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4. The words given below are the active vocabulary that is necessary to speak about globalization. Study them and make up a chain story with your group mate using these words. For example:

Student A: Communication plays an important role in modern society

Student B: Modern society provides a lot of possibilities for cooperation in educational sphere.

Communication, society, international tourism, satellites, a broad access to, competition, labour cost, poverty, barriers, benefits.

5. Scan the text about pros, cons and effects of globalization once again. Say whether you agree with every single point or not. Use the following conversational clichés:




I think it’s totally right that …

I agree that …

Yes, indeed.

I think you are entirely right.

It appears to me to be true.

That's just what I think.

Exactly. I share the opinion that …

I agree with that up to a point, but…

That's quite true, but…

That makes sense; however…

It's a good idea to think that …, but…

I disagree because…

I am afraid I can’t agree with you.

The problem with that is…

The way I see it…

I'm against it because…

Instead, I think that… I object to …

I'm afraid, I don't share the opinion that …


1. Answer the questions. Use the ideas from the previous text.

1) Has globalization affected

  • your country;

  • your city;

  • your college life;

  • your family life;

  • you personally? How then?

2) Think about changes in recent years in

  • education;

  • job opportunities;

  • culture;

  • fashion;

  • ideas.

3) Do you think your country needs to be protected from the effects of globalization?

4) Would you support globalists or anti-globalists? Give your reason.

Improve your study skills

Developing writing strategies

1. Study the information below.

As we live in an information society people tend to spend a lot of time on virtual communication where they express their views, opinions, and attitudes by posting them in their blogs.

A blog (also called a weblog) is a website consisting of entries (also called posts) appearing in reverse chronological order with the most recent entry appearing first (similar in format to a daily journal). Blogs typically include features such as comments and links to increase user interactivity.

As the Internet has become more social, blogs have gained in popularity. Today, there are over 100 million blogs with more entering the blogosphere everyday. Blogs have become more than online diaries. In fact, blogging has become an important part of the online and offline worlds with popular bloggers impacting the worlds of politics, business and society with their words.

The best way to post involves breaking out the main points of your message and creating a list of everything you want to include, in the order you will address it. By creating a traditional outline, it helps you work out the flow of your post and organizes thoughts in a logical manner.

2. To learn how to start a blog go to http://startbloggingonline.Com/

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