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88. Read the following information about Americans and choose two persons you would like to get acquainted with. Share reasons for you choice with the class and write an e-mail.

Sara Beach,

BA in Russian, Williams College; spent a semester in St. Pete


Howdy! I’m Sara. I’m from Annapolis, Maryland. I’m graduating from Williams College in Massachusetts, where I study Russian and enjoy small town rural life. I love theater, music, reading, sports, and campfires. A perfect day in Russia for me would include coffee and blini after the banya, playing frisbee, shashliki at the dacha, and strolling around the city at night.

Robert (Bob) Gally,

Cornell College, BA in Russian & Philosophy; spent a semester in Krasnodar, Russia


Hey, I'm Bob Gally. Before going to college in Iowa, I called the suburbs of Portland, Oregon my home. After a wonderful semester abroad in Krasnodar last fall, I've done everything I could to get back to Russia. I have tons of hobbies some of which are computers, chess, history, ultimate disc, board games, and fish (I've got 30 fish in 30 gallons (2 large tanks)in my dorm room!).

Nicole Green,

US Air Force Academy, BS in Political Science; Norwich University, MA in Diplomacy; completing tour of duty as an executive officer


I'm Nicole Green and I grew up in Atlanta, Georgia. My ethnic background is half Russian but I don't know the language so now I am trying to learn. I love to travel also and went to Moscow once many years ago. I enjoy reading, speaking, camping and hiking, cultural events, running, live music and dancing. I like to go to coffee shops with good friends and talk about what's happening in the world. I enjoy trying new things and can't wait to lean more about Russia.

Aaron Hale-Dorrell

Indiana University, BA in History and Russian Language and Literature ahaledor@indiana.edu

Hello! My name is Aaron Hale-Dorrell. I was raised in a tiny town close to Bloomington, called Loogootee. (It’s pronounced “LUH-go-tee” — I have no clue why.) I enjoy traveling and spent a semester abroad in Petersburg in the fall of 2004. I speak Russian (but I am a bit rusty), learned French in high school (infinitely rustier than Russian), and currently Czech (not yet well enough to be rusty.) I love to read, especially literature (Russian or otherwise) and books on the history of just about anything. I love movies, music of almost any description, watching sports, running, playing basketball, being outdoors, and hanging out with friends. I’m looking forward to meeting and working with everyone.

Amanda Ross

Cornell College, BA in Russian; spent a semester in Krasnodar


My name's Amanda Ross and I'm originally from the suburbs of Chicago. I studied abroad in Krasnodar last fall and I've been missing Russia ever since. I enjoy travelling, literature, intelligent conversation, good tea and cheap wine, but I can't stand long walks on the beach. I love learning about history, languages, and people. I'm looking forward to meeting everyone.

Eric Leikin

University of Wisconsin-Madison, BA in International Studies and Russian Language & Civilization; spent academic year in St. Pete


I'm Eric Leikin. I grew up in Hartford, CT and am graduating in a couple weeks from UW-Madison. I started studying Russian my freshman year of college, mostly because of my interest in Russian history and Anna Kournikova. Last year I studied abroad in Petersburg, and had such a great time I decided then that I definitely wanted to go back to Russia after I graduated. I love sports, (especially basketball), traveling, Dostoevski and the devyatka. Look forward to being in Vladimir next year and meeting all of you.

Molly Murchison,

University of Colorado, BA in International Affairs with an emphasis on Russian Studies; high school exchange student in France


Hi, my name’s Molly Murchison. I have never been to Russia, and can’t wait to find out what it’s like since I’ve been studying Russian in school. For most of my life I have lived near the mountains in Colorado, and I love to hike, mountain bike, and skate. Like most of you probably are, I’m a huge linguaphile; I speak French and am learning some Spanish and Chinese for fun. I also like swing dancing, reading, playing Set, and of course traveling. I look forward to meeting all of you!

Joanna Greenlee

Gordon College, Double major in Biblical and Theological Studies and English.


I'm Joanna Greenlee and I grew up in St. Paul, Minnesota. During college I studied abroad in Nizhni Novgorod for a semester. I graduated from Gordon College last spring and came to teach here at the American Home in August. I decided that I really like teaching and living in Russia, so I'm coming back for another year. I love playing football, skiing, reading, watching movies, playing Scrabble, going on walks, and eating blini. I'm also a big fan of the Russian banya. See you all!