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III. Explain the meaning of the expression given below:

pluralistic society – a theory that there is more than one basic substance or principle.

mutual understanding – a relation of harmony between people; whatever affects one correspondingly affects the other. Urban Dictionary interprets it this way: "A term used mostly by Filipinos for two people who obviously like each other, but have not yet committed to a relationship. So both parties are still free to go out on dates with other people. It's a vague area between being friends and boyfriend/girlfriend".

effective relationships – such relationships that benefit one or both sides during cooperation.

different audiences or publics – PR practitioners work with them. Vladimir Dahl interprets in his dictionary, "we refer to the public all the people, except rabble (зд. - чернь)".

external environment – constantly information and resource sharing is going between the organization and the external environment. Тhe external environment dictates protection strategy and tactics to the organizations.

mediator – оne that mediates, especially one that reconciles differences between disputants.

publicity acceptable policy – such a policy that PR practitioner develops and implements to create a strong corporate image in order to achieve the objectives for the organization.

IV. Translate parts 1, 2, 3 in the written form. Зачем нужны реклама и связи с общественностью

1. Реклама и связи с общественностью (пиар) помогают нашему многосоставному обществу плюрализма принимать решения и функционировать наиболее эффективно. Способствовать взаимопониманию различных социальных институтов – вот основная задача пиара.

2. Для бизнеса, профсоюзов, государственных предприятий и учреждений, добровольческих и других организаций, включая больницы, образовательные и религиозные институты, пиар открывает широкий круг возможностей. Каждый из этих социнститутов ради достижения своих целей обязан развивать эффективные отношения с самой разной аудиторией, представая перед общественностью. Это могут быть служащие, члены организаций, заказчики, местные общественные группы, акционеры – и общество в целом.

3. От того, насколько точно изучены взгляды и ценности аудитории, напрямую зависит успешное функционирование социальных институтов. Потому пиарщик выступает в качестве консультанта по управлению, и – одновременно – как посредник, помогая частные интересы сделать разумными, общественно приемлемыми и действенными.

V. What questions are considered in the following sciences? Before giving your answers consult reference books or specialists in these fields of knowledge.

communication arts – the art of communication consider the classification of the parties and functions of communication, types and means of communication. PR practitioner must know all about how to communicate and make the procedure of communication more effective.

psychology – studies thinking, memory, perception, imagination, feeling, emotions, feelings, inclinations, temper. In modern psychology there are a large number of sections: general psychology, psychology, social psychology, psychology of religion, pathopsychology, neuropsychology, family psychology, sports Psychology etc.

sociology – Society is an object of sociology. Laws of social development and social facts (that is collective habits, traditions, norms, laws, values) are the subject of study sociology. In the widest sense, the subject of sociology - a social life.

political science – the science of politics, that is the special sphere of human activity related to the power relations.

economics – the science that studies the use of various scarce resources in order to ensure that the needs.

principles of management – control system to certain facilities which include a set of principles, methods, forms and methods of management. Development of managerial decisions based on the collection, transmission and processing the necessary information.

ethics – morality is the object of study of ethics. Ethics don't create norms, principles, but studies and the common norms, values and ideals.