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If you follow my advice you won‟t hesitate to …

I'm going to concentrate on ... First ... then … and finally …

The most important features of my proposals are …

To sum up then ...

Without any doubt, the best thing to do is …

In conclusion I‟ll summarize the results of the survey.

“Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?” (Alice) “ That depends a good deal on where you want to get to”. (The Cat)



1.Nick Brieger, Jeremy Comfort. Early Business Contacts. – Prentice Hall International (UK) Ltd., 1989. – 146 p.

2.Herbert Andrew. A Question Guide to GCSE Commerce. – London. Cassel Publishers Limited, 4989. – 108 p.

3.Mosaic: Werner P.K. A Content-Based Grammar. – New York. McGraw publ., co., 1990.

4.Mosaic: B. Wegmann, M.P. Knezevik. A Reading Skills Book. – New York. McGraw publ. со., 1990.

5.David A. Statt. The Concise Dictionary of Management. – London and New York, 1991.

6.Business Studies; Учеб. Пособие. – М., 1993.

7.Маткина Л.И. Маркетинг и комплекс маркетинга. – М., 1992.

8.Сальников Л.В. Английский язык для менеджеров. – М., 1992.






Методические указания для студентов-заочников


1-2-го курсов экономических специальностей

Ошибка! Закладка не



Unit I


Unit II


Unit III


Unit IV


Unit V


Unit VI


Unit VII




Unit IX





EРMOJIAEBA Лидия Дмитриевна МИНЦ Елена Федоровна

ЭКОНОМИКА И БИЗНЕС Учебное пособие по английскому языку

Редактор Е.П. Викулова Корректоры: Р.А. Семина, О.Л. Романова

ЛР № 020275 от 13.11.91. Подписано в печать Формат 60х84/16. Бумага для множит. техники. Гарнитура Таймс

Печать офсетная. Усл. печ. л. 4,86. Уч.-изд. л. 10,69. Тираж 800 экз. Заказ

Владимирский государственный университет. Подразделение оперативной полиграфии Владимирского государственного университета.

Адрес университета и подразделение оперативной полиграфии: 600000, Владимир, ул. Горького, 87.


Rating 1

Translate the following text in a written form

Business opportunities in Vietnam

Business opportunities in Vietnam are enormous. The rate of growth here is among the highest in the world. It reaches all sectors of economy and is likely to accelerate in future.

Vietnam is well-placed for economic development, because it is part of ASEAN. It means that it can reach customers not only in Indo-China but in the other ASEAN nations.

It is fortunate, too, to be surrounded by countries with large populations, e.g. China, Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar and Thailand. All of these offer large markets for any product produced in Viatnam.

The opportunities for business abound, but remember that the first are always rewarded with the best chances of getting quality business contacts. Remember, too, that business is best done through human contact, not by machines.

So, the best thing to do to start with is to select contacts with companies similar to your own, and companies which you consider could be interested in your line of products or services. The next thing to do is to write a letter (no fax, e-mail or phone calls)

In the letter, present yourself and the products you deal with in a clear and I simple manner. The first impression may be the last impression so you must be very precise and very specific.


Rating 2

Translate the following text in a written form

The master strategist

Michael Porter wrote several popular books on business strategy. He views strategy from the standpoint of economics, and his ideas on how strategy should be implemented are based on an understanding of competition and other economic forces.

His famous book „five forces‟ model shows the constraining impact that competition and environment have on strategy. The five forces identified by Prof. Porter are:

a)the threat of new entrants and the appearance of new competitors;

b)the degree of rivalry among existing competitors in the market;

c)the bargaining power of buyers;

d)the bargaining power of suppliers;

e)the threat of substitute products or services that could shrink the market. Taken together these forces determine long-term profitability. They help to

shape the prices companies can charge, the costs they must pay for resources and the level of investment that will be needed to compete.

From the external environment he turns to the company itself. Companies can also add value to the basic product in a variety of ways. Value can be added directly, for example by giving a product new technology features, or indirectly, through measures that allow the company to become more efficient. At every stage along the path that the product follows through the company, there are opportunities to add value. This path he calls the ‘value chain’

The value chain demonstrates that all activities of the company are connected, and what is done at one stage affects work at other stages. The company needs to examine its value chain and decide where it can add value most effectively to meet competitive pressures in the industry.


Rating 3

Translate the following text in a written form

Starting your own company

What makes managers give up their high salary, company car and pension, and risk everything in order to set up on their own? A recent UK survey of self-employed entrepreneurs has come up with a number of reasons.

1.Although money is a great motivator, it is only part of the answer. Probably the most important part of the answer has to do with being in charge. In the US, people who want to make a million don't care whether they own 5% or 10% of the company, but in the UK, entrepreneurs want 100% ownership: they want to control their company and to make all the decisions themselves.

2.Most large companies do not know how to make the best use of clever people.

Employees who criticise the old ways of doing things and want to try out new ideas are disliked both by their colleagues and by their bosses. All of this causes frustration, which can quickly lead to boredom. At this point, they want to find a way out.

3.They need to get away from a job that is no longer attractive. So they decide to set up on their own. But they need something else, too: the challenge of taking risks. They also want to prove that they can make it without big company support.

4.As well as motivation, most successful entrepreneurs have a number of personal


in common.

The first is self-confidence, the feeling of

certainty that

you have got

the skills,

knowledge and energy to build up your

own business.

There is also stubbornness, the determination to prove to the boss who rejected your ideas that they were good ideas which can be made to work.


Test papers for the 4th term for the following majors: management, economics, municipal management, personnel management.

Test-Paper on the Infinitive Variant I

I.Translate the following sentences paying attention to the forms and functions of the infinitive.

1.This bank was the first to reduce the interest rate to combat inflation.

2.He pretended to be working on the balance sheet.

3.We would like to be invited to the president‟s reception but we weren‟t.

4.I don‟t recall to have issued this policy.

5.We have discussed the terms to be included in the letter of credit to be opened by the buyer in favor of seller.

6.The employees were happy to have been given the Christmas bonus.

7.The partner was pleased to have been given the concession in the deal.

8.The contract was too important not to be fulfilled in time.

II. Translate the following sentences, identify objective or subjective infinitive constructions and underline them.

1.He doesn‟t seem to have been discouraged by his failure in negotiations.

2.The chief asked the tax return to be filled in without delay.

3.The opening of the trade fair is understood to have been fixed for the 15th of December.

4.The price of shares of this company is stated to have risen by 11.6 per cent.

5.They seem to have been waiting for the manager for a long time.

6.He is a good computer expert. He is believed to meet all requirements to be employed by this company.

7.The marketer considers this advertisement to have attracted the attention of customers and allowed to increase the sales.

8.The employees seem to be excited by the forthcoming performance ap praisal procedure.

9.The other party wants the terms of contract to be reconsidered.


Test-Paper on the Infinitive Variant II

I. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the forms and functions of the infinitive.

1.I expect to be promoted to the higher position.

2.Tom made a bad mistake in the report, but his boss did not fire him. He is

Lucky to have been given a second chance.

3.The plan of recruitment of new employees will be discussed at the meeting to be held next week.

4.The buyers agreed to accept the goods at a price to be fixed by arbitration.

5.They are happy to have been working for many years with the famous econ omist.

5.Statements will give a detailed account of all money and cheques to be paid into the account.

7.The bank clerk was greatly sorry to have been dismissed.

8.The businessman was happy to have obtained the loan from the bank.

II. Translate the following sentences, identify objective or subjective infinitive constructions and underline them.

1.I heard him to have been hired by the insurance company.

2.The chief asked the statement to be made immediately.

3.The value added tax is supposed to be increased by 5%.

4.I consider our performance appraisal system not to be perfect.

5.Dan appears to have lost his job. Has he been a poor employee?

6.When I watch my colleague work on a computer, I admire him.

7.The price for these shares seems to be steadily increasing.

8.New employees are supposed to have gone through the orientation procedure.

9.We consider them to have the right to claim a discount of 15%.


Test-Paper on the gerund

Variant 1

I.Translate the sentences paying attention to the forms and functions of gerund.

1.After being approved by the president the plan was returned to the finance department.

2.There is no possibility of our lengthening credit terms.

3.Some people don‟t like being asked their opinions.

4.They raised the interest rate without evaluating the risk.

5.I am still angry at his having broken an agreement.

6.He was accused of not having followed the instructions.

7.The problem of reducing price for our product is not worth discussing.

8.The clients were informed about their bank having been taken over by a bigger one.

9.Don‟t you mind our having changed the conditions of the contract?

II.Choose the proper form of the gerund.


The finance department doesn‟t object to credit conditions ……. .

a) having been relaxed, b) being relaxed, c) relaxing


He apologized to the managing director for not ……. Present at the meeting.

a) being,

b) having been,

c) being been


There is no hope of interest rate ……. to combat inflation.

a) having been raised,

b) raising,

c) being raised


The customer complained of …… poorly.

a) serving,

b) being served,

c) having been served


I am surprised at your not …….. to give you statement on your account.

a) having required,

b) having been required, c)requiring


The bank succeeded in …….. more customers.

a) having attracted,

b) attracting,

c) being attracted


I don‟t remember ……. to the Treasurer of this company.

a) introducing,

b) being introduced,

c) having been introduced


The building society insists on regular payments ……every month.

a) being made,

b) having made,

c) having been made


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