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24. Main types of word-form In oe.

According to their mortpological structure OE words fell into 3 main groups:1)simple w.-one root-morpheme(singan,land)

2)derived w-1 root-morpheme&1 more affixes(be-ginnan,ge-met-ing(meeting))3)compound-more than 1 root-morph.(mann-cynn{mankind}

OE employed 2 ways of word-formation:derivation&word-composition 1)Derived words built with the help of affixes: prefixes and suffixes, distinguished by sound interchanges and word stress Prefixation was very popular (some sprang in PG & OE from prepositions and adverbs).Prefixes were widely used with verbs, but less productive with other parts of speech.

Most frequent & prod.prefixes: (a-;be;for-;fore-;ofer-,un-).Un-with nouns & adj.,the rest with verbs. Prefix-modified the lexical meaning of the word(ge-boren,ungeboren;born-unborn).Suffixes-modified lex.meaning + could refer it to another part of speech,were mostly applied in forming nouns&adj.seldom verbs.Sources of OE suffixes: old stem-suffixed(lost their productivity); non-productive suf.; deriviation suf, new suf. (developed from root-morphemes in Late PG & OE from morph. simplication). Word-composition in OE was more productive in nominal parts of speech than in verbs.Components (steem of nouns,adj,verbs+noun)noun+noun(mann-cynn)

25. The influence of french on english

The FR was brought to England by the Norman conquerors.The Roman rules spoke a variety of Fr,known as Anglo-Norman.In the 13-14 Eng was exposed to a new wave of Fr.At the initial stage of penetration Fr words were restricted to some varieties of E.:-the speech of aristocracy,

-middle class,who came into contact both with the rules&the ruled;

-educated people of South-East.The total number of Fr.borrowings exceeds the number of borrowings from any other lang.The majority

Of Fr loans adopted in ME were first recorded in the texts of 14 c.Chaucer’s vocablurary.Fr loans of ME period are usually described accordin to semantic spheres: government&administration

(authority,country,power,court,people),titles&ranks(baron,duke,lady,prince),military(captain,army,peace,enemy,arms,battle,)law(crime,justice),religion(clergy,pray,saint),house,furniture(curtains,cussions,mansion),entertainment(leisure,pleasure)Terms for emotionastates:disease;joy;passion;desire;jealousy;ambition arrogance; Clothing&ornamentation:blouse;coat; gown;pearl; button; scissors; brush; mirror; towel)Food&cooking: boil; fry; roast dinner; supper, sugar; spice)Fr influence led to different kinds of changes in the vocabulary:1)there were mainly innovations;2)replacement;3)co-existance.

26. Scandinavian(900 words)

The 2nd major source of loanwords to OE were the Scandinavian words introduced during the Viking invasions of the 9th and 10th centuries.In addition to a great many place names,these consist mainly of items of basic vocabulary.The Vikings spoke Old Norse.In the beginning Scan loan-words were dialectally restricted.Later due to dialect mixture,they penetrated into other parts of lang.space.The number of Scan loan words were higher in Northen dialects.Some loans died out or were retained in local dialects(kirk-church).It’s difficult to define the semantic spheres of Scn loans;they mostly pertain to everyday life,but the earliest loan-words deal with military&legal matters:types of ships,nife(knife), lagu(law), takan(take);everyday words: bag.cake,happy, ill,die,happen. Vocabulary changes due to Scan.ifluence proceeded in differ.ways:replacement by Sc.words(hie-they,niman-take) innovations(without replacing-fellow,law).Today it’s difficult to distinguish Scan.loans from native words:the only criteria:the consonant cluster[sk]-Scn-sky,skill;OE[sk]modified to [sh]-fisc-fish,scip-ship.The words give,get,gift are included by some scholars in the lists of Scn loans-words on the basis of phonetical modification of native words.gyven,geten were Norman varients of the words whose pronouciation was influenced by Sc.,nevertheless,they are native words.