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по практическому курсу английского языка

к роману Джонатана Коу «What a Carve Up!»

для студентов III курса англо-немецкого отделения

факультета иностранных языков



Печатается по решению редакционно-издательского совета

Красноярского государственного педагогического университета

Составитель: Л.Н. Александровская, ст.преподаватель

Отв. за выпуск: С.А. Агапова, к.филол.н., доцент

Рецензент: В.Е. Пэшко, к.филол.н., доцент

М Методические рекомендации по практическому курсу английского языка к роману Джонатана Коу «What a Carve Up!» для студентов III курса англо-немецкого отделения факультета иностранных языков. Красноярск: РИО КГПУ, 2010. - 58 с.

Методические рекомендации предназначены для студентов III курса и предполагают оказание им помощи в усвоении проблематики и основной идеи книги Дж. Коу «What a Carve Up!» Рекомендации содержат систему упражнений, расчитанных на пополнение словарного запаса студентов.

В Приложениях предлагается примерная структура письменного сочинения по тематике романа и вокабуляр для использования при устном ответе.


Красноярский государственный

педагогический университет, 2010


UNIT I ….................................................................... 3

UNIT II …................................................................... 10

UNIT III ….................................................................. 13

UNIT IV ….................................................................. 16

UNIT V …................................................................... 19

UNIT VI ….................................................................. 22

UNIT VII …................................................................. 25

UNIT VIII …................................................................ 29

UNIT IX ….................................................................. 33

UNIT X …................................................................... 36

UNIT XI ….................................................................. 39

UNIT XII …................................................................. 42

UNIT XIII …................................................................ 45

UNIT XIV …................................................................ 48

UNIT XV …................................................................. 51

Themes for the Panel Discussion of the Novel …......... 54

APPENDIX …............................................................. 55


  1. What members of the Winshows are introduced in the prologue?

  2. Give short descriptions of their personalities/professions

  3. Describe the accident between the children (Roddy and Hillary)

  4. What do you think of it?

  5. What happened to Godfrey?

  6. Who suffered most of all because of his death?

  7. What was Tabitha like?

  8. What was her attitude to her brothers?

  9. What was Lawrence’s attitude to the other members of the family?

  10. Did Tabitha believe that Godfrey’s death was an accident?

  11. Why did she blame Lawrence?

  12. How did she try to prove it? (2 cases! This is very

important! Locked room and a piece of paper with the “supper”)

  1. Was she successful in that?

  2. What did the others think of her?

  3. How do you think, was she really mad? Why?

  4. Did Mortimer believe she was mad?

  5. What was suspicious of their meeting in the garden?

  6. What scent could he smell?

  7. Where else was this jasmine scent mentioned?

  8. Read the last three lines at page 23. Why did Tabitha said that?

  9. What happened next?

  10. Why the newspaper article is given in the narration body instead of an ordinary description?

  11. What does the third part of the prologue tells us about?

  12. Why do you think such a description of a day from Michael’s childhood is offered to the reader?

  13. What kind of child was Michael?

  14. Did he have any “idols”?

  15. Dwell on the relations in his family.

  16. Did he see much of his father’s parents? (Important!)

  17. What did they want to celebrate?

  18. Where did they go?

  19. What was their plan?

  20. What did Michael want most of all?

  21. How did he feel after jumping into the swimming pool?

  22. What was next on their “program”?

  23. How were they choosing the movie?

  24. How did he manage to get inside? (the movie was not supposed to watched by the youngsters)

  25. What was the movie about?

  26. How was the place called?

  27. Does not it sound familiar?

  28. How did he like the movie?

  29. At what scene was he interrupted?

  30. Who were Shirley Eaton and Kenneth Konnor?

  31. Why didn't his mother want to let him watch it till the end?

August 1990

  1. What does the chapter open with?

  2. How old is Michael?

  3. How does he look?

  4. Describe his apartment.

  5. Who comes to his place?

  6. Does he know her?

  7. How does Fiona look?

  8. Why did she come?

  9. What is she trying to tell him?

  10. Does he understand?

  11. How many times does she have to repeat?

  12. Does she feel comfortable?

  13. What does his kitchen look like?

  14. What Fiona thinks of his apartment?

  15. What is her offer?

  16. How did her visit change everything?

  17. What does he see in the newspaper?

  18. What is he trying to find?

  19. What are the articles in the newspaper and a cutting about? (the same thing, Saddam)

  20. Do they agree in the opinion?

  21. How do you think, why did Michael keep this cutting? (if they read the commentaries, they would probably guess)

Unit I Part I a Commentary Book

  1. Speak on Jonathan Coe (p. p. 6 — 7)

  2. What is the genre and the construction of the novel? (p.7, p.16- 24)

  3. What classes does Jonathan Coe present in the novel? (p.p. 7-8)

  4. What was the political life of Great Britain in the 1940s, 1950s, 1970s and 1980s?

  5. What are the specific features of Margaret Thatcher's policy, home and foreign (Thatcherism)?

  6. What is the Iraq Affair? (p. p. 14 — 15)

  7. What is the role of Film and the Media in the novel? (p.p.16—17)

  8. Explain the title of the novel (p. 28)

  9. Translate the epigraphs to the novel (p. 28) How do you understand them? What thoughts do they provoke? What did you learn from the Appendix about the legend of Orpheus and the film by Jean Cocteaus?

  10. Read the synopsis of the film 'What a Carve Up!'