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Грамматика для чтения(последнее).doc
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1) Прочитайте следующие 4 высказывания об изучении иностранных языков.


I think for any Hungarian person, learning another language is really important. Most foreigners can't speak Hungarian, of course, so if you want to meet and talk to people from other countries, you have to learn English . . . and of course it's also very important if you want to get a good job!


It's very important for me to learn Greek, because I'm married to a Greek man! He can speak Danish, of course, so I don't have to speak Greek at home, but when we go to Greece in the summer, I can't talk to my husband's parents or any of the older people in his family, and I think that's really sad.


For me learning Italian is just a hobby. I don't have to study it for a special reason, I just like the language and I like going to my evening classes - it's something to do in the winter. And, of course I love Italy . . . I always go to Italy for my holidays, so then I can practice what I learn


My reasons are very simple - I have to learn English for my university exams. At my university, if we don't pass, we can't continue into the second year, and we have to do the first year again! If we pass, we can take another course instead of English - economics or other things - but I want to continue with English, it might be useful one day.

(Pre- Intermediate, p.159)

2) Ответьте на вопросы.

  1. Why is it really important for Ildiko to learn English?

  2. What language is Karina learning and why?

  3. What are the reasons of learning foreign languages Dorothy?

  4. Why do you learn English?

  5. Do you think it is important and useful to know foreign languages?

3) Определите, кто обычно выполняет следующие действия на

занятии по иностранному языку, заполните таблицу.

(does homework, gives homework, marks homework, makes mistakes, corrects

mistakes, looks up words in the dictionary, checks homework, gives tests,

writes things down in their notebooks)



does homework

4) Прочитайте рассказ Кристины и составьте 10 вопросов к нему.

Kristina teaches a class of university students. They meet for three hours a week, and there are about twenty-five students in the class.

KRISTINA: We think it's very important for the teacher to use English as much as possible and only to use the students' language when it's really necessary so the students can hear as much English as possible. The teacher should always give homework. After every lesson there is some homework, but not too much, something quite short, and, of course, I have to correct the homework and give it back quickly so it's good for me if there isn't too much homework! Of course, the teacher should always try to make the lessons interesting. Sometimes it's not so easy, but it's important always to make the effort! Yes, we think that the teacher should always try to answer the students' questions, but it can happen that you don't know, so the teacher shouldn't be afraid to say, 'Sorry I don't know but I'll try to find out for you and I'll tell you next lesson.' You should use the course book, but maybe not every lesson. It's a good idea to bring in other materials from time to time. About correcting mistakes, well, some students say the teacher should always correct all the mistakes, but in fact, if you do that, the students never get to the end of their sentence! I think the teacher should just correct the important mistakes myself.

(Pre- Intermediate, p.159)