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Family life

Учебное пособие

для студентов 1 курса направлений

45.03.02 «Лингвистика: перевод и переводоведение»,

44.03.05 «Педагогическое образование: Иностранный язык.

Второй иностранный язык (по выбору)»



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Печатается по решению Совета по научно-исследовательской работе и редакционно-издательской деятельности Мурманского государственного гуманитарного университета

Рекомендовано к печати советом Социально гуманитарного института (протокол № от 2015 г.)

Автор-составитель: М.М. Кремлева, кандидат педагогических наук, доцент, доцент кафедры иностранных языков МГГУ.

Рецензенты: Е.Н. Квасюк, к.п.н., доцент кафедры иностранных языков МГГУ;

Т.П. Волкова, к.ф.н., доцент, зав. кафедрой иностранных языков МГТУ.

Family life: Учебное пособие – автор-составитель М.М. Кремлева – Мурманск: МГГУ, 2015.- 76 с.

Данное учебное пособие состоит из 3 разделов и предназначено для использования на 1 курсе направлений «Лингвистика: Перевод и переводоведение» «Педагогическое образование: Иностранный язык. Второй иностранный язык (по выбору)».

Целью пособия, наряду с усвоением и отработкой лексического материала по теме “Family life”, является приобретение и автоматизация навыков перевода, а также тренировка и расширение объёма оперативной и безассоциативной памяти.













Список использованной литературы и интернет-источников 73

Introductory reading and talk

Marriage is a thing which only a rare person in his or her life avoids. True bachelors and spinsters make up only a small percent of the population; most single people are "alone but not lonely".

Millions of others get married because of the fun of family life. And it is fan, if one takes it with a sense of humour.

There's a lot of fun in falling in love with someone and chasing the prospective fiancee, which means dating and going out with the candidate. All the relatives (parents, grandparents and great-grand­parents, brothers and sisters, cousins, aunts and uncles, nieces and nephews, stepmothers and stepfathers and all in-laws) meanwhile have the fan of criticizing your choice and giving advice. The trick here is not to listen to them but propose to your bride-to-be and somehow get her to accept your proposal. Then you may arrange the engagement and fix the day of the wedding.

What fun it is to get all those things, whose names start with the word "wedding" — dress, rings, cars, flowers, cakes, etc.! It's great fun to pay for them.

It's fun for the bride and the groom to escape from the guests and go on a honeymoon trip, especially if it is a wedding present from the parents. The guests remain with the fun of gossiping whether you married for love or for money.

It's fan to return back home with the idea that the person you are married to is somewhat different from the one you knew. But there is no time to think about it because you are newly-weds and you expect a baby.

There is no better fan for a husband than taking his wife to a ma­ternity home alone and bringing her back with the twins or triplets.

And this is where the greatest fan starts: washing the new-born's nappies and passing away sleepless nights, earning money to keep the family, taking children to kindergarten and later to school. By all means it's fan to attend parents' meetings and to learn that your children take after you and don't do well at school.

The bigger your children grow, the more they resemble you outwardly and the less they display likeness with you inwardly. And you start grumbling at them and discussing with your old friends the problem of the "generation gap". What fan!

And when at last you and your grey-haired spouse start thinking that your family life has calmed down, you haven't divorced but pre­served your union, the climax of your fan bursts out!

One of your dearest offsprings brings a long-legged blonde to your house and says that he wants to marry. And you think: 'Why do people ever get married?'

Exercise 1. a) Repeat the successions of words after the teacher / partner.

b) Translate them by ear.

c) Find the odd word in each line. Why are they odd?

1) aunts – cousins – nieces - nephews – boy- friend – grandparents – parents;

2) dress – bachelors - rings – flowers - cakes – honeymoon – cars;

3) maternity home – new-born’s nappies – twins – spinsters – triplets;

4) dating – engagement – bride – divorce – proposal – fiancée – bridegroom.

Exercise 2. “Snowball”. Work in a group. Every student names one item of family life, the others repeat the previous and add one more item. Continue working until the students can remember the succession of words.

Exercise 3. Read the following word-combinations as quickly as possible. Translate them, switching from Russian into English and vice versa.

Grey-haired spouse – принять предложение - offsprings – молодожены – keep the family – женится по любви – marry for money – водить в детский сад.

Exercise 4. a) Repeat the members of the family with additional information after the teacher / partner.

Cousins 5 and 12, aunt 45, nephew 1991, niece 23 August, grandparents 65 and72.

b) Translate the text by ear.

The smile is a magic gift. It warms everybody without exception, cheers up, makes to feel happy. It is so pleasant to see a smiling person, especially, when your mum smiles. And my mum who is the dearest person in the world smiles so tenderly, sincerely and openly. It becomes lightly from her smile in the whole house. And so, you want to sing with joy!

Exercise 5. a) Repeat the items of the wedding after the teacher / partner.

Bride, proposal, engagement, groom, guests, honeymoon trip, wedding present, gossiping, newly-weds.

b) Translate them by ear.

c) Find the odd word in each line. Why are they odd?

1) guests - parents teachers;

2) newly-weds, divorced, honey-moon;

3) presents, flowers, students.

Exercise 6. Sum up the following text in 5 sentences.

Families evacuated during a large blaze on Anglesey on Friday morning have begun to return to their homes.

Nine families had been temporarily re-housed in a primary school after the flames forced 22 homes on Nant y Felin estate to be evacuated.

It broke out at a petrol station in Pentraeth at about 04:50 BST on Friday.

The A5025 road between Menai Bridge and Amlwich has been reopened after being closed due to the fire, police have confirmed.

Sandra Robinson Clark, who lives behind the petrol station, said the fire was so close to her house as she could feel the heat from the blaze.

"I was woken by police at around five o'clock in the morning and went into a bit of a panic," she said.

'Huge flames'

"I could see huge flames from my bedroom window. It was horrendous.

"I was concerned that the petrol station would explode.

"The smell of the smoke is terrible but I'm hoping we will be able to return home soon."

Media caption Firefighter Gary Brandick, said a shop and workshop have been badly damaged

North Wales Fire and Rescue Service warned the public to stay away.

Crews are expecting to be damping down the site for much of the day and could not say when the families could return to their homes.

Gary Brandick, senior fire safety manager at the fire service, said: "Our firefighters have done a good job here this morning keeping the fire contained, especially given the close proximity of other premises."

The cause of the fire is being investigated.

Exercise 7. a) Listen to young people speaking about family life in their countries. Translate the texts.

b) Produce the main idea.

c) Reproduce the sentences as a whole adding as many details as you can.

Takumi, 18, Japan

‘I am an only child because, in 1979, the government in my country introduced a one-child-per-family policy to control China’s population explosion. In the countryside, several generations often live under one roof! In urban areas, however, housing is small and can only accommodate a nuclear family, so I live with just my parents. All my relations live close by. We care for and help each other and spend a lot of time together. Family honour is very important in Chinese society, as is respect for your elders.’

Cheung, 16, China

‘I am an only child and I live with my parents and my grandma, or ‘babushka’ as we say here in Russia. My grandpa passed away last year so Babushka left her house in the country to come and live with us here in the city. When I was young I lived with my grandparents at their dacha and in many ways they were like parents to me. I don’t see my parents as much as I would like, as they work long hours. Still, we’ve learnt to make the most of our time together, so there’s never a dull moment in our house!’

Natasha, 15, Russia

‘My parents both come from large families, but in ours there’s just my brother and I. Although the birth rate has dropped a lot here in recent years, family still takes priority. My parents make us feel special. We can express ourselves openly and have our opinions listened to. We have lots of family celebrations and we often share Sunday lunch with my grandparents, aunts, undes and cousins. Meal times are really important to us, as they are to most Italians. After dinner, we often dress up and go out for a passeggiata, or evening stroll.’

Sylvia, 19, Italy

‘My parents are separated, so my sister and I live with our mum. We spend most weekends at our father’s place though, as our parents think it is important that they both remain a big part of our lives. I don’t see much of either of my grandparents as they live in different cities. I am very close to my maternal grandmother though, and I speak to her on the phone a lot.’

Thomas, 17, England

‘My family is the centre of my life. Family hierarchy is very important in Jordan and the young show respect to the old at all times. Getting married and having a family is a top priority for me. My marriage will probably be arranged by my father, which is quite common here. I have a large family and my house is often full of relatives visiting us. Indeed, the concept of privacy is alien to us Jordanians!’

Aalia, 17, Jordan

‘The Japanese believe that the strength and support of the family is essential for reaching your full potential in life. Like all Japanese children, I was taught to obey authority and to be very polite, as poor behaviour would reflect badly on my family. Being a parent is considered a very important role. My sister and brother-in-law have just had their first child, so they have started calling each other ‘Otoosan’ and ‘Okaasan’ (Father and Mother) instead of their first names. This is very common here!’

Exercise 8. “Snowball”. A) Repeat each line after the teacher.

B) Translate every sentence.

1. I haven't got a family of my own yet, so I shall speak about my parents' family.

2. I haven't got a family of my own yet, so I shall speak about my parents' family. There are four of us: my father, Sergey Viktorovich, my mother, Irina Pavlovna, my younger brother Anton, and myself Alexandr, Alex for short.

3. I haven't got a family of my own yet, so I shall speak about my parents' family. I haven't got a family of my own yet, so I shall speak about my parents' family. There are four of us: my father, Sergey Viktorovich, my mother, Irina Pavlovna, my younger brother Anton, and myself Alexandr, Alex for short. My parents have been married for eighteen years.

4. I haven't got a family of my own yet, so I shall speak about my parents' family. There are four of us: my father, Sergey Viktorovich, my mother, Irina Pavlovna, my younger brother Anton, and myself Alexandr, Alex for short. My parents have been married for eighteen years. They have much in common, but they have different views on music, books, films, sports.

5. I haven't got a family of my own yet, so I shall speak about my parents' family. There are four of us: my father, Sergey Viktorovich, my mother, Irina Pavlovna, my younger brother Anton, and myself Alexandr, Alex for short. My parents have been married for eighteen years. They have much in common, but they have different views on music, books, films, sports. But my parents have the same opinion about my education and upbringing.

6. I haven't got a family of my own yet, so I shall speak about my parents' family. There are four of us: my father, Sergey Viktorovich, my mother, Irina Pavlovna, my younger brother Anton, and myself Alexandr, Alex for short. My parents have been married for eighteen years. They have much in common, but they have different views on music, books, films, sports. But my parents have the same opinion about my education and upbringing. My parents are hard-working people.

7. I haven't got a family of my own yet, so I shall speak about my parents' family. There are four of us: my father, Sergey Viktorovich, my mother, Irina Pavlovna, my younger brother Anton, and myself Alexandr, Alex for short. My parents have been married for eighteen years. They have much in common, but they have different views on music, books, films, sports. But my parents have the same opinion about my education and upbringing. My parents are hard-working people. We have got a lot of relatives.

8. I haven't got a family of my own yet, so I shall speak about my parents' family. There are four of us: my father, Sergey Viktorovich, my mother, Irina Pavlovna, my younger brother Anton, and myself Alexandr, Alex for short. My parents have been married for eighteen years. They have much in common, but they have different views on music, books, films, sports. But my parents have the same opinion about my education and upbringing. My parents are hard-working people. We have got a lot of relatives. We are deeply attached to each other and we get on very well.

Exercise 9. Choose one of the names in the family tree below and say how the person is related to other people. Note that the pictures of marriage part­ners are connected with wedding rings.

Pattern: William Luke is Leon Luke's son, Philip Smith's nephew and Laura White's grandson

Exercise 10. Make up your family tree and speak about your family.

3. Work in pairs and talk. Imagine that:

a) you are speaking with a distant relative trying to find out what relation you are to one another;

b) you show your family album to your friend and answer all his or her questions.

Exercise11. Study Topical vocabulary. Translate into English using the word “look” and other related words and expressions.

1. В кого он пошел?

2. Она похожа на свою старшую сестру.

3. На кого похож наш сын?

4. Опишите, пожалуйста, как выглядит ваш друг. Я думаю, я с ним знаком.

5. Этот дом похож на дворец, не так ли?

6. Похоже на то, что пойдет снег.

7. Интересно, в кого пойдет его сын?

8. Когда я увидел ее в первый раз, она выглядела как маленькая девочка. Потом я узнал, что она очень похожа на свою мать, великую актрису.

9. Как выглядит твоя подруга?

10. Он пошел в своего отца внешностью и в мать – характером.

11. У тебя довольно усталый вид.

12. Эта шляпа хорошо на мне смотрится?

13. Что с тобой? Ты сегодня на себя не похожа.

14. В этом платье она выглядит превосходно.

15. Неужели ей уже за 40? Она совсем не выглядит на столько лет!

Exercise12. Translate from Russian into English using Topical vocabulary:

1. Он подросток, не так ли? – Да, ему лет 16.

2. Она только что стала совершеннолетней.

3. Она уже давно не молода – ей далеко за 40.

4. Ему больше двадцати.

5. Мальчик щ несовершеннолетний.

6. Сколько лет старику? – Под девяносто.

7. Сколько ей лет? – Она средних лет.

8. Ему только что исполнилось двадцать.

9. Он мой брат-близнец.

10. Мы с ней одного возраста.

11. Ему перевалило за 60, хотя он не выглядит на свои годы.

12. Моя старшая сестра уже совершеннолетняя.

13. Сколько вам лет? – Почти тридцать.

14. Она самая старшая в семье.

15. Мой брат старше меня на два с половиной года.

Exercise 13. Study Topical vocabulary. Paraphrase the sentences, using as many different constructions as possible.

E.g. He isn’t seventeen yet. – He is under seventeen.

He hasn’t come of age yet.,etc.

  1. She is not twenty yet.

  2. He is a little over thirty.

  3. My cousin and I are both seventeen.

  4. She is over fifty.

  5. The boy is fifteen or sixteen.

  6. He is almost seventy.

  7. The girl is eighteen or nineteen.

  8. The woman is between forty and fifty.

  9. She is not eighteen yet.

  10. He is already eighteen.

Exercise14 . Complete the following sentences using Topical vocabulary:

  1. I’m about 20, my brother is 22, so he is… .

  2. My cousin is married, so she has… .

  3. Nina is a distant relative of yours, isn’t she? – No, she is… .

  4. My father is married for the second time, so his wife is my … .

  5. Helen and you are both eighteen, so … .

  6. His father is 65, so … .

  7. John is my second cousin. He is my…relative.

  8. He is called Red, it’s his … .

  9. Our family name is Smith, I don’t know my mother’s …name.

  10. We call our baby “Ducky”, it is his… .

Exercise15 . Study Topical vocabulary. Give words or phrases for the following definitions:

  1. To win the affections with a view of marriage;

  2. Unsuitable marriage;

  3. A woman whose husband died;

  4. A woman, who has never been married;

  5. A second wife of one’s father;

  6. A child of an earlier marriage of one’s stepfather or stepmother;

  7. To take a child into one’s family (as a relation);

  8. A man, who has never been married;

  9. To educate, to raise children;

  10. To put an end to a marriage by law;

  11. The man (woman) to whom one is engaged;

  12. Your father’s (mother’s) parents;

  13. A jubilee after 25 years of marriage;

  14. A circular band (often of gold) given as a token of love;

  15. A social meeting between a boy and a girl who haven’t met before.

Exercise16. Translate into English using Topical vocabulary:

  1. Они поженились в апреле.

  2. Когда Джон собирается жениться на Джейн?

  3. Мэри рано вышла замуж.

  4. Она удачно вышла замуж за человека из состоятельной семьи.

  5. Гарри не женился, пока ему не перевалило за сорок.

  6. Она женила своего сына на богатой вдове.

  7. Твоя жена замужем? – Нет, она была замужем за моим другом, но потом они развелись.

  8. Она снова вышла замуж через два года после смерти своего первого мужа.

  9. Они выдали свою дочь за молодого дипломата.

  10. Он считает, что лучше быть холостяком, чем жениться на деньгах.

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