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1.G. Ritual Junction

The language of the rituals of secret organizations, social fraternities, lodges and some religious or political organizations is kept secret and is known only to their members. But the language of other rituals - patriotic, religious, academic and so on - is not kept private. Nevertheless, an oath of allegiance or a communal prayer can affect the nervous system as no statement of feet or judgement can. The three characteristics of most rituals are:

  1. the rituals must be performed with others (immediately or symbolically);

  2. they must be performed on some occasion;

  3. they must be performed with special care to details.

Conventions of many kinds, political, social, and academic serve more of a ritual function than the function of exchanging information or achieving some in­strumental goal. What is called a report may better serve as an incantation. No group can maintain itself without strong cohesiveness. But if the main result of the group's effort is only cohesiveness then surely we have the origins of a new ritual.

  1. Functions of nonverbal communication

When communicating, nonverbal messages can fulfil 6 functions: repeating, conflicting, complementing, substituting, regulating and accenting/moderating.

Repeating: "Repeating" consists of using gestures to strengthen a verbal message, such as pointing to the object of discussion.

Conflicting: Verbal and nonverbal messages within the same interaction can sometimes send opposing or conflicting messages. A person verbally expressing a statement of truth while simultaneously fidgeting or avoiding eye contact may convey a mixed message to the receiver in the interaction. Conflicting messages may occur for a variety of reasons often stemming from feelings of uncertainly, ambivalence, or frustration. When mixed messages occur, nonverbal communication becomes the primary tool people use to attain additional information to clarify the situation; great attention is placed on bodily movements and positioning when people perceive mixed messages during interactions.

Complementing: Accurate interpretation of messages is made easier when nonverbal and verbal communication complement each other. Nonverbal cues can be used to elaborate on verbal messages to reinforce the information sent when trying to achieve communicative goals; messages have been shown to be remembered better when nonverbal signals affirm the verbal exchange.

Substituting: Nonverbal behavior is sometimes used as the sole channel for communication of a message. People learn to identify fecial expressions, body movements, and body positioning as corresponding with specific feelings and intentions. Nonverbal signals can be used without verbal communication to convey messages; when nonverbal behavior does not effectively communicate a message verbal methods are used to enhance understanding.

Regulating: Nonverbal behavior also regulates our conversations. For example, touching someone's arm can signal that you want to talk next or interrupt.

Accenting/Moderating: Nonverbal signals are used to alter the interpretation of verbal messages. Touch, voice pitch, and gestures are some of the tools people use to accent or amplify the message that is sent; nonverbal behavior can also be used to moderate or tone down aspects of verbal messages as well. For example, a person who is verbally expressing anger may accent the verbal message by shaking a fist.

Communication is a complex dynamic system. It involves all modes of sending, receiving and feedback. It appears at a young age and decoding ability increases with age. At times nonverbal cues may be used to emphasize a message we are trying to convey. On other occasions it replaces verbal communication. Communication is used in everyday life, from greeting a stranger to touching a lover. The nonverbal behavior an individual uses is a product of characteristics endowed at birth and socially learned norms. Knowledge of the effects nonverbal communications introduce is needed, because our awareness may enhance favorable communication. Nonverbal cues may be unconsciously acted and reacted upon, regulating proximity, gestures, eye gaze and touch. Each component of nonverbal behavior affects our relationship and interpersonal environment in intricate ways. Nonverbal cues provide insight into affect states, influence another's perception of an individual's competence, persuasiveness, power, sincerity and vulnerability. In a new age where increasing population is decreasing personal space, it is imperative to understand cultural and personal communication differences and similarities.

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