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Англ.Куклина А.И. Киреева Л.В. Английский язык.doc
1.19 Mб

19. Задайте вопросы к выделенным словам:

1. John lives in London.

2. My brothers work at a big office.

3. I get up late on Sundays.

4. My mother gets up early on week-days.

5. We usually go to bed at 11 o’clock.

6. His sister doesn’t go to bed early.

7. Nina cooks breakfast for her family in the morning.

8. Her brothers don’t cook breakfast for her.

9. It often rains in London in summer.

10. Our lesson begins at nine.

11. My bed stands near the table.

12. Her sisters speak three languages.

20. Вставьте подходящие слова:

1. Who … in this house?

2. Where does your … live now?

3. What kind of books does … like to read?

4. Whose … lies under the bed?

5. Why … all my books lie there?

6. Which of you … this poem by heart?

7. In which month … summer begin?

8. When … summer holidays end?

9. How long … you usually do your homework?

10. How long … it take you to get to the University?

11. At what time … your mother get up in the morning?

12. How well … his parents speak French?

13. In what town of England … your friend live?

14. How much milk … your cats drink?

15. How many French words … this student know?

21. Переведите:

1. Где живёт твоя сестра?

2. Где работают твои родители?

3. В какое время ты встаёшь утром?

4. В какое время встаёт твоя мама?

5. Кто встаёт рано в твоей семье?

6. Сколько девочек учится в твоей группе?

7. Сколько воды в этом стакане?

8. Сколько мяса ест твоя собака?

9. Какие книги любит твой брат?

10. Какой язык ты учишь в школе?

11. Как часто вы ходите в кино?

12. Как часто твой брат звонит тебе?

13. Кто часто ходит в кино?

14. Когда твои родители обычно приходят домой?

22. Задайте общие и специальные вопросы:

1. We don’t like ice-cream.

2. He doesn’t like chocolate.

3. His sisters aren’t students.

4. Her brother isn’t very tall.

5. My mother doesn’t know German.

6. These students don’t work hard.

7. Her father isn’t at home in the daytime.

8. My brothers are never at home on Sundays.

9. He hasn’t any brothers or sisters.

10. We don’t have classes at the week-end.

11. This student doesn’t read any books in English.

12. There isn’t any milk in the jar.

13. There aren’t any students in the classroom.

14. Your parents don’t work at the week-end.

23. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. Where do you study?

2. Do you like your study?

3. What do you do during English classes?

4. Do you sometimes listen to the tapes in class?

5. Do you speak Russian or English during your English classes?

6. Do you want to master English?

7. What do you do after classes?

8. Do you often go to the library after classes?

9. How long does the academic year last?

10. How long does the autumn term last?

11. When do students usually take exams?

12. What do you do when you have some free time?

13. Do you often have free time on weekdays?

14. What do your parents say if you come home late?

24. Прочитайте шутки и перескажите их:

A. The teacher (to ask) his pupil at the lesson, “What shape (to have) the Earth: (to be) it round or flat?” The pupil (to answer), “It (to be) round, sir”. “How you (to know)?”, the teacher (to ask). “Then it (to be) not round. I not (to want) to argue with you, sir”.

B. A small boy (to come) to the shop and (to say), “Mother (to want) the same butter as yesterday, please. She (to say) if it (to be) not the same, she not (to need) it”. The shop-keeper (to ask),”She (to like) my butter so much? I (to be) very glad to hear that”. “No, sir”, the boy (to reply), “it (to be) not that! Father’s aunt is coming to us tonight, and Mother not (to want) her to come again”.

C. In the bus, a man (to ask) the woman who (to sit) near him, “You (to have) many children?” “Well, there (to be) one boy in my family”, the woman (to answer). “He (to smoke)?”, the man (to ask) again. “No, he not (to smoke)”, she (to reply) with a smile. “That (to be) fine, you (to be) a happy mother. He (to come) home late at night?” “Oh, no, he not (to come) late”, she (to say) smiling. “Well, I (to be) sure you (to be) proud of such a good son”, the man (to exclaim) and (to ask) again, “How old (to be) your boy now?” “Well”, the woman (to laugh) in reply, “he (to be) now six months old”.

D. A professor of physics (to ask) one of his students, “What you (to do) after the lectures?” The student (to answer), “I (to go) to the library to read”. “And how you (to spend) your evenings?”, the teacher (to inquire) again. “In the evenings I (to make) experiments in the laboratory”. “Well, it (to be) nice to hear that my student (to work) so much”, the professor (to reply),”but when you (to think)?”