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  • to be good at / to be bad at

  • to manage people / money / company / business

  • to reach the top

  • to start a company / business

  • to go into business

  • to be in business

  • to own a business

  • to do well

  • to take over (a post)

  • to work regular hours

  • a regular job

  • to offer a good service

  • service industry

  • to produce waste

  • to accept the situation

  • to face problems

  • financial performance

  • sales figures

  • profit / profits

  • value

Ex.3. Translate into Russian the following sentences from the text. Pay special attention to the translation of the underlined parts of the sentences.

1. Working women found they had little chance of getting a top job. 2. Her company has grown from one small shop into a large international business. 3. During this time, she has shown people that business is not just about making money. 4. It is specially designed so it does very little damage to the environment. 5. LittleHampton is beside the sea on the south coast of England and it used to be a popular place for English people to spend their holidays. 6. Her first experience of business was helping her mother in the busy kitchen of her café. 7. When he met Anita, he was a writer, but he had never made very much money from his work. 8. The hotel was soon doing well. 9. Now he wanted to make that dream come true. 10. ‘Why not open a shop?’ she thought. 11. ‘Why is there so little choice for women who want to buy cosmetics?’ Anita asked herself. 12. Anita knew she was in business. 13. The letter said that she had to change its name. 14. She was also pleased because she got a lot of free advertising for her new shop. 15. Anita was doing so well that she wanted to open another shop. 16. She went to the bank and asked if she could borrow another £4,000. 17. But the bank manager thought that Anita was moving too quickly. ‘Wait another year’, he told her.

Ex.4. Complete the sentences with the words and word combinations from the vocabulary list.

  1. He ____________ the family business practically single-handed.

  2. I______________ remembering people’s names.

  3. Bob didn’t want to stand behind the counter any longer, that’s why he moved to Salamanca to ______________________ his own computer_____________.

  4. The company “Swarovski” ____________________________ more than 100 years. In spite of the changes in customer demand the number of orders is constantly growing.

  5. The business of the Bensons _____________________ because they are really in charge of offering their customers ____________________. That’s why their ___________________ is quite good. The annual ____________ of the company reaches $2.3 billion.

  6. Last Saturday we decided on going to the outskirts of Athens to climb up that famous hill.We________________________ of the hill and looked down.

  7. Unfortunately I don’t have _____________________ so I can’t get this flat on credit. I must raise some money to ________________.

  8. Our factory is environmental friendly: it _______________________. For we never _____________________ with the environmental services.

Ex.5. Make up a situation using no less than 7 words and expressions with the active vocabulary.

Ex.6. Translate from Russian into English using active vocabulary.

  1. Он хорошо разбирается в химии. По-моему он может занять эту должность и управлять компанией.

  2. Мы еще не получили данные об объемах продаж. как же мы можем узнать, с какими проблемами можно столкнуться в ближайшие две недели?

  3. Постоянная работа продавцом надоела ему. Он раздобыл денег и занялся своим бизнесом. К сожалению, финансовое состояние компании оставляет желать лучшего. Однако сфера обслуживания на высоте. Думаю, что через пару лет он будет преуспевать в бизнесе.

  4. Лени работает по графику, с 9 утра до 6 вечера. А в свободное время он изучает немецкий. Он хочет переехать в Австрию и заниматься там бизнесом.

  5. Когда умер отец, Катрине пришлось развозить газеты по домам, стоять в очередях за продуктами для соседей. Доход от такой работы был небольшой, но ей хватало на учёбу в колледже.

  6. Конечно, цены в магазине пока нельзя было назвать разумными, но им пришлось смириться с таким положением вещей. Чтобы развивать бизнес, нужно было получать хоть какую-то прибыль от магазина.

Ex.7. Read the following piece of information. Look up in the dictionary the meaning of the underlined words. Translate the text into Russian. Render the text in English.

In 1984, Anita and Gordon decided that The Body Shop needed even more money so it could continue to grow. They decided to sell shares of the company at the London Stock Exchange. Half of these shares were already owned by Ian McGlinn because he owned half the company as a result of his arrangement with Anita in 1976. Anita and Gordon kept some shares in The Body Shop for themselves and they sold the rest to the public. When The Body Shop shares first went on sale, Anita and Gordon were at the London Stock Exchange to watch. At the start of the day, the share price was £0.95. But as the hours passed, the price went higher as more and more people tried to buy a piece of The Body Shop. When the Stock Exchange finished business that afternoon, the price had risen to £1.65. Anita took out a piece of paper and added some figures together. The value of her own Body Shop shares was £1.5 million. After just eight years in business, at the age of forty-two, Anita Roddick was a millionaire!


Ex.8. Complete the following texts with the proper tense-form of the verbs in brackets.

1) One of Anita and Gordon’s friends admired their business and asked if she (can) open a Body Shop too. She could get enough money (to start) a shop; she wanted products (to sell) and she wanted to use The Body Shop name. It seemed like an excellent idea to Anita and Gordon. It let them (to increase) the size of their business, but it meant that they (not to have) to borrow any more money. When this new Body Shop (to become) successful, they looked for other people who also wanted to open Body Shops. They found plenty of people who (to think) that this was a great opportunity, and soon Body Shops (to open) in towns and cities across the UK. In 1978 the first Body Shop (to open) outside the UK, in Brussels, and the next year the business spread to Sweden and Greece. By 1981, a new Body Shop (to open) somewhere in the world every two weeks.

2) As the business (to grow), The Body Shop started making more and more different products. People often (to come) to Anita with strange ideas for natural cosmetics that she could use in her business.

One day, an old lady from Vienna arrived at The Body Shop’s offices with a bag of white powder. She explained that it (to be) a special skin treatment which her grandfather (to prepare) for Archduke Ferdinand of Austria many years ago. Anita liked the story and agreed to test the lady’s white powder. To her surprise, it really (to work), and it later became one of the Body Shop’s most successful products. The little old lady (to return) to Austria to lead a comfortable life, because Anita (to promise) to give her 10% of all the money that her product made.

Ex. 9. The following sentences show the different stages in the manufacture and recycling of The Body Shop bottle. Use the verbs below in the write form to complete each stage.

add, arrange, extract, fill, grind, heat, label, produce,

remove, return, transport, use

  1. Oil __________ from beneath the sea. It contains hydrocarbons which __________ to produce plastic.

  2. The plastic __________ and injected into a mould (форма) to produce the bottle shape.

  3. The bottles ___________ with different Body Shop products and ___________ to show what each one contains.

  4. Caps ___________ to seal (закрыть, запечатать) the bottles.

  5. The bottles __________ in packs and then ___________ to the shops by lorry.

  6. Once empty, bottles __________ to the shops, where the caps __________ .

  7. The bottles and caps __________ up into two separate types of plastic.

  8. Items such as combs __________ from the recovered plastic.

Ex. 10. Translate the following sentences using to have or to have to.

1. У кого из вас есть сестра? – У Коли. 2. Что ещё вам приходится делать для них? 3. Мы обычно завтракаем в 8 часов утра.4. Мы хорошо провели время в Измайловском парке.5. Она не может позвонить тебе, и тебе придётся сделать это самому.6. Сколько предметов они изучают в институте? – Много.7. У мальчика есть красный и желтый карандаши, но нет чёрного.8. У тебя будет завтра время, чтобы сходить на выставку фотографий?9. Ей сегодня нужно остаться дома. Её мама больна.10. Тебе пришлось работать продавцом или подметать полы? 11. Каждый вторник у них два урока французского и английского.

Ex. 11. Complete the sentences with must – have to –need in the correct form.

1. Jack left before the end of the meeting. He ____________go home early.

2. In Britain many children ___________________ wear uniform when they go to school.

3. We _______________ hurry we have half an hour before the train starts.

4. When you come to London again, you _______________________ come and see us.

5. You ______________ have helped him with this work. He could have managed it himself.

6. Last night Don became ill suddenly. We _____________________ call a doctor.

7. You really __________________ work harder if you want to pass the examination.

8. I’m afraid I can’t come tomorrow. I __________________ work late.

9. Paul doesn’t like his new job. Sometimes he __________________ work at weekends.

10. You ______ ask my permission. You can do what you want.

11. You ______ speak to the driver when the bus is moving. It's dangerous.

12. I can find my own way there. You ______ wait for me.

13. I want a new house. It ______ have a swimming pool but it must have a nice garden.

14. Pay me back when you can. You ______ do it immediately.

15. He's a millionaire. He ______ work but he does because he enjoys it.

16. The train is direct. You ______ change trains.

17. I ______ wear a suit at work on Fridays. It's 'dressing down day".

Ex. 12. Translate the word combinations in brackets into English. Pay attention to the use of the infinitives after the following verbs: help, make, let, allow.

1. Myfatherallowed ____________________________ (мне взять его машину).

2. Let_______________________ (ему делать то, что он хочет).

3. Shedoesn’tallow _______________ (курить в своей гостиной).

4. Georgia said that the letter was personal and she wouldn’t let ________________ (мне прочесть его).

5. Couldyou help________________________мне передвинуть этот стол в угол)?

6. The film was very sad. It made _______________________ (меня расплакаться).

7. Mary wanted to help ___________________ (Давиду основать свой бизнес), but he didn’t allow _________________ ей помочь ему).

8. Iwantyoutomake ________________________ (Крис найти постоянную работу).

Ex. 13. A. Read and translate into Russian the following sentences from the text. Say what meaning the Infinitive in all these sentences expresses.

1. When she left school, she studied to be a teacher. 2. She didn’t want to make money just to get rich. 3. She covered the walls with dark green paint to hide the marks. 4. She tried everything to make customers visit her shop. 5. Lots of people went to Brighton to lie on the beach and swim in the sea. 6. Many of them heard about The Body Shop and went in to buy cream for their burnt skin and tired feet.

B. Complete the sentences using the Infinitive of Purpose.

1. I read the story the second time … 2. He had to work hard … 3. We must hurry … 4. After classes we stayed at the institute … 5. Has he come…? 6. … you should read more out loud. 7. I called on him yesterday… 8. We stopped… 9. … we must begin preparing for the exams.

C. Translate the sentences into English.

1. Всё было сделано для того, чтобы спасти его. 2. Он вызвал машину, чтобы отвезти нас на станцию. 3. Я встал в 6 часов, чтобы не опоздать на утренний поезд. 4. Я написал ему письмо, чтобы напомнить о его обещании. 5. Ребёнок выбежал навстречу матери. 6. Вы приехали для участия в конференции? 7. Давайте дадим ему деньги, чтобы он купил словари для всей группы.

D. Joint each idea in A with an idea from B.3


He often writes things down lose contact with them

We’ll use the computer forget them

We left early save time

I explained my proposal again be late

We mail our clients regularly avoid any confusion

Anita went into business make money, but offer good service

E. In the sentences bellow underline the correct word.

  1. We are not in the business just to make / for making short-term profit.

  2. I wrote the date in my diary not to / in order not to forget the meeting this morning.

  3. He resigned in order to / to spend more time with the family.

  4. Many visitors come here to see / for seeing our production line.

F. Match the beginning of each sentence with an ending a) or b).

  1. I went to Barcelona to

2. I went to Barcelona for

a) the Trade Fair

b) attend the trade Fair

  1. 1. I’m here for

  2. 2. I’m here to

    1. a) a meeting with Mr Black

    2. b) meet Mr Black

  1. 1. I think it’s time to

  2. 2. I think it’s time for

    1. a) a short coffee break

    2. b) have a short coffee break

  1. 1. It’s worth shopping around for

  2. 2. It’s worth shopping around to

    1. a) a better price

    2. b) get a better price

  1. 1. I left work early to

  2. 2. I left work early in order not to

    1. a) see the dentist

    2. b) be late to the dentist

1. I kept his business card to

2. I kept his business card so as not to

    1. forget his name

    2. remember his name


Ex.14. Read the following piece of information and say how you feel about the problems the text talks about.

The early 1980s was a good time to sell natural products. Several international news stories at that time made people think about the harmful effects of modern industry. Scientists found that the world was getting hotter because of the smoke and gas from factories and cars. They also discovered that in the forests of countries like Brazil, rare plants and animals were quickly disappearing. Then, in December 1984, poisonous gas escaped from a factory in Bhopal, India, and killed 2,000 people. Sixteen months later, there was an explosion at a power station at Chernobyl, Ukraine. A cloud of poison killed many people and caused damage to plants and animals right across Europe. These problems made many people wonder if we should all change our lifestyles. They thought that we should stop using so many dangerous products and start to live in a more natural way.

Ex.15. In groups of three or four discuss one or more possible solutions to the problems described above and decide who should solve these problems – governments, businessmen, or individuals. Summarize your discussion and present your point of view to the other group.

Ex.16. Read the following information about Anita Roddick’s activities and say what Anita has done to protect environment. Comment on her acts, express your opinion on how effective they are.

Anita Roddick understood these ideas. She had always tried to make The Body Shop a clean business that didn’t damage the environment. Her cosmetics were made from natural products and she had never allowed people to test her products on animals; instead, they had always been tested on people. She also always asked her customers to use their bottles again, to reduce waste. She believed that business was not just about making a profit, and that companies should act in a responsible way towards society and towards the earth. Because of this, people were happy to shop at The Body Shop if they were worried about the environment.

Ex.17. Work in pairs. You will read some more information about Anita Roddick, but you don’t have the same information as your partner. Ask and answer questions to complete the information you have.

Student ABut Anita wanted to do more than just run a responsible business. She thought that business could give her the opportunity to make the world a better place. So in … (When?), she started working with a group called Greenpeace to stop companies putting waste and poisons into the sea. As part of the campaign to keep the seas clean, The Body Shop paid for … (What?) and gave its customers information about the problem. Over the next few years, The Body Shop worked with other groups on campaigns to save … (Who?/What?) and to help people who … (What?). In 1989, Anita ran a campaign to stop … (What?). The campaigns were a chance for The Body Shop’s employees to learn about these problems, and they were all expected to help Anita to make them successful.

Other businesspeople were surprised by Anita’s campaigns. They were even more surprised when she began to fly to some of the poorer places in the world, helping people to start businesses. To some companies, poor countries are just places to buy cheap materials and hire cheap workers. This can often have damaging results for the local society. But Anita believed that her business could help. So she went to the forests of Brazil and worked with the Kayapo people. The Kayapo had lived according to their old traditions for thousands of years. But now, changes in the modern world meant that it was difficult for their way of life to continue. Anita helped them to start a business that produced oil for cosmetics. They could make this from plants that they found in the forest and then sell it to The Body Shop for a good price. The Kayapo were happy because they now had money to pay for better health and education; it was also good for The Body Shop, because Anita had another natural product to sell. After her success with the Kayapo, Anita used the same kind of idea to help poor people in many other parts of the world.

Student B But Anita wanted to do more than just run a responsible business. She thought that business could give her the opportunity to make the world a better place. So in 1985, she started working with a group called Greenpeace to stop companies putting waste and poisons into the sea. As part of the campaign to keep the seas clean, The Body Shop paid for advertising and gave its customers information about the problem. Over the next few years, The Body Shop worked with other groups on campaigns to save rare animals and to help people who had been wrongly put in prison. In 1989, Anita ran a campaign to stop the burning of trees in the forests of Brazil. The campaigns were a chance for The Body Shop’s employees to learn about these problems, and they were all expected to help Anita to make them successful.

Other businesspeople were surprised by Anita’s campaigns. They were even more surprised when she began to fly to some of the poorer places in the world, … (What for?). To some companies, poor countries are just places to buy cheap materials and hire cheap workers. This can often have damaging results for the local society. But Anita believed that her business could help. So she went to … (Where?) and worked with the Kayapo people. The Kayapo had lived according to their old traditions for thousands of years. But now, changes in the modern world meant that it was difficult for their way of life to continue. Anita helped them to start …(What?). They could make this from plants that they found in the forest and then sell it to The Body Shop for a good price. The Kayapo were happy because they now … (Why?); it was also good for The Body Shop, because Anita had another natural product to sell. After her success with the Kayapo, Anita used the same kind of idea to help poor people in many other parts of the world.

Ex.18. Summarize the information about Anita’s political activity.

Ex.19. Give your opinion on the points of view expressed below. Present your arguments for or against these points.

Some people said that Anita’s campaigns weren’t really about saving the world. They were just a way to get cheap advertising and to make the company look good in the eyes of its customers. In 1994, some newspapers and television programms went further. They criticized The Body Shop and said that it hadn’t done enough to protect the environment.

Ex.20. Discuss these questions in groups then present your point of view to the whole class.

1. The Body Shop’s social action programme is highly unusual. What sort of corporate image do you think these activities create? Do you find it attractive?

2. The Body Shop prefers to invest in its social action programme rather than expensive advertising and promotion campaigns for its products. The programmes benefits communities, but are there any commercial advantages?

3. Body Shop employees have taken part in a wide range of activities on their afternoons off, ranging from helping in local hospitals to cleaning up river banks. Would you like to be given time off to work in your local community? (What sort of work would you do?)


Ex.21. Prepare a short report4 (350 words) about Anita Roddick. The report should have a clearly-defined structure with three main sections:

  • introduction in which the objectives are made clear,

  • body with three or four main points,

  • conclusion with a strong summary.

Answer the following questions and use the answers as a plan for your report.

  1. Why is she famous?

  2. Why did she decide to go into business?

  3. How did she get the money to start the business?

  4. Who helped her start / do business? Were there any important meetings in her life which helped her in her career?

  5. How did she become a millionaire? How has her business expanded?

  6. How does The Body Shop protect environment? Does its activity really help environment?

  7. What kind of person is she? Explain her power?

The following paragraph can be used as a conclusion: Anita once said that there were no heroes in the modern business world, but she has certainly become a hero for many people. She has shown that it is possible for a woman to build a large international company in just a few years. She has proved that it is possible to manage a business and care for the environment at the same time. And she has brought new ideas, new products and new life to the world’s shopping centres.

Making an effective presentation

An effective presentation is usually accompanied by helpful visuals to save words and illustrate what you want to say. Visual aids are an important and effective way of structuring and communicating presentations.

Preparing visuals make sure the information on them is large and clear. Don’t put far too much information on them because it's difficult to read. Don’t include too much text or too many figures. Don’t prepare too many visuals – about one for each minute of talking time is enough.

Presenting visuals make sure the audience can see each visual clearly. Give the audience enough time to see each visual. Help the audience to understand the visuals by pointing to parts you are referring to. Face the audience, don’t turn your back on the audience to look at the visual. Finally, don’t read the text on your visuals word for word.

Ex. 22. Work in groups of three or four. Prepare a five-minute presentation on other famous women in business you know. Say what companies or products they are famous for, describe their power and key to success. Prepare helpful visuals to illustrate what you want to say. Practise your presentation then make your presentation to the other groups.

The phrases in the box can be useful for organizing your presentation.

as you can see … let’s move on to the next …

this … shows that could I draw your attention to …

if you look at … if you take a look at… , you’ll see …