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6. Answer the following questions:

1. What is advertising? 2. In what ways do the advertising techniques range?

3. Why isn’t it easy to establish when the first advertisements appeared?

4. How old may the first advertisement be? 5. What was the title of the first newspaper that put in an advertisement? 6. What kinds of advertising can you name?

7. Translate the following sentences:

1. Реклама - коллективный термин для общественно-направленных объявлений, которые стремятся содействовать продаже товаров или услуг. 2. Реклама - это форма массовой продажи, которая появляется тогда, когда личностная форма торговли непрактична, невозможна или неэффективна. 3. Техника рекламы варьируется от простых прямых объявлений в отделе рекламы и объявлений в газете до комплексных видов рекламы с применением газет, журналов, ТВ, радио, почты и других средств массовой информации в ходе одной рекламной кампании. 4. Реклама делится на торговую, обращение нацелено на торговцев посредством торговых журналов и других средств массовой информации, и потребительскую, нацеленную на покупателя. 5. По охвату реклама может быть местной, общегосударственной или международной. 6. Расценки на эти три вида резко отличаются друг от друга, особенно в газетах, которые назначают разную цену за разные виды рекламы: развлекательной, юридической, политической, финансовой, религиозной и благотворительной.

8. Put the key sentences in order, divide into small groups and speak about some aspects of advertising:

  • types of advertising;

  • techniques to attract customers;

  • modern advertising;

  • the history of advertising;

  • the essence of advertising, advertising techniques.

9. Render the text.

10. Work with a partner.

Take it in turns to be a Student A and Student B. Student A, describe an advertisement you have seen at the cinema or on television. Do not say what the advertisement was for. Student B, listen to your partner describing the advertisement and try to guess what the ad is for. Ask questions if you need more information.

11. Discuss which advertisement you like most and which you like least. Explain why. Which advertisements do you think are the most effective at selling the product?

12. Project work. Role play.

Divide into 3 groups. Think of the product/service you would like to advertise. You are going to be the experts of the advertising agency, act out the meeting of the advertiser and the ad makers. Think of the ways to present the ad to the advertiser. (see Supplement 2)


Frank Bilson (the advertiser). The task is the usual one, through the advertising research the experts are to search for the potential consumers of the product/service of your company and then make the strategy of appealing to the feelings and emotions of the customers to make them buy your product or service. You apply to the professionals, who have different advertising techniques, tricks and so on to make people want some product. So you’re open to any suggestions.

Task: You should act as a boss, agree or disagree with the suggestions, come up with your proposals.

Group 1. Planning group. We've made necessary calculations and consider television to be the most appropriate advertising medium as it is the most popular source of information and advertising among the target audience. We think in our case the most efficient advertisement will be a directly addressed ad. As it addresses some certain sector of society, taking into account the values the people of this particular group appreciate and thus an advertisement, for sure, is to create attention, interest, desire and it is to lead to action.

Task: You should compare the costs for different types of advertising. Think of the ways to place the advertisement on TV. What will you do to create attention, interest, desire? How will you plan the budget?

Group 2. Strategy group. No doubt, we have various advertising methods, techniques at hand and I think they may range from the publishing of simple notes in newspapers to the use of newspapers, magazines, television, radio and other communications media in the course of a single advertising campaign.

Task: You should work out the advertising message and plan of this campaign. Think of the brand, creed, motto and ways to introduce the product/service to different media.

Group 3. Executive group. First of all, we suggest trying advance publicity. I think it's to your advantage to spend money on advertising in all the Mass Media, thus as many people as possible will not remain unaffected by your advertisement. The ad will be read, listened and watched.

Task: You should write the text of the advertisement for the newspaper, think of the plot of the ad for the television and write the speech for the radio report.

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