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38. Gram. Agreement and government.

In OE the ties b/n words in the sentence were shown by means of government and agreement, with the help of numerous inflections. Word order was less imp. A-system of correspondences b/n 2 or more words regarding gender, number, case, person. Classes of words which had to agree with the words they modified:possessive & demonstrative pronouns, both participles,v, adj. G-sys. by which 1 word determines the case of the other. Among gov words:chiefly verbs; adj, pronouns & numerals to a lesser extent. Most v required Acc(direct odj). Functions of cases in OE: Nom-subject, predicative, direct address; Gen- possessive & partitive meaning, objective & adverbial; Dat-instrumental, locative, ablative (dative proper).

39. Non-finite forms & development.

OE: 2 non-finite forms of v: the Inf.& the Participles. Their nominal features were more pronounced than their verbal feat.

Inf had no verbal gram. categories. Being a verbal noun by origin it had a sort of reduced case- system: 2 forms which roughly corresponded to Nom&Dat cases of nouns. P-verbal adj. PI active meaning, expressed present or simultaneous process.<present tense-stem+ende> PII passive or act meaning dep. on transitivity of the v.,expressed states & qualities resulting from past act. <str v- root-vowel interchange+en/weak v- d/t+ pref ge>

The main trends of their evolution in ME & NE-gradual loss of most nominal features & growth of verbal feat. The inf lost its inflected form (Dat case). ‘To’ lost its prepositional force & changed into a formal sign of the inf. PI&PII lost their gender, case, number distinctions, but general distinctions b/n P preserved as well as syntactic feat. The fusion of the participle with the verbal noun was an import. factor of the growth of a new verbal-Gerund; played a certain role in the development of Continuous forms.

40. Forms of negotiation in oe.

One of the distinguished features of OE syntax was multiple negation within a sentence or clause. Most common negation particle was ne, placed before verb, it was often accompanied by other negative words(naht=noht developed into not in ME), which emphasized the meaning of negation. Another feature-ne could be attached to some v( beon, willan, witan), pronouns, adv to form single words(nis-ne+is). Ne gradually fell out of usage.