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My family

My family is not large. I have a father, a mother and a sister. My father is a doctor. He is 45. He is tall with short dark hair and brown eyes. He is generous, gifted and hard-working. He also has a very good sense of humour. He is fond of sport and computers.

My mother is 41. She has blond hair and blue eyes. She is a teacher. She is kind-hearted, creative and optimistic. She enjoys listening to classical music and gardening. My sister is 20. She has brown hair and green eyes. She is a student. She wants to be a designer. She is talented, creative but sometimes very stubborn.

We have many relatives: grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces (племянницы) and nephews (племянники). We get on well together (Мы хорошо ладим).

  • What does her father do?

  • What does he look like?

  • What is he like?

  • What does her mother do?

  • What does she look like?

  • What is she like?

  • What does her sister do?

  • What does she look like?

  • What is she like?

  1. Работа в парах. Ответьте на следующие вопросы, используя лексику из текста и упражнения 6.

  • Is your family large?

  • What do you parents do?

  • What does you father look like?

  • What is he like?

  • What does you mother look like?

  • What is she like?

  • What does your sister/brother look like?

  • What is your sister/brother like?

  • What relatives do you have?

9. Как вы проводите свое время? Выучите следующие фразы в таблице. Сопоставьте фразу из столбика А с фразой из столбика В, противоположной ей по значению.

    1. I (absolutely) love -я люблю

    2. I’m very interested in -я интересуюсь

    3. I really enjoy- мне действительно нравится

    4. I spend a lot of time - я провожу много времени

    5. I know quite a lot about – я знаю довольно много о

    6. I’m quite good at – я способен к чему-то/у меня хорошо получается

        1. I’m not very good at- я неспособен к чему-то

        2. I don’t know anything about- я ничего не знаю о

        3. I don’t really like – мне не очень нравится

        4. I’m not very interested in – я не очень интересуюсь

        5. I (absolutely) hate – я просто ненавижу

        6. I don’t have enough time for- у меня нет времени для

  1. Работа в парах. Что вам нравится или не нравится делать? Используйте выражения из таблиц и дополните следующие предложения. Обменяйтесь информацией с партнером.

  1. I spend a lot of time driving.

  2. ………………………………cooking.

  3. ………………………………meeting new people.

  4. …………………………….. doing housework.

  5. ………………………………chatting on the phone.

  6. ……………………………. reading.

  7. ……………………………. doing exercises.

  8. ……………………………..relaxing and doing nothing.

  9. ……………………………. (your ideas).

  1. Работа в парах. Ответьте на вопросы.

  • How old are you?

  • What do you look like?

  • What kind of person are you?

  • Who do you take after?

  • What kind of family are you?

  • What do you like doing?

10. Изучите следующий грамматический материал



Притяжательные Абсолютные притяжательные






















Притяжательные местоимения выполняют функцию определения и употребляются перед определяемым существительным или самостоятельно (абсолютные притяжательные местоимения):

I’ve lost my mobile phone. Can I use yours?

— Yes, use mine!

— Я потерял свой телефон. Можно, я воспользуюсь твоим?

— Да, возьми мой!


Поставьте местоимение в скобках в правильую форму.

    1. It’s ……book. (I) It’s ……(I)

    2. This is ……teacher. (we)

    3. It’s ……..house. (they) It’s ……(they).

    4. In …… (he) spare time he usually reads.

    5. ……sister is tall and slim. (she)

    6. Is it …..cat? Is it ……..? (you)

    7. What’s ……(I) is …….(I).

    8. What’s ……(you) is …..(you).

Present Simple




I/you/we/they work.

He/she/it works.

I do not (don’t) work.

She does not (doesn’t) work.

Do you/we/they work?

Where does she/he work?

Используется для обозначения регулярных, повторяющихся действий, правил, законов природы, расписания. Слова-указатели: every day, usually.

I go to the cinema every month.

The lectures begin at 9.


Поставьте глагол в скобках в правильую форму.

1) She .....( to study) medicine.

2) I ……(not/ to enjoy) listening to hard rock.

3) He …( to like) playing football.

4) …..you ( to live) with your parents?

5) They ….(to spend) a lot of time reading.

6) She ……(not/to know) anything about it.

7) We …..(to clean) our room every day.

8) He ……(not/to watch) TV in the evening.

Past Simple




Regular verbs

I/you/he/she/it/we/they watched

Irregular verbs

I/you etc. went/ate/had

I did not (didn’t) watch.

I did not (didn’t) go.

Did you watch the film?

Where did you go?

Используется для обозначения действия в прошлом (повторяющихся или единовременных). Слова-указатели: yesterday, a week ago, last month, a minute ago.

He went to Moscow last year.

I dressed and went to the academy.


Поставьте глагол в скобках в правильую форму.

1) Yesterday we ….(to go) to the movies.

2) He ….(to enjoy) going to the party last night.

3) …..you (to watch) the film on TV on Sunday?

4) She ….(not/to go) to the gym yesterday.

5) ….he (to have) many fiends at school?

6) She …(not/to clean) the room last Saturday.

7) I …(to get) up early on Monday.

8) We ….(to eat) a lot of good food when we were in France.

Неправильный глагол to be

Present Simple




I’m (I am) a student.

You/we’re (are) very friendly.

He/she/it’s (is) nice.

I’m not (am not) a teacher.

You/we/they aren’t friendly.

He/she/it isn’t nice.

Are you from Russia?

What is it?

Past Simple




I /he/she/it was OK.

You/we/they were very friendly.

I/he/she/it wasn’t (was not) OK.

You/we/they weren’t (were not) friendly.

Were you happy in your childhood?

What was it?


Поставьте глагол to be в правильую форму.

1) Her name … Kate.

2) My mother …..a doctor.

3) They ….my friends.

4) …..you busy now?

5) They ……not students at present.

6) I ….at school last year.

7) …..you at the party yesterday?

8) They …..not a closely-knit family.

11. Словообразование. Рассмотрите пример:

Example: The verb “write” — a writer is a person who writes books (novels, stories). My favorite writer is Leo Tolstoy.

Добавляя суффикс «делателя» (-er, -or), который помогает говорить о человеке, задействованном в какой-либо деятельности, составьте новые слова из представленных ниже глаголов, а также напишите свой пример с каждым из новых слов:

Design, teach, clean, read, speak, translate, use, build, invent

12. Повторение и закрепление грамматического материала.

  • Раскройте скобки, используя правильную форму глагола:

1) I … (be) really sorry. … (be) you OK?

2) … you (like) reading books?

3) He … (speak) three foreign languages.

4) I … (see) my teacher an hour ago.

5) … you … (go) to the English class yesterday?

6) It … (be) rainy last summer.

7) Last week I … (buy) a new DVD.

8) The weather … (be) nice today, but it … (be) bad yesterday.

9) Last year we … (move) to another city.

10) He … (visit) many concerts when he … (be) in Moscow last month.

  • Переведите следующие предложения с английского языка на русский:

  1. I was busy last week.

  2. She was good at Biology at school.

  3. He surfed the Internet yesterday.

  4. I enjoyed studying History at school.

  5. Did you clean your room yesterday?

  6. I like listening to music in my spare time.

  7. We didn’t go to the movies last Sunday.

  8. Are you a medical student?

  9. Is your family closely-knit?

  10. Does he have a sense of humour?

  • Переведите следующие предложения с русского языка на английский:

  1. У нее есть чувство юмора.

  2. Мне не нравилось изучать историю в школе.

  3. Вчера я не убирала свою комнату.

  4. У него способности к языкам.

  5. Я учусь в медицинской академии.

  6. Он предпочитает комедии.

  7. Я не люблю рисоваться.

  8. Мне нравятся животные.

  9. Она похожа на маму.

  10. Он был очень занят вчера.

  • Поставьте следующие предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную форму.

Например: He is a student. – Is he a student?

He isn’t a student

He likes hip hop. - Does he like hip hop?

He doesn’t like hip hop.

    1. She is good at English.

    2. You take after your mother.

    3. They went clubbing yesterday.

    4. I spend a lot of money on Sundays.

    5. She cleaned the room in the morning.

    6. They are fond of animals.

13. В английском языке много фразовых глаголов, состоящих из двух (иногда трех) частей, которые переводятся как одно целое. Выберите правильную вторую часть (предлог) для глаголов в следующих предложениях и переведите их. Вы уже встречали эти глаголы в тексте выше:

1. I usually wake … very early.

      1. up

      2. in

      3. about

      4. for

2. He really takes … his father. They’re alike in so many ways.

  1. in

  2. about

  3. after

  4. over

3. I turned … the television, but there was nothing interesting on.

  1. on

  2. off

  3. down

  4. away

4. I see that you have a new mobile phone — don’t show …. It’s just a phone, nothing more.

  1. in

  2. off

  3. on

  4. over

5. Do you go to clubs of cafes? — Yes, I often go …

  1. in

  2. after

  3. out

  4. off

14. Хотели бы вы, чтобы у вас был друг по переписке? Посмотрите на отрывок из письма студента, изучающего английский язык, которое он написал своему другу по переписке. В нем 11 ошибок. Найдите их и исправьте (первая уже найдена и исправлена за вас):

Dear Sonya,

Thank you for your very interesting letter. I is AM very pleased to be your penfriend. Are you really have a swimming pool in the garden? It sound wonderful. As you know from my avdertisement, I have 17 years old and came from Milan in Italy. I’ve got two sisters, Maria and Sylvia, and they is both older than me. My father own a small paper factory, but my mother don’t work. We living in a house just outside the city. I enjoying playing football and I am like science-fiction films.

12.  Изучите структуру письма другу:

5th August -дата

Hello Tania, - приветствие

I read your advertisement on the pen pals site and decided to write you a letter. – ссылка на предыдущий контакт

I'm 17 years old and I attend the secondary school here in Gdansk. My family isn’t big. I have a sister — she is younger than me and I spend quite a lot of time helping with her home tasks. My parents work a lot. My father is a businessman and my mother is a doctor. We have a dog called Barry and two cats — Laura and Bobby. You imagine what a fuss we have every day with such a company! And what about you? Do you have pets?

I love reading fantasy books like Harry Potter series and “The Lord of the Rings” by J. Tolkien. Do you like this kind of literature? - основное содержание письма

Well, hope to hear from you soon and to know you better. – завершающая фраза

Best wishes

Anna. -подпись

13. Напишите ответ (90-100 слов) на одно из объявлений с сайта поиска друзей по переписке. Расскажите о себе (возраст, учеба, семья, интересы и хобби), и спросите обо всем, что хотели бы узнать о вашем новом знакомом.

  • I really want a penpal that will write and email me. I am really easy to talk to and love many things, for example hip hop dancing. If you want to talk, email me for my address. Alex, 20.Waimate, New Zealand.

  • Hi, I'm Shanna, 17 years old from Netherlands. I like reading. Also I like everything connected with fantasy and vampires. Want to know more or just talk? Let me know!

  • Hi, my name Sora from Korea and I'm 18 years old. I want to find a bestie (best friend) who likes the same things as I do. I like emo, Japanese rock and watching anime. Don’t wait too long to write me!

  • Hi everybody, I’m Nick from London. I spend time using the Internet and watching TV. I am ready to answer all letters!

14. Подготовьте монолог о себе и своей семье. Составьте план и не забудьте упомянуть о следующем:

1) your age, studies, appearance, hobbies, likes and dislikes (music, sport, literature, TV shows, computer games etc.);

2) the age of your family members, their occupation (where they work or study);

15. Работа в парах. Выучите разговорные фразы

Greetings (приветствия):

  • Hi/Hello.

  • Good morning. Good afternoon. Good evening.

  • How are you?/How are you doing?

  • - Fine. What about you? - Okay. Thanks.

  • - (It's) nice to meet you. - Nice to meet you too.

Introducing oneself (как представиться):

  • My name's Peter. What's your name?

  • I'm from Seattle. Where are you from?

Closing a conversation (завершение разговора):

  • It was nice talking to you.

  • (I'm sorry, but) I have to go now.

  • Good-bye/Bye/See you later/ See you tomorrow!/ Have a nice day/evening/weekend!

Подготовьте собственный диалог (первая встреча с одногруппниками).


Проверьте себя. Выберите из предложенных вариантов ответа один правильный:

  1. Mag and her sister … live in Rome.

    1. aren’t

    2. doesn’t

    3. don’t

  2. Pat’s mother … a teacher.

    1. isn’t

    2. doesn’t

    3. don’t

  3. It was a boring weekend. … anything.

    1. I didn’t

    2. I don’t do

    3. I didn’t do

  4. Everybody in our family (help) Mummy about the house. Dad (walk) the dog, I (water) the flowers and my brothers (clean) the rooms.

    1. help, walks, water, clean

    2. helps, walks, water, clean

    3. help, walks, water, cleans

  5. Mary usually (phone) me on Fridays but she (not/phone) last Friday.

    1. phone, doesn’t phone

    2. phoned, didn’t phone

    3. phone, phoned

    4. phones, didn’t phone

  6. tell/didn’t/me/you/the truth/why?

    1. Why you didn’t tell me the truth?

    2. Why didn’t you tell me the truth?

    3. Why didn’t you tell the truth me?

  7. Do you study at the medical academy? — Yes, …

    1. I am

    2. I did

    3. I do

  8. — Where … she … (live)?

    1. does, live

    2. do, live

    3. lives

    1. This is John Adams.

    2. What do you do?

    3. Have a nice weekend

    4. Goodbye

        1. I’m an architect

        2. Cheers. See you!

        3. Pleased to meet you.

        4. Thanks, you too.

    Match the expressions of everyday English in the first column with the responses in the second column:

  1. She is mad about … car.

    1. him

    2. hers

    3. her

  1. I know these students well. They are friends of …

  1. my

  2. mine

  3. our

  1. This textbook is … — she bought it last year.

    1. His

    2. her

    3. hers

  2. Wake …! You are late for your classes!

    1. on

    2. up

    3. in

  3. Who is the … of the telephone?

    1. invent

    2. invention

    3. inventor

    4. inventing

15) I enjoy listening …….music.

a) for

b) to

c) ---

16) She is good ……Biology.

a) at

b) with

c) to

17) He is interested ……..medicine.

a) ----

b) in

c) for

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