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Proverbs with consonants

[p] A penny saved is a penny gained.

To call a spade a spade.

The proof of the pudding is in the eating.

Patience is a plaster for all sores.

Practise what you preach.

[b] To beat about the bush.

As busy as a bee.

[t] East or West, home is best.

Don’t trouble trouble until trouble troubles you.

A tree is known by its fruit.

[d] A sound mind in a sound body.

A good dog deserves a good bone.

Drop by drop, the sea is drained.

[k] To carry coal to Newcasle.

Cut your coat according to your cloth.

Curiosity killed the cat.

Custom is a second nature.

[g] A good beginning makes a good ending.

All is not gold that glitters.

[n] Neck or nothing.

To know everything is to know nothing.

No news is good news.

Necessity is the mother of invention.

What’s done, cannot be undone.

[m] Many men, many minds.

Men meet, but mountains never greet.

[ŋ] Better die standing than live kneeling.

No living man all things can.

[s] Slow and steady wins the race.

Best defence is offence.

Speech is silver, but silence is gold.

[z] Everybody’s business is nobody’s business.

[Ө] Good health is above wealth.

First think, then speak.

[ð] Birds of feather flock together.

Neither here nor there.

[l] Look before you leap.

Live and learn.

He laughs best who laughs last.

[j] It’s no use crying over the spilt milk.

Bad news has wings.

[r] Soon ripe, soon rotten.

All roads lead to Rome.

When at Rome do as the Romans do.

[f] The fat is in the fire.

No flying from fate.

[v] Nothing venture, nothing have.

Every medal has its reverse.

[w] Every why has a therefore.

Time works wonders.

Where there is will, there is a way.

What is worth doing at all is worth doing well.

[] As shy as a sheep.

Neither fish nor flesh.

A wolf in sheep’s clothing.

[]Measures for measures.

Eat at pleasure, drink with measure.

Measure twice and cut once.

[t ] Choose an author as you choose a friend.

Alike as chalk and cheese.

[h] Handsome is that handsome does.

Every man has his hobby horse.

[] Jack of all trades is a master of none.

A good Jack makes a good Jill.


The general definition of a diphthong might be “a combination of vowel sounds”. A slightly closer analysis shows that there is a glide (or movement of the tongue, lips or jaws) from one pure vowel sound to another. The first sound in each phoneme is longer and louder than the second.

English is usually described as having eight diphthongs, and they can be grouped in the following ways:

  1. centring diphthongs end with a glide towards [ə]; they are called centering because [ə] is a central vowel.

[ıə] as in idea [aıdıə], real [ rıəl], deer [dıə], career [kərıə], clear [ klıə],

hear [ hıə], experience [ikspıərıəns], period [pıərıəd], here [hıə];

[uə] as in sure [ uə ], poor [ puə ], tour [ tuə ], Europe [juərəp],

cruel [kruəl], sanctuary [sæŋktuərı];

[εə] as in air [εə], pair [pεə], chair [ tεə ], care [kεə], various [vεərıəs], bear [bεə], wear [wεə], swear [swεə], their [ðεə], heir [εə].

  1. closing diphthongs end with a glide towards [ı] or towards [u].

[eı] as in place [pleıs], later [leıtə], taste [teıst], change [ teınd ], aim [eım], aid [eıd], day [deı], straight [streıt], gauge [ geıd ], break [breık], great [ greıt], café [kæfeı], matinee [mætineı], fiancee [ fia:nseı], neighbour [neıbə], weight [weıt], ballet [bæleı], convey [ kənveı].

[oı] as in boil [boıl], coin [koın], boy [ boı], enjoy [ind oı].

[aı] as in fine [faın], life [laıf], child [ taıld], lie [laı], pie [paı], sign [saın], high [haı], type [ taıp], good-bye [ֽgudbaı], aisle [aıl], either [aıðə], neither [naıðə], eye [aı], guide [gaıd].

[əu] as in home [həum], open [əupən], old [əuld], folk [ fəuk], most

[ məust], both [ bəuθ], boat [ bəut], know [ nəu], soul [səul].

[au] as in loud [laud], proud [praud], town [taun], crown [kraun].

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