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Reality shows

Despite the ____________________ by many critics that reality SUGGEST

TV would be a very short-lived phenomenon, it is still increasing in

_______________________. Several reality shows are POPULAR

_______________________watched by millions of viewers each CURRENT

night, and it’s clearly a form of _____________________ that’s ENTERTAIN

here to stay. Indeed, a number of people have become __________ FAME

because of their ______________________in reality TV shows, and INVOLVE

have gone on to have successful careers as ___________________, SING

_____________________or TV presenters. We can watch with ACT

____________________ each night the ‘goings-on’ in the house EXCITE

(or bar or school of arts). The ________________________between CONVERSE

the contestants are interesting, so we don’t get ________________, BORE

and there are frequently ___________________conflicts, which VARY

provide further ________________________. If the contestants have AMUSE

to give some kind of ______________________ at the end of the PERFORM

week, that’s even more appealing. But there’s a _________________ SAY

in the TV industry: “it’s all in the editing”, and this is especially true

of reality shows.

A snooker player speaks

When I first started playing snooker, I had no real _________________ KNOW

Of the rules. I just thought it looked an _____________________game. ENJOY

Also, I didn’t need to buy any expensive ______________________because EQUIP

the snooker hall near my house had tables and cues. I spent there

____________________ all the free time I had and then decided to enter PRACTICE

an competition. It was great fun! My _______________________was OPPOSE

someone who had been playing for years. Of course he beat me, but the

fact that I’d lost didn’t put me off at all. ______________________, FORTUNE

my game improved enough for me to become a professional player.


Complete each sentence with the correct form of the word given. Mind negative forms.

Creating your own dishes

Good cooking is always a strange ______________________of science MIX

and art, and you certainly have to be ____________________creative FAIR

if you want to come up with your own recipes. All cooking also demands

a fair amount of ____________________, and this is doubly true when PREPARE

you are producing ______________________dishes. You also have to

be thick-skinned. I’ve had people tell me my latest dish is disgusting and

______________________inedible! Sometimes, they were right! But THOROUGH

don’t get upset. Just smile _____________________and thank them SWEET

for their valuable opinion. And never forget that when you are waiting

______________________to hear whether or not your ‘masterpiece’ ANXIOUS

is a success and they suddenly show their ____________________, APPRECIATE

you’ll realize it was worth it. My tips: home-grown vegetables are

always the tastiest. Every good cook needs a top-quality ____________. MIX

It’s an essential piece of kitchen equipment, not a luxury. Make sure you’ve

got lots of good-quality food storage ____________________. And, CONTAIN

finally, remember that designing a new dish is not about ______________. SAFE

It’s about taking risks, and learning from your mistakes.

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