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КР англ №3

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Контрольная работа №3

1. Переведите текст

Business Trip Abroad

Vadim Petrov, Chief Engineer of a trade firm, travelled to London on busi­ness last week. On the day of departure he had arrived at Sheremetjevo airport an hour before the plane took off. He had his ticket registered, filled in a decla­ration form and joined the passengers in the waiting room.

When he heard the announcement, «Attention, please. While passengers for London join flight 34, at gate 3", the passengers had their personal luggage X-rayed and got on board the plane. The hostess gave Petrov an arrival card ( бланк прибытия) to fill in. He wrote in block letters (печатными буквами) his full name, home address and the purpose of his visit.

The sign " Stop smoking. Fasten seat belts" appeared and the plane took off. Although it flew at a high speed, the passengers on board the plane felt com­fortable. The plane landed at Heathrow airport in London on time.

2. Переведите на английский язык. 1) Сумка моего брата.

  1. Имя этого мальчика.

  2. Игрушки этих детей.

  3. Бумаги моего отца.

  4. Машины моих друзей.

  5. Ребенок твоей сестры.

  6. Дома наших родственников.

  7. Письмо ее мамы.

  8. Деньги его тети.

3. Укажите правильный ответ к каждому предложению:

  1. My wife and I ... very....

  2. Our friend Jack ... a....

3. Sheila, Jack, Robert and Frank ... very ... friends.

  1. When we ... together with him, he always tells ... about ... new ....

  2. She always ... us about her ... in Hollywood as a ... star.

  1. is, scientist

  2. are, close

  3. get us, his, experiments

  4. tells, life, movie

  5. are, lucky

5. Употребите глаголы, данные в скобках, в настоящем простом или настоящем продолженном времени

  1. The soup fine (to taste).

  2. George usually dinner at 3 o'clock (to have).

  3. My brother to music now (to listen).

  4. I always the piano in the evening (to play).

  5. Children to school five days a week (to go).

  6. Mike and Laura TV now (to watch).

  7. The teacher to her about her daughter now (to speak).

  8. I to see a new film (to want)

6. Поставьте предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную формы

  1. Не translates many texts at the office.

  2. The teacher always speaks English to us.

  3. You listen to the radio every day.

  4. I usually go home after classes.

  5. My son knows many English words.

  6. She always takes a shower in the morning.

7. Лексические упражнения

  1. Ответьте на вопросы

  2. How old are you?

  3. Are you married or single?

  4. Is your family large or small?

  5. Are you an only child?

  6. Have you a sister or a brother?

  7. What is your sister's name?

  8. What is your brother's name?

8. Составьте предложения, используя правильный порядок слов:

  1. Saturday, watch TV, and, they, on, sit, in, the living room, evening, to­gether.

  2. Important, to, the Taylor, weekend, is, family, every.

  3. Their, together, time, only, as, a family, it's.

  4. They, to, music, evening, listen, on, Sunday.

  5. Comedies, watch, and, films, they, adventure, cartoons.

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