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Ex. 14. (В, С) Replace the Infinitive in brackets by the appropriate form of the Participle.

1. She stayed (to lock) in her room, (to refuse) to come downstairs. 2. He had a good practical knowledge of the language, (to work) as an interpreter for many years. 3. They went out as they had come, (to see) nobody and (to see) by no one on their way. 4. Except for the grand piano and the pianist (to sit) before it, the stage was empty. 5. He looked so beautiful and peaceful, (to sit) in that chair under the tree. 6. He looked at the scene (to shake) to the depth of his heart. 7. The boy came out of the water, all blue and (to shake) from head to foot. 8. (To arrive) at the airport where he was to change, he had to wait for three hours for the connec­tion. 9. (To arrive) in the town about twenty years before, he had succeeded thereafter beyond his wildest expectations. 10. (To support) by her elbow, Mary listened to their talk. 11. (To support) her by his arm, he helped her out of the carriage. 12. The girl was fascinated by the dark surface of the water (to reflect) the stars. 13. The young foliage of the trees, (to reflect) in the river, looked like lace. 14. I saw the figure of an old woman (to come) towards me. 15. My brother is a soldier just (to come) back home on leave. 16. He retired (to leave) the laboratory in the hands of a talented successor. 17. He retired (to turn) the laboratory into a big research centre. 18. (To finish) their meal, they went for a stroll in the park. 19. (To look) through the paper, he gave it to the secretary to be typed. 20. The room had a musty smell as though (not to live) in for quite a time. 21. My father hates being disturbed when (to engage) in some kind of work. 22. He always keeps a diary while (to travel).

Ex. 15. (В, С) Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Я еще не просмотрел всех журналов, присланных нам из Петербурга. 2. Я уже проверил все сочинения, написанные студентами моей группы. 3. Все студенты, принимающие участие в этой работе, должны придти в институт сегодня в 6 часов вечера. 4. Так как у него было достаточно времени (имея много времени), он пошел на вокзал пешком. 5. Переходя через мост, я встретил Дмитрия. 6. Вы должны быть очень внимательны, играя в шахматы. 7. Будучи очень усталым, я решил остаться дома. 8. Мы долго сидели в саду, разговаривая о нашей поездке на юг. 9. Он положил спящего ребенка на диван. 10. Они быстро шли, разговаривая о чем-то с большим интересом. 11. Я вчера прочел очень интересный рассказ, описывающий жизнь шахтеров. 12. Читая этот рассказ, я встретил несколько интересных выражений. 13. Будучи хорошим инженером, он смог выполнить эту работу в короткий срок. 14. Он сидел за столом, просматривая корреспонденцию, полученную накануне. 15. Ожидая трамвая, я увидел Анну. 16. Железная дорога, соединяющая эту деревню с городом, была построена в прошлом году.

1.4 Have something done

The construction is used to say that we arrange for someone else to do something for us. It means заказать, нанять, пригласить кого-либо сделать что-либо. The Past Participle (done/repaired/cleaned, etc.) comes after the object.

Have + object + past participle

I have my coat cleaned every month.

We had the roof repaired yesterday.

They are having the house painted at the moment.

How often do you have your car serviced? She has just had her car cleaned.

Sometimes the model is used to say that something (often something not nice) happened to someone.

He had all his money stolen. У него украли все его деньги.

George had his nose broken in a fight. Джорджу разбили нос в драке.


Ex. 16. (A, B) Complete the situation using to have smth done.

  1. Sue is at the hairdresser's at the moment. She...

  2. Ann's watch has been broken, she took it to a jeweler’s. Now it is working Ann...

  3. What are the workmen doing in your garden? Oh, I...

  4. Can I see the holiday photographs you took? I'm afraid not, I...

Ex. 17. (В, С) Translate into English using the pattern to have smth done.


Model: 1) Я делаю прическу в парикмахерской каждую пятницу. I have my hair done every Friday.

2) Здесь вам почистят пальто за одни сутки.

Here you can have your coat cleaned overnight.

1. Вам надо отгладить и почистить костюм. 2. Мне надо сфотографироваться. 3. Здесь можно отдать в чистку плащ? 4. Вам не починят кран до понедельника. 5. Где вам шьют? 6. Где вам шили это платье? 7. У него украли документы в прошлом году. 8. Ей выкрасили кухню в светло-зеленый цвет. 9. Она сшила себе новое пальто. 10. Мне нужно сделать прическу.