alloyed elements are used because they improve oxidation resistance.

4. a) The S-gun and the planar magnetrons are not the same; b) Some single metal nitrides are mentioned in the text.

5. a) The number of metals in TiAlCN is two; b) Since the mid-1800s there have been a number of studies of glow (gas) discharges and the spectral emission from the glows.

6. a) At present scientists still continue studying the coating technique; b) Steel is a hard alloy of iron and carbon or other elements used for many purposes.

7. a) The properties of steel vary with iron content and also depend upon the presence of other metals and the production method; b) vacuum still means “вакуумный, перегонный куб”.

8. a) Many scientists worked as teachers. b) Many of us knew it.

18. Read I) English and then II) Russian texts about Titanium. Rewrite from the English version the sentences, which mean exactly the same as in the Russian version. Summarize both texts.

I) Titanium used to be discovered in England by William Gregor (an English clergyman and mineralogist) in 1791. Titanium is lightweight, strong, corrosion resistant and abundant in nature. Titanium and its alloys possess tensile strengths from 30,000 psi to 200,000 psi (210-1380 MPa), which are equivalent to those strengths found in most of alloy steels. The density of titanium is only 56 percent that of steel, and its corrosion resistance compares well with that of platinum. Titanium has a high melting point of 3135°F (1725°C). This melting point is approximately 400°F (220°C) above the melting point of steel and approximately 2000°F (1100°C) above that of aluminum. Titanium is as strong as steel, but 45% lighter. Titanium can be alloyed with other elements such as iron, aluminum, vanadium, molybdenum and others, to produce strong lightweight alloys for aerospace, military, industrial process, desalination plants, automotive, medical, sporting goods, and other applications. Because of TiN's metallic gold color, it is used to coat costume jewelry and automotive trim for decorative purposes. TiN is also widely used as a top-layer coating, usually with nickel (Ni) or chromium (Cr) plated substrates, on consumer plumbing fixtures and door hardware. TiN is non-toxic. The most common methods of TiN thin film creation are physical vapor deposition (PVD, usually reactive sputtering or electron beam heating) and chemical vapor deposition (CVD). In both methods, pure titanium is sublimated and reacted with nitrogen in a high-energy, vacuum environment. PVD is preferred for steel parts.

II) Титан в виде оксида был открыт английским любителем-минералогом У. Грегором в 1791 году. В высоковакуумной технике широко применяется титан и его сплавы, которые имеют высокие прочность, плотность, жаропрочность и коррозийную стойкость при температурах до 500°C. При более высокой температуре титан и его сплавы легко окисляются и поглощают водород, который вызывает охрупчивание (embrittlement). Технический титан хорошо обрабатывается давлением, сваривается в среде аргона, но плохо обрабатывается резанием. Для получения сплавов титан легируют алюминием, молибденом, ванадием, марганцем, хромом, оловом. Титан – очень твердый металл: он в 12 раз тверже алюминия, в 4 раза – железа и меди. Чем выше предел текучести металла, тем лучше детали из него сопротивляются эксплуатационным нагрузкам, тем дольше они сохраняют свои формы и размеры. Предел текучести титана в 18 раз выше, чем у алюминия, и в 2,5 раза, чем у железа. Широкое применение получил титан при производстве твердых сплавов для режущих инструментов. Тончайшее покрытие из карбида титана значительно повышает режущие свойства инструмента, улучшает качество поверхности обработанных изделий. Превосходные хирургические инструменты изготавливаются из сплавов титана. Оксидная пленка не защищает титан в жидком состоянии от дальнейшего взаимодействия с кислородом (в отличие, например, от алюминия), и поэтому его плавка и сварка должны проводиться в вакууме. Использование титана дает во многих случаях большой технико-экономический эффект.

19. Enjoy solving crossword puzzle on the professional vocabulary.

ACROSS (по горизонтали).

5. electrical force measured in volts [7]

6. the curved path of an object [10]

8. the outside of any object [7]

9. to go out [4]

10. device for forcing liquid, gas, air [4]

13. a type of thermionic valve [9]

14. special quality belonging to something [8]

17. level lying below another [9]

20. distance between the highest point of one wave and that of the next [10]

23. involving a pair of pairs [6]

24. the quality of being hardy [8]

25. the commonest of all metallic elements [4]

28. without active chemical properties [5]

29. hard but easily broken [7]

30. something to be aimed at [6]

31. quality or state of being rough [9]

32. the force overcome by a machine [4]

33. a substance added to metal [4]

DOWN (по вертикали)

1. thin coating or covering [4]

2. space completely empty of gases [6]

3. speed [4]

4. common reddish-brown metal [6]

5. different or alternative [6]

6. putting something through a chemical process in order to change [9]

7. negative electrode [7]

11. unmixed with any other substance [4]

12. varying or being variant [9]

15. flow of electricity [7]

16. relation of weight to volume [7]

18. instrument held in the hand [4]

19. being or becoming attached

or united [8]

21. very skilled person, expert [3]

22. frame of pieces of metal crossed over each other [7]

26. neither acid nor alkaline [7]

27. line or division caused by splitting [5]

31. become less tense [5]