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6. The beginning of Enlightenment and

American Romanticism (first half of XIX c.)

The first steps to a national literature. Classicism in architecture: T. Jefferson, P.S. Lanfan, J. Hoban. First steamboat and train, Cotton gin, conveyor, Morse Code. Arts: portrait painting – B. West, J. Copley, G. Stuart. Two periods of American Romanticism: early (1810-1830), late (1840-1850). The appearance of historical novel (J.F. Cooper), humor and satire in the books by W. Irving, poetry of W.C. Bryant. Civil War and realism in literature: abolitionists – L. Garrison, H.B. Stowe.

1. What was the literary centre of the time?

2. Who was the first professional writer in America?

3. Who invented the first American Frontier hero and what was his name?

4. What novel brought Cooper success?

5. In what way did W. Irving influence American culture?

6. What state was called the Lone Star Republic and why?

7. Who were called «abolitionists»?

8. What were the main forms of painting?

9. Describe the inventions of the time.

William Lloyd Garrison and the abolitionists

Some Americans opposed to slavery were prepared to wait for it to come to an end gradually and by agreement with the slave owners. Others wanted to end it immediately and without compromises. The best known spokesman of the people in this, second group was a Boston writer named William Lloyd Garrison.

On January I, 1831 Garrison produced the first issue of The Liberator, a newspaper dedicated to the abolition of slavery. "On this subject I do not wish to think, or speak, or write with moderation," he wrote. "I will nor retreat a single inch - and I will be heard.”

Garrison meant what he said. He became well-known for the extreme way in which he expressed his views. He printed, and sometimes invented, sensational stories about how cruelly black slaves were treated. He attacked slave owners as evil monsters, about whom nothing good could be said.

Sometime, Garrison went too far even for his fellow northerners. In 1835 an angry mob showed its dislike of his opinions by parading him through the streets of Boston with a rope around his neck. But Garrison refused to be silenced. His bloodthirsty calls for action and sensational stories continued to offend both the supporters of slavery and those who wanted to bring it to an end peacefully. But they convinced many other people that slavery was evil and that it must be abolished at once - even if the only way to do this was by war.

7. Realism of the second half of XIX c.

The major inventions of the second half of XIX c. and their influence on culture. Literature: psychological insight into the character – H. James, appearance of new themes of «tragic America», «gold rush» in California in the books of F. Bret Harte. Lyrics of W. Whitman and E. Dickinson. «Boston Brahmins» and H. Longfellow. Development of short story: E.A. Poe, N. Hawthorne. The greatest American humorous writer M. Twain. «Old Masters» of American painting: Hudson River School, portrait realism – J. Whistler, J.S. Sargent, M. Cassat, naturalism – T. Eakins, W. Homer, marine painting – A. Ryder. The first purely American architect H. Richardson (Trinity Church in Boston, Albany City Hall). Invention of an elevator and building of skyscrapers, eclectics – R.M. Hunt. The longest suspension bridge in Brooklyn (J. Roebling). Music: organization of regional centres. South-west – Spanish influence, Carolina – French influence, Louisiana – Spanish and French, Pennsylvania – German and English. Negro music: spirituals, blues, work songs, ragtime. Theatre: a system of moving theatres. Musical comedy: minstrel show. Metropolitan Opera – the first opera theatre.

1. What was the most famous school in painting of that time?

2. What were the most important inventions of that time?

3. What can you tell about M. Twain?

4. What is «The Song of Hiawatha» based on?

5. What was the new genre in literature?

6. What form did Whitman write in?

7. What are characteristic features of Dickinson poetic style?

8. What was the first opera theatre?

9. What were the most popular music styles?

10. What do you know about theatres of that time?

Joseph Glidden's barbed wire

In 1874 an Illinois farmer named Joseph Glidden patented an invention. He advertised it as "stronger than whiskey and cheaper than air." His invention provided prairie farmers with something that, in a land without trees, they desperately needed – a cheap and efficient fencing material. Glidden's invention was barbed wire.

Barbed wire consists of two strands of plain wire twisted around one another, with short, sharp wire spikes held between them. By 1890, 100 pounds of barbed wire was being sold for only $4. Prairie farmers bought tons of it to fence in their lands.

Barbed wire fences meant that prairie farmers could plant crops knowing that straying cattle would not trample and eat the growing plants. They could breed better animals knowing that stray bulls could not mate with their cows. They could mark off their boundaries to avoid quarrels with neighbors.

Glidden's invention changed the face of the Great Plains. By the end of the century thousands of miles of barbed wire fences had divided the open prairie into a patchwork of separate farms and fields.