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Глава 4. Сколько-сколько? how much did you say?


Упражнение 2. Скажите, который час.

13.05 five past one; 18.30 half past six; 14.45 a quarter to three; 19.50 ten to eight; 16.40 twenty to five; 0.00 midnight; 12.00 noon; 17.04 four past five; 9.55 five to ten; 11.25 twenty-five past eleven; 21.20 twenty past nine; 22.50 ten to eleven; 16.30 half past four; 17.48 twelve to six; 14.12 twelve past two; 17.55 five to six; 10.30 half past ten; 22.00 ten o’clock; 23.30 half past eleven; 13.57 three to two; 9.12 twelve past nine; 14.42 eighteen to three; 17.30 half past five

Упражнение 4. Прочитайте предложения, используя правильную форму числительных.

  1. My birthday is on … of… .

  2. They got flat forty on the fifth floor in house 1 hundred twenty-three.

  3. Find file eleven and correct the second sentence.

  4. Catherine the Second put a monument to Peter the First in St. Petersburg.

  5. – What is the date today? – It’s … of … today.

  6. Read the third paragraph.

  7. The witch is 1 hundred twenty-one today.

  8. They are celebrating their fifteenth anniversary on Saturday.

  9. Take the first turning to the right.

  10. You’ll find text twelve on the thirtieth page.

  11. We live on the sixth floor.

  12. Is two o’clock all right with you?

  13. There are more than two hundred languages spoken in Nigeria.

  14. A century is a hundred years.

  15. In the jungle the pirates were attacked by millions of mosquitoes.

  16. If you need money badly we can give you a loan of two hundred dollars.

  17. Will you give me a second chance?

  18. The second song will certainly become a hit.

  19. He was said to have salted away four million dollars.

  20. There are three hundred kinds of macaroni in Italy.

  21. Statistics say that more than four million adults in Britain have trouble with reading and writing.

Упражнение 5. Вставьте артикль, если он нужен.

  1. Today in court we are listening to … case 243.

  2. …the second part of the book was much more interesting than …the first one.

  3. … participle 1 is used for building up progressive tenses.

  4. …the second participle is used to build up Passive forms.

  5. … flight 579 starts at five sharp.

  6. The planes came again for …a second attack.

  7. Let’s regard it as…the first step, just …the beginning.

  8. It was …a first-night and the actors were nervous.

  9. … exercise 27 begins at … page 44.

  10. …a year passed, then …a second, then …a third, but there was still no news.

  11. They agreed to meet on …the Fifth Avenue near … Building 112.

  12. …the two years in Africa taught him a lot.

  13. … flat 55 is on …the fifth floor.

  14. This style was in fashion in …the eighties.

  15. It was …a fifty-fifty deal.

  16. She was …a third-year medical student.

Упражнение 6. Прочитайте примеры и решите их.

  1. 23 and 36 is… .

  2. 3 times 8 is… .

  3. 64 divided by 8 equals … .

  4. 80 minus 20 is… .

  5. 65 divided by 10 is … .

  6. Add 10 and 5, multiply by 8, then subtract 40 and divide by 11. What have you got left?

  7. Divide 33 by 11, multiply by 7, and subtract 16. What number is left?

  8. 34 + 12 = …

  9. 15 x 4 = … .

  10. 10 3 = … .

  11. (17 + 13) : 3 = … .

  12. 159 – 21 = … .

  13. √169 – 3 = … .

  14. 12 x 5 = … .

  15. 48 : (6 – 2) = … .

Упражнение 7. Ответьте на вопросы.

  1. When were you born?

  2. How much do you weigh?

  3. What is the number of the flat and the house you live in?

  4. Is that an odd or an even number? нечетный/четный

  5. What is the approximate population of your town? Уфа – 1 200 000

  6. What is the approximate population of your country? 145 000 000

  7. What is the normal temperature of a healthy person? 36.6 Centigrade

  8. How many kilometers are there in a mile? 1.6

  9. How many years are there in a millennium? 1000

  10. How many students are there in your group?

  11. How far is it to Moscow? 1500 km

  12. What is the approximate number of fiction books you have read?

  13. What is your home address? I live at/my address is 20 Building 2 Zlobina St.,apt 51

  14. How much money do you usually spend a week?

  15. How far is it from your house to the city centre?

Упражнение 8. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

  1. Экзамен состоится 25 июня. The exam will take place on the 25th of June.

  2. Король устраивает рыцарские турниры два раза в месяц. The king arranges knights’ tournaments twice a month.

  3. Объем работы пчел увеличился втрое. The bees’ work content has risen threefold.

  4. 17 сентября 2004 г. было подписано двустороннее соглашение. The bilateral agreement was signed on the 17th of September, 2004.

  5. Пора вставать. Уже половина седьмого. It’s time to get up. It’s already half past six.

  6. Бегемот так много ест! Он всегда заказывает двойную порцию. The hippo eats so much! He always orders a double portion.

  7. Буратино потратил полчаса, чтобы разобраться в задании. Buratino spent two hours to gain an understanding of the task.

  8. У меня уходит полтора часа, чтобы добраться до института. It takes me an hour and a half to get to the institute.

  9. Собрание ведьм состоится в половине второго. The witches’ meeting is to / will take place at half past one.

  10. Сверните листок в два раза. Bend the sheet twofold.

  11. Это было одностороннее нарушение договора. That was a unilateral violation of the treaty.

  12. Перемена в Хогвартсе длится четверть часа. The break lasts a quarter of an hour in Hogwarts.

Упражнение 9. Чуть сложнее и немного объемнее предыдущего.

  1. Я родился 31 декабря, так что Новый год для меня – двойной праздник. I was born on the 31st of December, so New Year is a double holiday for me.

  2. Ум хорошо, а два лучше. One head is good but two heads is better.

  3. Конференцзал находится на четвертом этаже. The conference hall is on the 4th floor.

  4. Школа № 1236 находится на 15 (пятнадцатой) Парковой улице. School 1236 is on the 15th Park Street

  5. Дело номер 578 слушается в шестой комнате. Case 578 is being listened to in room 6.

  6. Седьмая часть прибыли пиратов идет на благотворительность. A seventh part of the pirates’ profits goes on charity.

  7. – Как насчет второй чашечки кофе? – Спасибо, одной достаточно. What about a second cup of tea? – No, thanks, one is enough.

  8. Рыцарь сделал вторую, третью попытку, и лишь четвертая увенчалась успехом. Дракон был повержен. The knight made a second, a third attempt but only the fourth was a success. The dragon was slain.

  9. У Чипполино большая семья. Вторая машина не помешала бы. Chippolino’s family is big. A second car would come in handy.

  10. В гараже две машины. Одна папина, а вторая моего старшего брата. There are two cars in the garage. One is my father’s and the second is my elder brother’s.

  11. Гарри окончил школу в 2001 году. Harry left school in 2001.

  12. Кто говорит, что третий лишний? Наоборот, бог троицу любит. Who says that the third is odd? On the contrary, God likes trinity.

  13. Сейчас я перечитываю «Тысячу и одну ночь». I am rereading “A hundred and one nights”.

  14. Население этого города – семь миллионов человек. The population of this city is seven million people.

  15. Первая любовь не забывается. The first love is never forgotten.

  16. Они встретились на премьере. They met at a first night.

  17. Давай устроим чай на двоих, хорошо? Let’s have a tea for two, shall we?

  18. Книгами А. Кристи зачитываются миллионы. A. Christie’s books are read by millions.

  19. Многим нравятся фильмы шестидесятых. Many people like the films of the sixties.

  20. Гному было где-то ближе к пятидесяти. The dwarf was about/under fifty.

  21. Мои друзья живут на Третьей улице Строителей. My friends live on the Third Builders’ Street.

  22. Дети пробрались через изгородь на четвереньках. The children got through the fence on their fours.

  23. Вода покрывает четыре пятых земной поверхности. Water covers four fifths of the surface of the earth.

  24. В Ватикане 11 500 комнат. There are 11500 rooms in Vatican.

  25. В республике Сан-Марино живет всего 20 000 жителей. Only 20 million people live in the republic of San-Marino.


B. Make the right choice.

1. John ran (quick, quickly). 2. She thinks (well, good) of Peter. 3. Jean sat (comfortable, comfortably). 4. John got (sad, sadly). 5. He behaves (honest, honestly). 6. She speaks English (fluent, fluently). 7. John did the exercises (easy, easily). 8. The ogre appears (pessimistic, pessimistically). 9. She was (bad, badly) hurt. 10. The girl grew (beautiful, beautifully). 11. Are these books (good, well)? 12. We don’t like to drink (bitter, bitterly) tea. 13. Rita plays the violin (good, well). 14. The table has a (smooth, smoothly) surface. 15. The witch looked (wonderful, wonderfully) on her birthday. 16. That is an (intense, intensely) novel. 17. The cake tastes (delicious, deliciously). 18. A Ferrari can run as (fast, fastly) as 300 kilometers per hour. 19. Mr. Pitt is a (good, well) cricket player. 20. The sun is shining (bright, brightly). 21. I thought she looked (strange, strangely) tonight. 22. The girl was (pretty, prettily) dressed. 23. The entrance was (free, freely), so we didn’t have to pay anything. 24. She came (close, closely) to me and looked (sharp, sharply) in my eyes. 25. Pinocchio was (unjust, unjustly) accused of dishonesty. 26. Chop the eggs (fine, finely) for the chickens. 27. Cats can’t be taken for a walk on leads, they always prefer to go (free, freely). 28. I didn’t do anything with your computer. I (just, justly) switched it off. 29. This item is (close, closely) connected with what we discussed yesterday. 30. Why are you always coming (late, lately)? Was it so difficult for you to come at 10 o’clock (sharp, sharply)?

C. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate articles. Retell the story.

Once …a lion was sleeping under …a tree. …a small mouse ran over his face and woke him. He grew very angry and caught …the little mouse. While he was holding …the mouse, she said, “Oh, …the King of Beasts, don’t kill me. I’ll help you one day.” … The lion only laughed at …the thought that such …a small animal could help him. But he let …the mouse go.

Some time later people caught …the lion in …a net of strong ropes and, though …the lion used all his strength to free himself, he could do nothing. He only roared in … anger.

…the mouse heard his roar and came to …the place where he was lying. “I heard your voice,” she said. “I’ve come to help you. Do you remember what I said?” …the mouse began to cut …the net with her sharp teeth. …bit by …bit she did …the work, and …the hole in …the net became bigger and bigger. At last …the hole was big enough for …the lion to get out of …the net.

Sometimes …the strong need …the help of …the weak.

D. Translate into English.

Такого же роста, как я the same height as me/as tall as me; двухнедельная командировка a fortnight’s/two weeks’ business trip; плитка шоколада a bar of chocolate; гораздо умнее, чем обезьяна much cleverer than a monkey; рейс 145 flight one-four-five; пакет молока a pack of milk; вдвое длиннее, чем я ожидал twice as long as I expected; пять долларов двадцать семь центов five dollars twenty-seven; двойной обман a double fraud; корень из 169 the square root of 169; ежедневная получасовая прогулка a daily half hour’s walk; двусторонний договор a bilateral treaty/agreement; скорый поезд a fast train; абонемент (сезонный билет) a season ticket; полученные результаты the results obtained; такой же красивый, как ваш as beautiful as yours; обсужденные вопросы the questions discussed; показанный нам фильм ужасов a horror film shown to us; скучная лекция a boring lecture; усталый вид a bored look; новый учебник истории a new history book; исторический музей a historical museum; чем раньше, тем лучше the earlier, the better; кусок мела a piece of chalk; плачущий ребенок a crying child; ребенок, плачущий в соседней комнате a baby crying next room; взволнованный мальчик an excited boy; волнующий рассказ an exciting story; недавнее изобретение a recent invention; тесно связанный closely connected; тихим голосом in a low voice; в хорошем настроении in a good mood; такой нудный роман such a boring novel; комическая актриса a comic actress; такой экономный so economical; экономические вопросы economic questions; зарплата служащих (the) employees’ salary; такой высокий гонорар such a high fee; гонорар художника the artist’s fee.

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