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Менеджмент и маркетинг в спорте




D.H. So, you handle PR as well? F.W. Yes, yes.

D.H. I see...

F.W. It is a department of about fifty people. So what I am responsible for, it is profit.

D.H. Really? You’re in charge of the profit centre?

F.W. Right.Well, there are two sides of the job.There is a budget, which covers: advertising and cost of producing leaflets, and that’s the cost side. But each programme has got a sales target in terms of the number of holidays sold. So, the responsibility for achieving these targets is with me, or my department.

D.H. Yes, I see.

F.W. To be exact, it’s a sale and a load factor that are important, which meansthatyou’vegottofillacertainnumberofseatsoneveryflight to cover your costs. And this leads to profit. But if the marketing department puts the wrong programme on sale and it doesn’t sell, that will affect the profit.

D.H. Yeah.

F.W. This profit responsibility is actually shared with three other main line directors who control large areas of costs.

Actoutasimilardialogue.Taketurnsinaskingandansweringquestions about your responsibilities as a basketball (football, ice-hockey) team manager.

II. Test yourself. Study this check-list and evaluate your potential as a manager:

1.If there is an unpleasant job that has to be done, I will:

a)do it myself;

b)give it as a punishment to someone;

c)hesitate to ask a lower-level employee to do it;

d)ask someone to do it.

2.If my boss criticizes me, I will:

a)feel bad;

b)show the boss where he/she is wrong;

c)try to learn from the criticism;

d)apologize for being stupid.


Sports management and marketing



3.If an employee doesn’t work as he/she should, I will:

a)let him make mistakes;

b)help him/her;

c)put off (откладывать) firing the employee as long as possible;

d)get (избавиться) rid of the employee as quickly as possible.

4.If my salary increase is not as large as I expected, I will:

a)tell the boss;

b)keep quiet;

c)say nothing but show my dissatisfaction in other ways;

d)ask the boss why it isn’t larger.

5.If a lower-level employee continues to ignore my instructions, I will:

a)try to give him/her something else to do;

b)keep telling the employee until the job is done;

c)tell the employee that if he/she doesn’t do the job right the next time, there won’t be a next time;

d)try to explain in a different way.

6.If the boss rejects (отвергает) a good idea of mine, I will:

a)ask why;

b)go away and feel bad;

c)try to bring the idea again later;

d)think about joining the competitors.

7.If a co-worker criticizes me, I will:

a)give him/her back twice;

b)avoid him/her in the future;

c)try to determine whether the criticism was right;

d)worry that the co-worker doesn’t like me.

8.If someone tells a joke which I don’t understand, I will:

a)laugh with the rest;

b)tell him/her that this is a lousy (скверный) joke;

c)tell him/her that I don’t understand the joke;

d)feel stupid.

9.If someone points out a mistake I have made, I will:

a)deny it;

b)feel guilty;

c)say, that everybody makes mistakes;

d)dislike the person.

Менеджмент и маркетинг в спорте




10. If I have to talk to a top manager, I:

a)can’t look the person in the eye;

b)will feel uncomfortable;

c)will get a little nervous;

d)will enjoy the interchange.

11. If a lower-level employee asks me for a favour, I will:

a)sometimes grant it, sometimes not;

b)feel uncomfortable if I don’t grant it;

c)never grant any favours;

d)always give in.

Here is how to score.The best selected answers are: 1 – a; 2 – c; 3 – b; 4 – d; 5 – d; 6 – a; 7 – c; 8 – c; 9 – c; 10 – d; 11 – a. If you have 29 points, your potential as a manager is excellent.

III. Imagine that you are going to manage a sports club. Use the material of the Unit to describe the situation (the structure, the staff, the responsibilities, etc.).


1. Learn the following names of track-and-field competition managers:

Management Officials – директорат соревнований

Competition Director – директор соревнований

Meeting Manager – менеджер соревнований Technical Manager – технический менеджер

Event Presentation Manager – менеджер, отвечающий за проведение соревнований по данному виду

Competition Officials судейская коллегия

Referee for Track Events – рефери по беговым видам

Referee for Field Events – рефери по техническим видам

Referee for Combined Events – рефери по многоборью

Referee for Events outside the stadium – рефери по видам, проводи-

мым вне стадиона

Referee for the Call Room – рефери, отвечающий за место сбора участников


Sports management and marketing



Chief Judge and an adequate number of Judges for Track Events – стар-

ший судья и соответствующее количество судей по беговым видам

Chief Judge and an adequate number of Judges for each Field Event –

старший судья и соответствующее количество судей на каждый технический вид

Chief Judge and five Judges for each Track Race Walking Event – стар-

ший судья и пять судей по каждому из видов спортивной ходьбы, проводимых на стадионе

Chief Judge and eight Judges for each Road Race Walking Event – стар-

ший судья и восемь судей по каждому из видов спортивной ходьбы, проводимых вне стадиона

Recorder – секретарь

Posting Board Operator – оператор, отвечающий за карточки предупреждений

Chief Umpire – судья на дистанции

Chief Timekeeper – старший хронометрист

Start Coordinator – координатор старта Starter – стартер

Recaller – судья, отвечающий за возврат спортсменов при фальстарте

Starter’sAssistant – помощник стартера

Chief Lap Scorer – старший счетчик кругов Lap Scorer – счетчик кругов

Competition Secretary – секретарь соревнования

Chief Marshal – старший комендант соревнования Marshal – комендант соревнования

Wind Gauge Operator – оператор по измерению скорости ветра Chief Photo Finish Judge – старший судья на фотофинише

Assistant Photo Finish Judge – помощник судьи на фотофинише MeasurementJudge(Electronics)–измеритель(электронныеизмерения) Chief Call Room Judge – старший судья, отвечающий за место сбора участников

Call Room Judge – судья, отвечающий за место сбора участников

Additional Officials – дополнительные судьи Announcer – информатор

Statistician – статистик

Official Surveyor – официальный измеритель

Менеджмент и маркетинг в спорте




Advertising Commissioner – комиссар по рекламе Doctor – врач

Stewards forAthletes, Officials and Press – вспомогательный персонал для спортсменов, официальных лиц и представителей прессы

2. Study the description of managerial responsibilities (the right-hand column) and write down whose these duties are (the left-hand column). Consult the above list of Track-and-Field Competition management officials if necessary.

1. ...должен планировать техническую организацию соревнования, обеспечивать выполнение­ этого плана и разрешать совместно с тех­ ническим­ делегатом (делегатами) все технические проблемы. Должен направлять все действия участников соревнований и посредством системы связи быть в контакте со всеми судьями.

2. ...отвечает за правильное проведение соревнования. Должен проверить, чтобы все судьи прибыли на места для выполнения своих обязанностей, назначить запасных, если это необходимо, и иметь полномочия отстранять от выполнения обязанностей любого судью, который не соблюдает правила. В сотрудничестве с комендантом соревнований дол-

a. The Technical Manager shall be responsible for ensuring that the track, runways, circles, arcs, sectors, landing areas for field events and all equipment and implements are in accordance with IAAF Rules.

b. TheCompetitionDirectorshall plan the technical organisation of a competition in cooperation with the Technical Delegate(s), where applicable, ensure that this plan is accomplished and resolve any technical problems together with the Technical Delegate(s). He shall direct the interaction between the participants in the competition and, through the communication system, shall be in contact with all the officials.

c. The Manager shall be responsible for the correct conduct of the competition. He shall


Sports management and marketing



жен контролировать, чтобы в центре арены находились только те лица, которым разрешен проход в эту зону. Примечание. На соревнованиях продолжительностью более 4 часов или более одного­ дня рекомендуется, чтобы у ... было cоответ­ ствующее число помощников.

3. ...отвечает за то, чтобы дорожки, зоны разбега, круги, дуги секторов для метания, сектора,зоныприземленияв технических видах, весь инвентарь и снаряды соответствовали Правилам ИААФ.

4.Отдельные ... должны отвечать за место сбора участников соревнований и назначаться на беговые виды, на технические виды, на многоборье, а также на беговые виды и спортивную ходьбу, проводимые вне стадиона.

5. ...должны иметь полномочия принимать решения по определению места спортсмена в соревновании только в том случае, если судьи не могут принять такого решения.

6.Соответствующий ... имеет право принимать решения

check that all officials have reported for duty, appoint substitutes when necessary and have authority to remove from duty any official who is not abiding by the rules. In cooperation with the appointed Marshal, he shall arrange that only authorised persons are allowed in the centre of the arena.

Note. For competitions of longer than four hours or over more than one day, it is recommended that the Manager has an adequate number of Assistant Managers.

d. The relevant Track Referee has the power to decide on any facts related to the starts if he does not agree with the decisions made by the start team except in the cases when it regards a false start detected by an IAAF approved false start control apparatus.

e. The respective Referees for track events and for events outside the stadium shall have jurisdiction to decide placings in a race only when the Judges of the disputed place(s) are unable to arrive at a decision.

f. Aseparate Referee shall be appointed for the call room, for track events, for field events,

Менеджмент и маркетинг в спорте




по любым фактам, относящимся к старту, если он не согласен с решением судей на старте, за исключением случаев, когда дело касается фальстарта, зафиксированного аппаратурой.

7.По окончании каждого вида протоколыдолжныбытьнемедленно заполнены, подписаны ... по данному виду и переданы... .

8. ...имеет полномочия в рамках проведения соревнований по многоборью. В его полномочия также входит контроль за проведением соревнований по отдельным видам, входящим в программу многоборья.

9. ...координируют работу судей по соответствующему виду. В случае, если это не было сделано ранее соответствующим органом, они должны распределить обязанности среди судей по отдельным видам.

for combined events and for running and race walking events outside the stadium.

g. The Combined Events Referee shall have jurisdiction over the conduct of the combined events competition. He shall also have jurisdiction over the conduct of the respective individual events within the combined events competition.

h. At the conclusion of each event, the result card shall be completed immediately, signed by the appropriate Referee and handed to the Competition Secretary.

i. The Chief Judge for track events and the Chief Judge for each field event shall coordinate the work of the judges in their respective events, when the relevant body has not already allocated the duties of the Judges, they shall allocate the duties.


Sports management and marketing



Unit 3. Managing Human Resources

Pre-reading activities

I. Listen to your teacher’s reading and mark the stressed syllable in the following words:

recruit v



objective n









resort v










advertise v


summary n

employment n

resume n


interview n, v




application n

considerable a



data n


effect n, v

clarify v



qualify v








career n








II. Check if these topical words and key phrases are known to you. If not, try to memorize them:


recruit v


нанимать (на работу)


syn. hire




ant. fire


увольнять за плохую работу


lay off


увольнять по сокращению штатов


department n



Human Resource Department

отдел кадров




зд. работа


to appraise performance

оценить работу


staff n




to expand the staff

расширять штат


estimate v, n


оценивать, оценка


estimation n




require v







agency n




employment agency

служба занятости

Менеджмент и маркетинг в спорте









apply to



обращаться за













application form

бланк заявления



to fill out an application form

заполнить бланк заявления







10. interview v, n

проводить собеседование, собесе-







официальное лицо, которое про-


interviewee n

водит собеседование



лицо, с которым проводится собе-

11. invest n











вложения, инвестиции


12. qualify for





qualification n



13. knowledge n



14. leadership




15. train v



готовить, обучать



retrain v




Pre-reading discussion

III. Discuss with your group-mates before you read the texts:

– what usual ways of recruiting staff you know.


Task I. Read Text A to know how candidates for jobs are looked for.

Text A

Recruiting Staff

If you are going to have a successful business you must understand how to manage one of the business most important resources, people.

Already in the 1970’s business owners in the USA began to realize that with the right people in the right jobs their business can achieve steady growth.


Sports management and marketing




What exactly should Human Resource Department of a company

do? Every HRD must perform the following series of functions: planning, recruiting and selecting employees and appraising employee performance.

Planning is a critical step. You should neither leave the company without enough people nor expand its staff. Planning involves estimation of the number and kinds of workers that will be needed as well as the supply of workers with the required skills.

Being a company manager you should know the requirements of all the jobs in your company and be able to develop a job description and job specification.

The next step is to match the job specification with an actual person. You may look among people already working for the company, advertise in newspapers, work through public and private employment agencies, go to college campuses or even resort to pirating key employees from other companies1.

When you have a certain number of applications you can get down to the selection process, that comprises several basic steps.You may choose a person on the basis of a standard application form that all candidates are asked to fill out or on the basis of a resume which is a summary of education, experience, interests and other personal data. Sometimes you’ll have to use both sources of information.

The next step in the hiring process is to interview each candidate to clarify her/his qualification and to fill in any missing information. Prior to the interview candidates may also be asked to take a test or a series of tests.

Many companies devote considerable resources to training and retraining employees because their competence has a direct effect on company profits.

To evaluate your employees it’s recommended as well to develop a performance appraisal system.

Anyway hiring the staff you invest time, efforts and money in each new employee and this investment is lost if you choose a wrong person.


1 ...or even resort to pirating key employees from other companies. – ...или даже при-

бегнуть к переманиванию ведущих специалистов из других компаний.