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From the History of Water Supply

1.Good water for drinking purposes has doubtless been appreciated by the human race from time immemorial. Among primitive peoples the question of water supply was never of pressing importance, except arid and semi-arid regions. In these latter countries provision for securing and storing a supply of water was usually necessary. Consequently, springs were sought for, wells were dug and cisterns constructed in order that a supply of water might all the time be available. Wells were common in ancient Egypt, Greece, Assyria, Persia and India, and from the sanitary point of view they probably furnished a safer drinking water than could be obtained from the surface waters in the rivers and lakes.

2.As population became denser and people began to congregate in cities, the need for larger volumes became urgent. Works for collection, storage and conveyance of water were built for supplying many of the ancient cities. Probably no ancient city was provided with more elaborate system of public water supply than Rome. Water the Romans used for public baths and for watering streets was the least clear and most loaded with sand; the clearer water served tanks, fountains and washing troughs while the best was used for drinking purposes.

3.Long after man had found ways and means to organize water supplies, find them where they were hidden and lead them to where he wanted them, streams and pools in natural state have served as communal water supplies, even in more or less civilized Europe.

4. Until 1183 A.D. Paris obtained its entire supply of water from the river Seine. As late as 1550, Paris used only 1 qt. of water per capita per day. With such small amounts of water being used one can easily imagine what the sanitary conditions must have been.

Пояснения к тексту

1.from time immemorial – с незапамятных времен

2.latter – последний (из упомянутых)

3.as late as – уже


4.per capita – на душу населения, на человека

5.per day – в день

6.1 qt. – 1 кварта (чуть больше одного литра)

7. Перепишите следующие утверждения. Определите, какие из них соответствуют тексту, а какие нет. Напротив правильных предложений напишите “True” (Верно).

1.In 1550 Paris used very small amounts of water.

2.After finding ways and means to organize water supplies people didn’t use streams and pools as communal water supplies.

3. The Romans used very clear water for public baths.

Контрольное задание № 4

Грамматика: 1.Сложные формы инфинитива. 2.Объектный инфинитивный оборот. Субъектный инфинитивный оборот. 3. Причастия 1, II (сложные формы). Независимый причастный оборот. 4.Герундий и герундиальный оборот.

Вариант 1

1.Перепишите и письменно переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на сложные формы инфинитива.

1.The metal to be poured into a mold for casting may contract or expand on solidifying. 2.This question is too difficult to be answered at once. 3. The weather appears to be improving.

2.Перепишите и письменно переведите предложения, содержащие объектный и субъектный инфинитивные обороты.

1.Everybody knows him to be working on a new book. 2.He is known to be working on a new book. 3. The engineer expected the work to be done in time.

4. The work was reported to have been done in time.

3.Перепишите и письменно переведите предложения, содержащие зависимый и независимый причастные обороты.

1.All the towers served as places of imprisonment, each of them keeping some dark and tragic secret. 2. Having widened the main streets the builders helped to solve the heavy traffic problem in the city. 3. Water is necessary for the existence of man, animals and plants, every living thing containing large amounts of water.


4.Перепишите и письменно переведите предложения, содержащие герундий и герундиальный оборот.

1.She is against being sent to this faraway place. 2.Is there any possibility of their finding a suitable building material so soon?

5.Прочитайте и устно переведите весь текст. Письменно переведите 1,2 абзацы.