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some facts cars.doc
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G. Test

  1. The other driver cut me off when

  1. he drove past me.

  2. he tried to get in line ahead of me.

  3. he drove behind me.

  1. The store jacked up the prices, so

  1. everything was more expensive.

  2. everything was less expensive.

  3. the customers would be happy.

  1. If you back the car up you

  1. go forward.

  2. stall.

  3. go backward.

  1. He started the car up after

  1. he stepped on the brake.

  2. he drove down the hill.

  3. he got in.

  1. If we don’t gas up now, we might

  1. be sick.

  1. b. have an accident.

c. not have enough gas to get there.

  1. Roger cut across the field because

  1. the grass was too tall.

  2. he was in a hurry.

  3. he didn’t like the field.

  1. The teacher let up on the students because

  1. the elevator was broken.

  2. class had just begun.

  3. they had worked hard and they were tired.

  1. I ran out of eggs, so

  1. they broke.

  2. I borrowed one from my neighbor.

  3. I walked slowly.

  1. As Grandmother pulled away,

  1. she fell.

  2. I pulled too.

  3. I waved good-bye.

10. I pulled up to the window because

  1. I wanted to ask a question.

  2. it was stuck.

I was hot

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