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4. Answer the following questions:

1) What can you say about the health and temper of the old man? 2)Whom did he call “old pineapple juice” and why? 3) What was the old man’s disease? 4) What progress did the old man make in art? 5)How did Ellsworth change after he took art? 6) Why was it easy for Old Ellsworth to wind everybody round his finger? 7) How did the story finish? 8) What are your impressions of the story? 9) What service do you think the artist performs for mankind?

5. Study the word combinations and phrases, find them in the text and retell the part of the text in which they were used.

to be in good (bad) shape

to exhibit (smth.) in a show

a lifetime dream

a promising student

to take up art (painting)

a mature artist

to become a laughing-stock

a box of water-colours

a tube of oils

to award a prize (a medal)

to execute a picture (a statue)

6. Translate the sentences using word combinations and phrases.

1) Его дела были в плачевном состоянии. 2. Он боялся, что станет посме­шищем города. 3. Он не многообещающий ученик, по-моему, он - зрелый художник, и мы должны показать его картины на выставке. 5. Где мой тюбик с красками? 6. Не делай из себя посмешище! 7. Статуя, которую со­здал Пигмалион, была так прекрасна, что он влюбился в нее. 9. Куинджи был уже зрелым художником, но не хотел де­монстрировать свои картины на выставках. 10. Констебл был на­гражден золотой медалью за картину «Воз сена» ("Hay wain").

7. Give Russian equivalents for the following English proverbs and sayings (or translate them into Russian). Make up a dialogue to illustrate one of the proverbs:

    1. When one loves his art no service seems too hard.

    2. The devil is not so black as he is painted.

    3. Art is long, life is short.

    4. That’s a horse of another colour.

    5. A thing of beauty is a joy forever.

    6. Art has no enemy except ignorance.

8. Match some important trends in the world art with their definition.


1. expressionism 2. pop art 3. cubism 4. impressionism 5. surrealism 6. baroque 7. realism 8. futurism.


a) a style, especially of figurative painting, developed in the US and current in forms and images derived from such commercial art genres as comic strips and advertising posters

b) a manner of painting, drawing, sculpting and a style of art developed in the 20th century, characterized by heavy, often black lines that define forms, sharply contrasting, often vivid colours and subjective or symbolic treatment of thematic material.

c) a style of painting and sculpture, developed in the early 20th century, characterized chiefly by an emphasis on the formal structure of a work of art, the reduction of natural forms to their geometrical equivalents.

d) a style of painting developed in the last third of the 19th century characterized chiefly by short brush strokes of bright col­ours. The term first used in 1874, was derived from the name of the picture by Monet entitled "Sunrise, Impression".

e) a style of art and literature developed principally in the 20th century, stressing the subconscious or non-rational significance of imagery arrived at by automatism or the exploitation of chance effects, unexpected juxtaposition.

f) the theory or practice in art and literature of fidelity to nature or to real life and to accurate representation without idealization of the most typical views, details and surroundings of the subject.

g) a style of fine arts developed originally by a group of Ital­ian artists about 1910 in which forms derived chiefly from Cubism were used to represent rapid movement and dynamic motion of mechanical process.

h) the style of art from about 1550 to late in the 18th cen­tury, characterized by the use of curved and contorted forms.

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