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Rheo3000 Manual(Help)


Program License



Begin using Rheo3000




Installation & Setup

A Quick Test


Tips on the Help System

Tips on Operating

Help on the Application

Start Window

Application Window

Activation Window

Option Window

Device Check Window

Diagram & Table Configuration



Performance Data Display Window

Program Editor


Extra Configurations

Program Execution

Performance Data Analysis Window

Data Imand Export

Device Administration

User Administration

Action Log

Measurement and Analysis Blocks

Temperature Regulation

Rotation - Constant

Rotation - Ramp

Rotation - Steps

ExportStorage Block

Basic Analysis Block


Event Block

Lift Control Block

Soft Solid Blocks

Maintenance Block

Performance Data Display



Rheo3000 Help System

In this offline help you will find all the information you need to use the software and the different measuring instruments.

Possibilities of PC-controlled measurement versus manual measurement:

graphic display of performance data

automatic analysis of performance data

user-defined log printout

definition of termination criteria

completing logarithmic measurement readings

long time data holding on an database

possible user management


Rheo3000 1.0 (2007)


For further questions please contact your vendor and let them know if, despite our due diligence you have found fault with our product.


When contacting us for questions or suggestions to our software please state the following information:



Version number

Series/Serial number

Possible measuring device and system

Software License

between the software producer and the Buyer(User).

By utilizing this software you agree to this licensing agreement.

Please note that this license agreement refers only to the Rheo3000 software. Other software such as Microsoft Word, MSDE or Acrobat Distiller are subject to the license agreements of the respective manufacturer.

There is no right to support for the installation and use of the software. However, the author or the sales agents offer extensive product support via e-mail and / or telephone. It can not be guaranteed that the support inquiry is answered in the amount of time required or that the underlying problem can be solved.

Manipulating, decompiling and disassembling the software and accompanying files will result in the author filing suit claiming compensation for damages.

The Law of the Federal Republic of Germany is valid.

If one of the agreements should become ineffective, then the effectiveness of the remaining agreements remain intact. The ineffective agreement will be replaced by effective agreements that come closest in terms of intent to the ineffective agreements to the benefit of the author.

Related topics:

Copyright Law


Copyright Law

The copyright and related rights lies at the developing and producing enterprise.

The customer is not permitted to copy or forward to third parties the programs, documentation in whole or in part. Copies of the software may only be made for data backup and archiving purposes. The customer agrees to treat the programs and all copies in confidence and not to make such information accessible to third parties.


The place of jurisdiction and place of fulfillment is Dresden(Germany) for all disputes originating from regulating the license or other disputes resulting in connection with this product.


The following hardware requirements are necessary to run the software stable.

Minimum requirements:

free main storage (RAM): 128 MB

free hard disk storage 200 MB

IBM compatible computer including a 300 MHz processor

CD-Rom drive

VGA graphic adapter with 800 x 600 resolution

Microsoft®-Mouse or PS/2®-Mouse(with at least 2 buttons)

minimum one serial interface (RS232) or (USB + RS232 Adapter) for a measuring device or two for an additional thermostat

Recommended requirements:

(minimum requirements with the following replacements)

free main storage (RAM): 512 MB

free hard disk storage: 2 GB

IBM compatible computer with a 1.5 GHz processor

Related topics:

Software Requirements

Software Requirements

Supported operating systems:

Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista

Windows XP Internet Explorer(IE) 5.01 or higher(IE 6 SP1 download)

"Windows Installer 3.0", "MDAC 2.8" or higher and the "MS .NET 2.0 Runtime" are automatically installed with this application, if not found.

You may obtain further information (installation requirements) on the .NET 2.0 and other Microsoft products on the Microsoft Homepage.

Related topics:

Hardware Requirements


Before installation you should close All other programs and, if necessary you should deactivate your firewall and in rare cases your antivirus software.

Installation should be completed using only one user account with administrative rights. For the implementation period read and write access rights must exist on the installation path and access to registry must be granted. Read access right are sufficient for importing a license.

The application is usually delivered on an auto-start CD. This means that setup will usually start immediately after inserting the CD. If this should not happen run setup from “Rheo3000setup.exe”. You are then guided through the installation process.

Installation on Vista:

Warnings(2-3) during installation on Windows Vista can be ignored. During our tests we did not have any problems with it.

Warning “Unknown Publisher…” : our certificate is not approved by an certification authority(CA) yet.

Warning “MSDE Microsoft SQL Server Desktop Engine has known compatibility problems” No problem occurred during our tests. (SQL Server 2005 Express recommended)

Installation Components:

(Times are only approximate values – measured on a 2.7 GHz 1GB RAM PC)

[15min] .NET Framework 2.0 (if not available)

[ 3min] .NET Framework 2.0 Language pack

(if not available and system language is not English)

[ 3min] MS MDAC 2.8 (if not available)

[ 2min] MS Unicode Support (if not available)

[ 5min] Rheo3000 Application

[30min] database operating system + database

MSDE (Microsoft SQL Server Desktop Engine) or SQL Server 2005 Express (if an existing server is not used)


1.First the required applications are installed, if not installed already.

2.Immediately following the main application (Rheo3000) is installed.

3.If no existing server is chosen as DB then the DB (incl. DB operating system) is installed.

Installation of an newer version

If the version differs in major or minor version number the new version can be installed parallel without changes on existing application.

v1.2.345.67 ... 1 major version number / 2 minor version number

If there are no such differences the previous version have to be uninstalled. The database can keep alive and reused with the new version(select existing during setup).

Updates & Patches

In most cases an executable(.exe) or this zipped. Changes are for defined versions only(like 1.0.x for all 1.0 versions). This possible version are shown first after start. You can find current version on start window or on "About" window(Menu/Help/About)


Close all running Rheo3000 applications.

Run executable on local PC(where Rheo3000 is installed).

Accept message box with info about possible versions.

Check installation folder. Is set automatic to application directory, normally you don’t need to change it.

Now files are copied, existing can be overwritten.

possibly additional steps, follow GUI instructions

Restart Rheo3000 application

Known Problems and Solutions

1.Installation of database(MSDE) hang up(occurs seldom)


-open Windows Task-Manager(shortcut Ctrl-Shift-Esc)

-select processes tab

-kill process “setupre.exe” (“End Process” button)

-installation will continue normally

Quick Test

After you have successfully installed the application you are now looking at the empty

Main Window.

Tip: Maximize the Main Window for a better overview.

1.With a new program open the Program Editor. To open - in the menu via “File -> New -> Measurement Program” or in the toolbar with the farthest left symbol (white sheet).

2.Now pull the test block – in our example the “constant Rotations Block” – into the left surface of the program editor.

3.Via a double mouse click or a right click on properties we open the configuration dialog

4.We leave the settings at CSR (shear rate test) and enter under time 80s, choosing as parameter the revolution speed and enter the value 30 U/min. Finally we set 20 as the number of measuring points and close the dialog box by clicking on “OK”.

5.Now we choose our measuring device and measuring system on the right in the Editor.

6.Save the program via the disk symbol in the toolbar or via the menu “File -> Store”.

7.Close the device and prepare for taking the measurement.

8.In the Editor on the bottom right click on “Start Program” which will then open the Execution Window (AF). The search for all connected and broad devices will begin automatically. Please wait until the search is completed.

9.Now choose your measuring device and system in (AF) if it does not happen automatically.

10.Now press the “start” button located in the middle. Shortly thereafter the Performance Data Display Window will open. All the measuring points will flow into this window one by one.

11.Once the test is complete the “start” button may be selected again.

(AF) ... Measuring program execution window

Summary Rheo3000

The application consists of one main window in which the sub-windows for the different tasks is integrated.

In order to conduct a test it must be defined in form of a program. In this program all parameters, descriptions and settings may be configured.

A program in turn consists of one or several blocks whereby each Block contains the configuration for one section or a partial task. The blocks are arranged from “start” to “finish” in the order of the subsequent processing.

In addition to the configuration dialogs, the Program Editor, the Execution Window and the Analysis Window are the most important components of the Rheo3000 application.

Standard process:

1.Define new test program or load an existing one

2.Start test

3.Display and analyze performance data