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II. Tell about your list of things, necessary to do.

Ex.18. (A, B) Correct the mistakes in these sentences. Then answer the same question.

Imagine that you are organising a big office party. What do you need to get done / have done? We'll publish our favourite four entries.

Keti, Georgia In order the party to be really enjoyable and fascinating, the first thing I would do is to have the rooms duly cleaned and decorated. Secondly, will have the beverages delivered and put in the fridge to get cold! Finally, will have the karaoke installed to have even more fun.

Kamelia, Bulgaria It must be really a sumptious party. I am going to have all the rooms cleaned up. I am going to have the shopping done. I will have all the drinks and food prepared when the guests arrive. Finally I will have my fashion clothes put on!

Lynette, Venezuela I will have my office cleaned up. I'll have the walls painted and then decorated. Now 'furniture' have to be moved out in order to have free space to dance. The music will be played by DJ Marc. Food must be bringed in by assistants.

Julia, Russia I am going to have my office cleaned up. I'll have the walls decorated and fridge stuffed with snacks. We'll get food delivered to 5 p.m. and everything should be done in time. There are several dirty spots on the floor, so make sure to have them wiped.

1.5 The absolute participial construction

It is a construction in which the participle has the "subject" of its own. This "subject" is not the subject of the sentence.

  • The letter having been written, he went out to post it. Письмо было написано, и он пошел на почту отправить его.

  • The room being dark, I couldn't see him.

Так как в комнате было темно, я не видел его.

Though formally independent of the sentence the absolute construction is a logical adverbial modifier of time, cause, condition and is rendered in Russian by means of an adverbial clause (так как, хотя, когда, после того, как...).


Ex. 19. (А, В). Translate the sentences from English into Russian.

1. Many men preceded Newton in the field of mechanics, perhaps the most outstanding being Galileo. 2. Red phosphorus being a more stable form, its reactions are much less violent. 3. The fuel exhausted, the engine stopped. 4. Probably the first metals used by man were gold, silver, and copper, these metals being found in nature in the native or metallic state. 5. Electrons moving through a wire, electrical energy is generated. 6. Mars has two satellites, Deimos ("Horror") and Phobos ("Fear"), both discovered during the favourable opposition of 1877. 7. A magnet being broken in two, each piece becomes a magnet with its own pair of poles. 8. Many technical and scientific problems having been solved, the first space flight could be realized. 9. An electron leaving the surface, the metal becomes positively charged. 10. The plant supplied with good raw materials, the quality of products has been much improved.

Ex. 20. (A, B) Replace the clauses with the Absolute Participial Construction.

Model: As the book was translated into Russian, it could be read by everybody. The book being translated into Russian, it could be read by everybody.

1. As we were given dictionaries, we managed to translate the article easily. 2. As soon as I have done my homework, I shall go for a walk. 3. As soon as I have bought the book, I shall begin reading it. 4. As there was a severe storm at sea, the steamer couldn't leave the port. 5. As it was Sunday, the library was closed. 6. As the weather was fine, they went for a walk. 7. As the Professor was ill, the lecture was put off.

Ex. 21. Translate into English using partici­ple constructions.

1. Я видела, как вы проехали мимо нашего дома в сво­ей машине. 2. Я заметил, как она входила в кондитер­скую. 3. Она открыла окно и наблюдала, как ее дети игра­ли во дворе. 4. Он чувствовал, как мать гладила его руку. 5. Они видели, как ее мать ходила взад и вперед по комна­те. 6. Он чувствовал, как у него дрожали руки. 7. Учи­тельница наблюдала, как дети входили в школу. 8. Он нашел ее на платформе в ожидании поезда. 9. Она слыша­ла, как ее муж тяжело спускался по лестнице. 10. Когда Джек увидел, как Том пересекал улицу, он помахал ему рукой. 11. Видели, как такси ждало кого-то у подъезда. 12. Эти пожилые люди живут внизу, и иногда слышно, как они о чем-то разговаривают. 13. Слы­шали, как Джейн открывала дверь. 14. Она слышала, как назвали ее фамилию. 15. Я распо­ряжусь, чтобы вам принесли обед наверх. 16. Он привык, что за него все делали другие. 17. Я хочу, чтобы мои указания точно выполня­лись. 18. Если хотите, я позабочусь, чтобы доклад был приготовлен. 19. Когда стол был на­крыт, мама позвала гостей.