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4. Answer the following questions:

1. What time do you usually wake up?

2. Do you wake up yourself or with the help of your alarm-clock?

3. Do you do your daily dozen in the morning?

4. Speak about other things you do in the morning (First I …, then I … and…).

5. Do you always have breakfast in the morning?

6. Do you prepare your breakfast yourself?

7. Do you live far from your university?

8. How do you usually get to your university?

9. How many lessons a day do you usually have?

10. Do you go in for some sport? How many times a week do you train? Do you have a coach or do you train yourself? Do you get tired after your trainings? Is it difficult for you to combine trainings and study?

11. What do you do when you have free time?

12. What time do you go to bed?

5. Are you an early bird or a night owl?

Do the questionnaire to find it out!

1. When I get up in the morning …

a) I am always happy and I have a lot of energy.

b) I am sometimes happy and sometimes I am not.

c) I am never happy and I don’t have energy.

2. At the weekend …

a) I always wake up before 9 a.m.

b) I sometimes wake up before 9 a.m. and sometimes sleep till noon.

c) I hardly ever wake up before 9 a.m.

3. When there’s a good film on TV late at night…

a) I often watch the beginning but I never see the end.

b) I may record it and go to bed or may watch it.

c) I always watch it to the end.

4. When I go to the party …

a) I never stay to the end.

b) I sometimes stay to the end and sometimes I don’t.

c) I always stay to the end.

5. When I see friends at the weekend …

a) I hardly ever see them before 9 p.m.

b) I sometimes have coffee with them in the morning.

c) I usually see them in the afternoon.

6. When a friend phones me before 8 a.m. …

a) I am always happy to talk to him/her.

b) I am sometimes happy to talk to him/her.

c) I never answer the phone at such time.

If you have the majority of “a” answers it means that you are a typical early bird.

The majority of “b” answers shows that you are neither an early bird, nor a night owl. Your regimen is not stable and you should change it to avoid problems with your health. And the majority of “c” answers means that you are a night owl.

Do you agree with the conclusion? Do you think it is possible to become a night owl if you are an early bird and visa versa? Do you want to change your regimen?

6. Read the following situations then choose one of them and role-play it:

1) You are a night owl. Yesterday you went to bed at 2 o’clock. And today, in the early Sunday morning your friend is phoning you to invite you for a run. Refuse your friend but be tactful with him/her.

2) You are an early bird. You are at a birthday party of your best friend. He/She wants you to stay for the whole night but you know that if you stay you will feel bad tomorrow. Refuse your friend but don’t hurt him/her.

7. Compose an essay on the topic “My working day” and be ready to retell it. Topic: My favourite sportsman

1. Look through the list of vocabulary notes and try to match them with the words and phrases given in Russian.

a) Sportswoman, gymnast, sport career, under supervision, sport-lover, training, gymnastics, championship, to make a deep impression, to take up sport/to go in for sport, support, lifestyle, calisthenics, flexible, train hard, merited, coach, to gain a victory/to win, combined team, tournament, multi-discipline event, hoop, skipping-rope, mace, fan, perform, regimen, disqualify, competition, to take part in/to participate in, under the strictest control, performance, elegance, grace.

b) Турнир, грациозность, тренер, любитель спорта, выступление, режим, гимнаст, тренировка, дисквалифицировать, гимнастика, изящество, под руководством, принимать участие в …, спортсменка, художественная гимнастика, чемпионат, сборная команда, гибкий, выступать, скакалка, под строжайшим контролем, спортивная карьера, фанат, заниматься спортом, поддержать, обруч, заслуженный, произвести сильное впечатление, образ жизни, многоборье, булава, завоевать победу/выиграть, усиленно тренироваться, соревнование.