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19.verbal_abuse_is no crime.doc
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5) Verbal abuse is as dangerous for you health as physical violence.

Verbal abuse can be more detrimental to a person’s health than physical abuse. If a person is verbally abused from childhood on, he or she may develop psychological disorders that plague them into and through adulthood.

After exposure to verbal abuse, the victims may fall into clinical depressionand/orpost-traumatic stress disorder. The person targeted by verbal abuse over time may be prone to any stress related illness. Verbal abuse creates emotional pain and mental anguish in its target.

Sometimes the aim of the victimizer is to instill fear into the victim. In this case the psychological trauma is so terrible that it can filter into every aspect of the victim’s life. It can affect their work, their relationship with friends and family and the quality of their life.

According to the recent studies, people who are frequently exposed to hostile language get sick more often, are injured more often, take longer to recover from illness and injury, and suffer more complications during recovery. As an obvious result, they tend to die sooner than those not so exposed. 

6) We will protect the abusers themselves by considering verbal violence a crime.

According to the same studies, hostile language is just as dangerous to the person dishing it out (and to innocent bystanders who can't leave the scene) as it is to the person on the receiving end. Combating home violence we help not only the victims of it, but the perpetrators, too.

7) Verbal abuse of children is more harmful then any other kind of abuse.

No matter how strange it may sound, verbal abuse of children is more dangerous then battering or sexual abuse. The typical statements by abusive parents are: “You are not my child, I do not know you”, “Why did I give birth to you?”, “I am going to leave you in an orphanage”, “If you do not behave yourself I will not love you”, “You are a spoilt, worthless child”. Such words can do nothing but chip away the child’s self-esteem and cause severe psychological damage, especially if the parent’s words are obviously not just. If insults are repeated constantly, the child starts to believe that they are sound and blames himself. Psychologists say that the victims of severe verbal abuse never succeed in life and fail to communicate with others.

Patricia Evans, author of “Victory Over Verbal Abuse: A Healing Guide to Renewing Your Spirit and Reclaiming Your Life” says that the victims of verbal abuse exhibit a variety of symptoms of the damage done by verbal abuse.

Verbally abused children may:

- lose self-esteem.

- feel lonely, helpless, rejected, or depressed.

- be unable to focus or sit still for long.

- experience uncontrolled anger and rage.

- have trouble sleeping.

- isolate themselves, quit school or fail classes.

- may turn their rage outward and assault peers or turn inward and commit suicide.

Researches show that mere exposure to domestic violence or conflict can be as harmful to children as abusing them directly.